Have you seen Carter lately? He has the look of a deer in the headlights. No way he comes back to the humiliation of loses to at least two different wrestlers. He's only a 3xer because there really hasn't been much competition at his weight.
Both Griffith and and Arnold will have his number next year, and he knows it. Have you seen what Arnold can do, let alone say? That kid is downright scary, and he forms the foundation for Iowa's next run. There is a good chance Carter is out in the semis next year, heck with some bad luck he doesn't even AA. All of this has to be on his mind, he really has no other choice but to duck next year, and thereafter he's just too old.
PS - I don't suggest reading GIA while on the combo of Norco, Morphine, and Ambien. Even just a few minutes in that world is not so dissimilar to a walk in the twilight zone.
Carter has an unquenchable thurst for a challenge. Next year represents the largest, juiciest, dangling carrot since his first year. He can capture #4, beat another ex-champ, and make a young upstart eat his words. Simply pIrresistible!