Nick Lee vs. Josh Alber
Per 1
Lee with a quick TD off the whistle, 2-0. Alber with an esc, 2-1. Alber in on a single, Lee fights it off. Stalemate with 1:12 left. Alber shoots,blocked. Lee drives in, blocked. 30 sec left. OOB with 16 sec left. End. RT @ 4 sec for Lee
Per 2
Alber takes bottom. Alber to his feet, and he's out in 13 sec, 2-2. Alber shoots, Lee with a nice counter spins behind for the TD, 4-2. Alber to his feet, and he's out, 4-3, with 42 sec left. Alber shoots on the edge, but they are OOB with 11 sec left. End
Per 3
Lee takes bottom. Caution on Alber. Lee up quickly, but brought back down. OOB with 1:38 left. Lee to his feet, brought back down again. Lee tries a switch, nothing. To his feet, and nearly out, but OOB with 1:11 left. Lee to his feet, and he's out 1:07 left, 5-3. Stalemate at 54 sec. Alber shoots, stuffed. Alber gets a single, Lee works around and gets the TD, 7-3. Nice move by Lee. End. Lee advances with a 7-3 decision!