2024 NCAA's - Match/discussion threads (merged)

Technically it is a violation.
On the hot mic, they acknowledged that he grabbed and held it, but it was okay because he didn't initially try to grab it. Yeah, that's WORSE guys. He was only able to keep that ankle because he caught the shoe as Ayala was slipping away.

Ultimately, no official is going to have the guts to make that call, just like the Suriano headgear pull.
Figueroa really has a great mat position sense. Ayala had a couple of potential takedowns but Richie just knew where he needed to be to get in scoring position.
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On the hot mic, they acknowledged that he grabbed and held it, but it was okay because he didn't initially try to grab it. Yeah, that's WORSE guys. He was only able to keep that ankle because he caught the shoe as Ayala was slipping away.

Ultimately, no official is going to have the guts to make that call, just like the Suriano headgear pull.
Ayala was the second best guy on the mat. Yeah he ran a lot better than Figs, but Figs was the better wrestler.

I will root for ISIS before I root for anything.Iowa after they booed our injured football players
I was in Kinnick Stadium in October 2012 when O’Brien took our squad in there and kicked the Hawkeyes’ butts. BEFORE the game, the fans were incredibly vulgar and disgusting TOWARD MY CHILDREN. Not one person… not a few—MANY.

*Don't anybody talk to me about waving to kids at a hospital.
On the hot mic, they acknowledged that he grabbed and held it, but it was okay because he didn't initially try to grab it. Yeah, that's WORSE guys. He was only able to keep that ankle because he caught the shoe as Ayala was slipping away.

Ultimately, no official is going to have the guts to make that call, just like the Suriano headgear pull.
He had the ankle first and by the time he grabbed the shoe time was out. It was a td
He said he told the Iowa fan to go to the restroom to dry his tears, that was gold!!
Yeah, getting taken down and then looking to stall out the opponent in the last minute of a match is not what you would call a “strategy” let alone a winning one
Remember some years ago when Tim Foley said Mark Hall wouldn't win a national title because he lacked a variety of attacks? (LOL, Mark won that year.)

Turns out that was Ayala. He was the aggressor throughout the match, but his primary attack was slide-bys. (He has a good sweep single too, but he didn't use it nearly as much, and that's really it.)

That enabled Figs' strategy. It's a lot easier to back up for 2 minutes and then counter, when you only have to defend 1 or 2 moves.

I don't care for FIgs' style in that match, but it was perfect for Ayala.
Figs wrestled the edge . When he did that against PSU we screamed. I hate that style of wrestling. He should have been dinged for stalling at least one other time .
Ayala stalled the whole match against Davis when they went. Iowa should NEVER cry about stalling.
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Iowa officially misses the podium this year for a team trophy. Highest they can get is 4th and lowest 8th.
Pretty sure there’s a trophy again for 4th. Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve taken note of it being said because I didn’t think so anymore.
ESPN Comment was WRONG. Bob Fehrs from Michigan was a 3x 2nd place to Mike Caruso from Lehigh
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