2021 B1G Tournament

Until the Refs decide to aggressively call stalling, there will always be “defensive” wrestlers like Jesse Delgado, Dean Heil and Eierman who will find a way to win without taking a single shot.
Horrible for the sport, but it’s just a fact.
Was Deakin the NW wrestler that had big mouth and talked trash to Nolf, only to get his ass-kicked every time? Or was that someone else?
I was just reading HR (I'm a glutton for punishment). They were ridiculous, calling RBY all kinds of names, saying that he stalled, ripping him for the dancing, etc. At the same time, they were upset about Eierman getting hit for stalling twice. I thought they were being babies as usual. Then I came here, and I'm sorry to say, it is looking very similar to what I saw over there. Be passionate, but, name calling is kind of ridiculous.
Nick will get #2 and I think Wilson gets #3. Nick was held down for almost 2 min in the first and still had more gas at the end than Eierman.

Eierman is a huge 141 pounder. He has to be cutting a sh!t load of weight.
Was Deakin the NW wrestler that had big mouth and talked trash to Nolf, only to get his ass-kicked every time? Or was that someone else?
No, that was the dude from Nebraska. He'll wrestle later.
He did, but until the refs actually start dinging guys for stalling more often, why not do it. When Eierman got the second call with about 40 seconds left, you knew there was no way he was getting another one.

Exactly! The Ref rewarded him for blatant stalling. He called two meaningless stall calls (so he could say he called it) and called nothing for the last 40 seconds despite Eirmann wrestling in reverse the entire time, not making a single offensive attack (which is what the prior stall calls are supposed to generate - i.e., if you don't start wrestling, I'm going to call another stall on you. Lee continued to make 100% of the offensive attacks, Eirmann made ZERO, but no call allowing Eirmann to win on a completely bullshit "riding advantage point" - so what's the f'ing point of calling the prior stall calls if he doesn't change what he's doing, continues to blatantly stall... and you call nothing??? Makes zero sense and why most people who truly know wrestling laugh when a moron calls that bullshit folk crap "great wrestling ").
I was just reading HR (I'm a glutton for punishment). They were ridiculous, calling RBY all kinds of names, saying that he stalled, ripping him for the dancing, etc. At the same time, they were upset about Eierman getting hit for stalling twice. I thought they were being babies as usual. Then I came here, and I'm sorry to say, it is looking very similar to what I saw over there. Be passionate, but, name calling is kind of ridiculous.
I saw it. What a joke that board has become. RBY's match was never in doubt. He also took shots. They'll probably say Deakin was stalling.
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Does anyone know what happened to Berge? Is he ok?
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Listen, RBY was right to get hit with stalling, but he scored on multiple of his own shots. JE didn't take a shot and was also right to be hit with stalling, maybe 1 more, but that is very unlikely to get called. RBY and JE knew what they were doing at that point. Nick has 2 weeks to learn from it. It'll be a battle against Seabass and JE, I'm sure Nick is already looking forward to it.
Nick Lee should get the #2 seed at NCAAs and will likely have to match up with Sebastian Rivera again.
2 or 3 yes, but Seabass wont get seeded ahead of Wilson NFW


How can it be any different?
Good luck with Seabass Jaydin
Eierman did stall a great deal in the match. He got called twice (1 point to Lee), but he could have been called more frequently.

Will Nick will the next time? Tough to say. Eierman is talented. His heavy hips and step over for his only TD was a great move. Lee was in deep, and should have had the TD, but give Eierman some credit there.

These two are very close. Eierman is a significantly better rider, and his abilities there ended up being the difference in this match.
And he’s married to Tom’s daughter. Poor kid.....
Too soon for an over- bite joke?
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Be passionate, but, name calling is kind of ridiculous.

I agree with you regarding name calling. It's never appropriate. Emotions do cloud folks normal judgement.

That said, I think you're merging name calling and complaining about stalling. I think there have only been a couple of folks calling names, and the board has called them out on it. Complaining about stalling isn't calling someone names.