Film Study - Jim Knowles Coverage Schemes


See link above. Warning: it's a lot to digest but really is fascinating how complex and well-orchestrated/camouflaged Knowles' second and third level looks are to opposing OCs and QBs. We will do a pressure package video later in the spring, but this coordinated chaos in the secondary is really Knowles' bread and butter...night and day different than what we saw Diaz do in 2022 and 2023, and fairly different than what Tom Allen was allowed to do last year.

Call It The Dresser Dump

I was looking at the new Selection Criteria Grid for this season and I noticed this addition:

Eligible Matches

Only results from nontraditional events that are registered in the NWCA Optimal Performance Calculator (OPC) system by September 1, and contested before January 1 of the respective academic year, shall be considered for selection and seeding for the Division I Wrestling Championships.

Additional Comments

This modification clarifies that the committee will not consider results from nontraditional matches that have become more common later in the season. This is consistent with the value the committee places on traditional formats, (dual meets, individual/dual advancement tournaments), and conference tournament participation to meet the selection criteria.

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***Ask The Staff -- Wednesday Edition***

Feel free to ask any questions for Happy Valley Insider’s staff members post your questions about the team, recruiting, or anything else in this thread below. If we don't know the answer, we'll work our hardest to get the best answer possible. Please refrain from commenting on other people's questions and answers, however, feel free to start a new thread to discuss any of our questions.

We will check in on the thread all day long to answer whatever questions you have!

OT: "Old" people stories

(Mod - Redirected posts from Ferrari thread.)

I don't think he knows what 90 degrees means.
Not sure what, if anything, he’s attempting to prove, but consider this. When I was a HS Jr, I was somewhere between 115 to 120 lbs after the season was over. I put 600 lbs on a bar on the squat rack and got under it with my knees about 45 degrees. I lifted the weight and was standing straight with it on my shoulders. A friend took a picture so I could show it to another friend who wasn’t there.

That’s not BS. Unfortunately, I lost the photo a long time ago or I would post it. However, my real point here is that I never considered myself to be a powerhouse at my weight. There were other guys who were stronger than me. I think I managed to do that 1/4 squat mainly because I believed that I could do it. AJ is almost double what I weighed back then and more physically mature. So I don’t think his squat achievements are really all that impressive.

And BTW, I’m 74 now and yes, I do have some issues with my lower back.

What was the greatest performance by a defensive unit in a Super Bowl?

What was the greatest performance by a defensive unit in a Super Bowl? Opinions vary.

US will take over Gaza Strip? Wha????

I just tuned into the news conference with Bibi and TRUMP. The chyron says ""TRUMP: US will take over the Gaza Strip".

Uh, oh, maybe our man has finally outrun his coverage here. Recency bias? Yeah, he was on a roll domestically, but, c'mon, this is a little cra-cra.

If he does this, I would count it as his first bigtime self-inflicted mistake. Maybe, I hope to hell, cooler heads will prevail, but who knows with him and his "yesssir" crew.

We don't need another foreign involvement in an area that has shown it will never capitulate and/or co-operate to better their own existence. This would be another Afghanistan. The costs would be beyond belief. Please let this be another of his flights of egotism and that someone will talk him out of his God-complex that makes him believe HE can solve all of the world's problems by using just his own "brilliance". Good Lord.
