2021 NCAAs

Bader said on Twitter that they're holding the wrestling until this NIT first round game ends, so at least there's that. But still, this is embarrassing.
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There should be a rule in basketball that if the game goes over the broadcast schedule the team in front, or the next that scores wins.
ESPN3 said the 133 match will start in 30 seconds. And the BB game isn't over. You might want to go to ESPN 3
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Started clock watching at 2:33 left. 10 minutes (and counting)have passed and they have played 1:40.
Not waiting for the BB game to finish is stupid. It F*cks anyone that wants to record it, moving it to ESPNNews and the app. What's another 10 minutes??
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Bader said on Twitter that they're holding the wrestling until this NIT first round game ends, so at least there's that. But still, this is embarrassing.
Are you with the crew again tonight? If so, say WE ARE to everyone for me. :)
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