2024 B1Gs - Day 2

You're going to judge Carter Starocci? Good grief some of you are unreal. Who precisely are you to pass judgement on Carter Starocci??? I believe Starrocci has quite a bit more "equity" than you do in regards to PSU wrestling and this year's team.
Carter wanted to go and thought he could, and have a shot at the Hodge, we all get it as well as how devastating missing a chance at that goal must be.

If he then flips that disappointment on its head, 'figuratively' does the splits and gives the double birds to his team mates, his fans and the shot at being our first 4xer?

You bet your ass I will then pass severe judgement.

For now, let's let him vent, get refocused, and 'go for the gusto'!

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isn't he going for his 4th NCAA title? Why would he cut off his nose....etc.

He's not happy with cael...but we have a coach for a reason and if he felt Carter would be better off waiting two weeks, it's his decision.

When they get back, hopefully they'll sit down and work this out. Would Carter rather go out as a 4 time champ or a guy who walked away from his team?
yes but only Carter knows how he feels if he can go let him go!
Benign??? Carter Starocci isn't the person "we" thought he was if he doesn't end up doing what the OP wants him to do? How do you figure that is benign and not judgemental? Good grief some of you are arrogant windbags.
If he is healthy enough to participate and chooses not to, he opens himself up to judgement. It’s no one’s fault if a person judges that an otherwise healthy enough athlete chose not to participate.

*not saying that is definitely what is happening but the OP’s post clearly couched the judgement in a theoretical choice not to wrestle.
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Carter wanted to go and thought he could, and have a shot at the Hodge, we all get it as well as how devastating missing a chance at that goal must be.

If he then flips that disappointment on its head, 'figuratively' does the splits and gives the double birds to his team mates, his fans and the shot at being our first 4xer?

You bet your ass I will then pass severe judgement.

For now, let's let him vent, get refocused, and 'go for the gusto'!

Again, who are you to pass judgement on him - he owes you nothing. Quite frankly, he owes PSU nothing especially when they just disenfranchised him from the decision and his desires.
If he couldn't go the spot should have gone to Barraclaugh. Period. Do we know that now? No. But if that's the reveal, then that's a fact
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Again, who are you to pass judgement on him - he owes you nothing. …
In other words, REPENT SINNER!! 😄

Patrick McKee is definitely a real test for Davis, a tricky opponent who can turn your offense into his points.

McKee had more offense in the first, but neither threatened. McKee chooses bottom to start the second. Davis with a great mat return, and follows that up with a tilt for NF points! 3-0 Davis. Davis with 1:19 in RT as well after McKee finally escapes.

Davis chooses bottom to start the third. He's away wtihin 10 seconds, RT at 1:09, 4-1.

Davis with a double, a minute remaining. Hasn't converted, but he's killed a lot of clock. Stalemate with :43 left.

McKee looking for some upper body magic but Davis is game, fights it off and lifts McKee for a beautiful mat return for three more. 8-1 final with the riding time,

Braeden Davis is a Big Ten champion!
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Must admit, thought that was a quick 3-count (maybe 2), didn't matter in the end.
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