285: Nick Nevills vs. Michael Boykin ( NC State)
Nevills was 252.6 lbs. this morning
Per 1
Nevills reaches, nothing, then Boykin reaches, nothing. Gone thru 1 min with no real action. Nothing thru 1:30. Boykin nearly gets a leg, nothing. Under 1 min, and nothing close to a TD. 30 sec left. End.
Per 2
Boykin takes bottom. HJe's out in about 8 sec, 0-1. And they are back ear-to-ear. 1 min left. Nick reaches, nothing. Then Boykin reaches, nothing. End.
Per 3
Nevills takes bottom. Nick to his base, and to his feet, and out in 7 sec, 1-1. Somebody is going to have to shoot. Boyklin reaches, nothing. 1 min left. Boykin nearly shot, nothing. 30 sec left. End
Boykin reaches at 45 sec, nothing. End
Boykin takes down. He's up quickly, and out in 5 sec, 1-2. End
Nevills now down. Nick up and out in 4 sec, 2-2. End
This is kind of funny. Neither of them are confident enough to shoot. Boykin nearly does, but he's blocked. End
Nevills takes bottom. He's to his base, and out in 4 sec, 3-2. Boykin in on a shot and gets a TD as they go OOB. Nevills up and out 4-4. End
Boykin on bottom. He's up, but Nick trips him back down. RT now in NEvills advantage. He rides him out and gets the win, 5-4. Wow