Alumni Council Seats 10 Unelected Members

(this is an abbreviated version of Deb Biedel's FB post)

Alumni Association Leadership adds 10 seats to Alumni Council with the following 10 appointees:

Wendy E. Braund - on 2015 ballot. Not elected.
Darryl E. Bundrige – on 2015 ballot. Not elected.
Meeten V. Doshi – not on ballot.
Anand Ganjam - not on ballot.
Shawn M. Hinkle – on 2015 ballot. Not elected.
Nuria A. Rodriguez Padro – not on ballot.
Kerrilaine Clark Prunella – not on ballot.
Gregory J. Sam – not on ballot.
Roxanne C. Shiels – on 2015 ballot. Not elected.
David W. Ulmer – on 2015 ballot. Not elected.

do your own research and draw your own conclusions . . . must be nice to lose an election and still win a seat (AHEM UPWARD STATE!)

FIFA's #2 already flipping.......

I just wonder how deep this will actually get. Buying elections in other countries? They need to just blow up FIFA now, get entirely new blood in there (what the PSU BoT should have done) and get a fresh start. The Russia and Qatar world cups were obviously bought and I'm wondering now if they ever come to pass. Qatar for certain simply because they are pretty much killing their slave labor to get stadiums built. Russia is a bit to close in the calendar to back out now, so they may keep their cup.

Sepp will eventually go down, but I'm wondering how many more like Warner will flip on him and that whole corrupt organization. It seems like the arrests last week were just the very tip of the iceberg.

Former Speaker Denny Hastert was a teacher/coach in earlier times......

Today, he was indicted....

Early speculation is that this involves bribes made to hide some things he did of a sexual nature during those earlier times. This speculation is the result of phrasing within the linked indictment.

Speculation. For today.

C/S/S filed their responses in PA Superior Court ...

they filed their responses last week. A couple of interesting aspects about the situation:

- each filed a full brief, as well as a "public version" (also called a redacted version) brief. Alas, the Superior Court's web site has sealed everything in the cases, so you can't even view the public version/redacted version briefs.
- the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers filed amicus briefs in each case. While these are also sealed, I'm told that the amicus briefs supported the arguments of the defendants. (I was told they were filed for each case, but so far amicus brief filings are only listed on Schultz's and Spanier's dockets.)

I'm not a lawyer, so I don't spend a lot of time on the PA Superior Court's public web site. Below are the docket numbers for the respective cases. I encourage those of you that have more time and/or more experience with the Superior Court to check out the web site and see if I'm missing something, and any part of the filings are accessible to the public.


Tim Curley: 299 MDA 2015
Gary Schultz: 280 MDA 2015
Graham Spanier: 304 MDA 2015
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PSU Football Uniforms: Are you old or new school on this?

Over the last decade, and especially the last five years, many (most?) college football teams have tinkered a bit with their uniforms, whether it is matte black helmets, silver helmets, camo uniforms, or something else. Oregon, with assistance from Nike and Phil Knight, has been the leader in this trend.

Just saw a photo of a football helmet my school (Cal) apparently plans to use next season. White rather than the school colors (navy and gold), and a Bear rather than the traditional script Cal or block "C." Here it is:


Got me to wondering if PSU has ever done any tinkering with its uniform design. I don't recall that it has, but I thought I'd ask. Was also wondering how PSU alums feel about the issue.

I understand that a lot of the kids who are playing or being recruited like this stuff. I suppose that is a plus, but I cetainly see a value in preserving a school's traditional look. The PSU unis are pretty basic, but that also seems iconic to me, and a plus in its own right.

Your thoughts?

What is your favorite Game Day experience at a Penn State football game?

For me, I have many, but watching the Blue Band come out on the field and the majorette flipping and landing on his feet sets the tone for the whole day! Even watching the Blue Band marching into Beaver Stadium from the practice field (or wherever they start from) is exciting!. I also enjoy standing out waiting for the players buses to pull up and having the starting QB come off first!

CC CYS Fighting V6 request to depose John Miller & Chambers told CC CYS Lewis Fulare abt '98 opinion

Great finds by @JmmyW in the appendix of the PCRA filing. Truly mind boggling that the media doesn't seem to care about this.

Here are some screen grabs:


Police interviewed Centre Cty CYS worker 2/2/2011 that Dr. Chambers contacted. "He had heard rumors" PCRA App p.513


Lets review the above shall we?

First off, I don't know how the CC CYS can possibly argue that CC CYS case worker John Miller shouldn't be deposed. Kind of similar to the PSU BOT/PA OAG requesting Freeh to not interview Harmon--who was a central figure in both 1998 and 2001.

Secondly, we find out that according to Chambers PSP interview in 2011 about 1998, Chambers ALSO spoke with CC CYS worker Lewis Fulare (who in 1994 was the director of counseling for CC CYS) about her concerns with JS. In addition to that we also know she phoned in her abuse suspicions to DPW's Childline shortly after her interview with V6 AND sent Schreffler a written copy of her opinion/report (which numerous of her colleagues agreed with) on 5/8 so he could use it as corroboration/attach it to his report.

Of course, when asked about this in 2011 Fulare denies it and only says he heard "rumors" and had no first had knowledge....umm....yeah right pal......yet somehow CC CYS/DPW get away with saying that they never knew of Chambers' opinion/report in 1998 and only knew about Seasock?? Wow.....someone is lying and my money is it's the scumbags at CC CYS. These child welfare professionals dropped the ball REPEATEDLY re: JS and somehow PSU college admins/football coach took the FULL BLAME for JS...unreal!

How amazing is it that after all this time and after all the damage done to PSU, NONE of these CYS/DPW/TSM workers have ever really been thoroughly questioned under oath about what they knew and when?? Especially concerning if/when they learned of Chambers' report...

Also some interesting tweets from Ray re: 2001 incident and who at PSU was aware of it:

Ray Blehar‏@RayBlehar
Easy to ID: Spanier, Baldwin, Garban, Belcher, Junker, Schreffler, Shelow, & others

Ray Blehar @RayBlehar · 18h18 hours ago
When I say "knew" it means about the 2001 incident....but appears they gave EXCULPATORY versions

Absolute control

As I mentioned I am pouring over decades of Penn Staters to confirm what my spouse and I remember from our past terms on Alumni Council. Starting in the 70's (with Lloyd Huck, Mimi Barash Coppersmith, etc) and running right up to almost 2012 (when Grass Roots efforts like Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship broke the pattern, ousted the Old Guard and replaced them with maverick Trustees like Lubrano) the person selected as the only candidate for VP/ President elect of Alumni Council was launched immediately into a Trustee seat. Some - like Jesse Arnelle, stayed 44 years, many stayed over 20 years. from the early 70's to 1990, there were just 3 exceptions, one we know was due to health concerns and one sought an alumni seat on the BOT against power Trustees like Arnelle. He did not fit for B & I or Ag seats.The data is too long to list here, but it shows absolute control by the University over who leads the PSAA and who gets to be Trustee. I am not going to be able to reply/ post much here after Saturday for a week because I am out of the country, but will come back in as soon as possible. I saw the by-laws changes to the Alumni Council in April as a MASSIVE power grab and a bitch slap to our Alumni elected Trustees. The three at large appointees scream that to me, the automatic seat for the Past President of the Council, even though the chartering by-laws of the PSAA have always had a Trustee Liaison, and the clear evidence of decades and decades of PSAA Presidents getting an auto- launch to be Trustee and even a short path to be chair of the Board, while our Trustees are not allowed to even chair a committee just screamed out at me. Our elected Trustees deserve fair treatment.
