2024 NCAA's - Match/discussion threads (merged)

141 SF: #2 B.Bartlett vs. #6 L.McNeil (UNC)
Here we go!
Both in the center, tying up & circling
Beau takes a shot, but nothing
Head slaps & collar ties, mild snap attempts
No significant shots
Beau taps the head & then reaches for a collar tie & they break
Circling, tying up & circling
McNeil with a shot, but nothing
1-min left
Back to center
Beau shot, but nothing
Beau fakes, but no shot
Circling in the center again
Beau grabs the head & times runs out
No scoring

McNeil takes down
McNeil to his feet, Beau drives him to the edge, back to the mat & then off the edge, restart
McNeil turns & gets to his feet, Beau lets him go 1-0
Beau 24-sec RT
Back to center
Tying up again & circling, not much more action, stalemate, restart
Circling, tying up, not much more
And time runs out

Beau takes down
Beau to his feet, McNeil tries to lock up a cradle & brings him back down
Beau turns & gets the reversal 2-1
Beau riding, takes McNeil to his back via a Navy ride, but can't hold him long enough for back points
1-min left
Beau riding hard
Beau with a 2-on-1 tilt & 2 NF 4-1
Beau drives him out of bounds, restart
Beau 1:18 RT
Beau holding him down, McNeil tries to turn, gets to his feet, but Beau takes him back down & rides him out
Beau +1 riding time point 5-1

#2 B.Bartlett DEC #6 L.McNeil 5-1
shouldn’t of Ragusin tried riding him out? Score would’ve been tied and he would of been ahead on riding time.
There was a locked hands call which stops the time on the riding clock so he would have lost on riding time with a rideout
How can you give a stall for a count on the ankle when they gave an escape?

You can't. It's either an escape or Stall - can't be both. In addition, on replay you can see Angel start 2nd count as clock is going from 0:06 to 0:05 - he the awarded an escape with 0:02 remaining.... impossible for a 5 count.... unless your Angel Rivera. Good Lord he's brutal.
Aaron’s chain wrestling can improve. He seems to get in low and deep and then pause and let his opponent counter.

My $0.02 from my couch.

Well that and he's brutal defensively against top opponents - top guys just live on his legs. So yes, he loses tons of scrambles even when he starts in superior position, but that's only ap portion of his problems in Neutral.