With the Games over, some coveted OGA’s (Old Guy Awards):
Most Surprising Performance: Mason Parris
Most Satisfying Performance: Sarah Hildebrandt
Most Bittersweet Backstage Retirement: Zain
Most Devastating Last Second Loss: Aaron
Best Recovery from Most Devastating Last Second Loss: Aaron
Best Mat Sequence Based on Anger: Dake for bronze
Most Ominous Display: Japan’s dominance
Best Expatriate Performance: Rivera, giving the ‘Fro (Kiyooka) his toughest test and gutting out two repechage comebacks for bronze.
Most Elite Wrestler in Need of The Grace Shown in Dake/Helen/AB Interviews: Spencer
Teammates We Hope Never Marry and Procreate: The ‘Fro (Kiyooka) and the Hellcat (Fujinami).
Never To Happen Again: Lopez Nunez’ five straight golds in five Olympics.
Always To Happen Again (okay, so not an award): Lion on Olympic team.
Most Time Spent Watching FS Matches While Working: HikeNatParks.
Now, about this season's lineup that’ll be chasing our third four-peat . . .

Enjoy the rest of summer!