2021 B1G Tournament

Really? I don’t recall Starocci putting double boots in.

Starocci also flattened his opponent over and over - that is considered "improving your position" from top. There were long periods of time where NL was in 4-point position and JE was doing nothing but laying on his back with boots in - in fact, the Ref stalemated one of them in the first! (If you think about it, it's silly to call a "stalemate" rather than a stall on top wrestle - top wrestler has an obligation to improve his position from top - so by definition, if all the top wrestler is doing is attempting to "stalemate" the bottom wrestler from escaping, that is stalling! Top guy has to be attempting to improve to turn - that's his obligation.). How about when Lee stood, no mat return from Eirmann, at least 10 seconds ticked off and when he could do nothing else, he dragged Lee off the mat walking backwards out of desperation to keep Lee from escaping - no call??? How in the hell is that not blatant stalling under the rules???
HEavy hips my ass. Star and lee need to drive through on these guys and not be scared. Keep going and drive through.
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Star learned a lot and will work on it next two weeks. Drive and don’t stop.
174 Final: Carter Starocci vs. Michael Kemerer (Iowa)

An interesting matchup, for sure. A RS Fresh vs. a RS Senior. C Star with a lot of very narrow, but very impressive, wins over highly ranked B1G wrestlers this year.

Per 1
Star with a shot, blocked and head stuffed, stalemate with 2:38 left. MK with a semi shot, nothing. Star with another shot from way out, nothing. MK in on a head outside single and gets the TD, 0-2. CStar to his feet and out, 1-2. CStar in on a double, MK sprawls, and a stalemate with 20 sec left. End. RT @ 15 sec for MK

Per 2
MK takes bottom. He's up quickly, but CStar stays with him, though eventually out after 12 sec, 1-3. CStar in on a single, to a double, but MK sprawls, and a stalemate with 1:11 left. Star in on a single, MK with a whizzer, MK grabs an ankle and puts CStar in some trouble and gets a TD, 1-5, and 2 NF just before the buzzer, 1-7. RT @ 6 sec for MK

Per 3
Star takes bottom, and he's out in 6 sec, 2-7. CStar in on a the legs, but MK counters, they scramble, MK trying to lock a cradle on the edge, and OOB with 1:08 left. Star in on a single but MK sprawls, and a stalemate with 26 sec. Star shoots again, and MK sprawls, nothing CStar with another shot at the end, but the buzzer. 2-7 decision for MK

Starocci will take 2nd place.

A nice effort by CStar, but MK showed good technique.
Talk about a curb stomp
Good effort by Carter. He got to his shots he just couldn't finish. He needs a year in the weight room to to be able to drive through and to elevate when strong opponents like Kem drop their hips. Good tournament from him and I'm excited to see him in 2 weeks.
Eh. Give him credit he got the TDS, but it was about 8-1 in favor of Starocci in attempts
All of them straight on. Never close to finishing.

I'm only jesting. He's a great freshman, but he is the epitome of "straight on" right now, so that comment rubs me the wrong way. The offense will come eventually.