2025 Big Ten Tournament thread

184-Pound Final - Carter Starocci VS Max McEnelly (MN)

Period 1:
Cael & Casey in Carter's corner. This should be a good one! McEnelly is a solidly built kid. McEnelly presses forward a bit. Carter circles back to center. Carter is pressing forward a bit now. McEnelly with a half shot, nothing. Carter drives McEnelly to the edge with an underhook. McEnelly pushes back in & circles back near center. Carter drives McEnelly back to the edge. McEnelly snaps. Carter circles away. Carter snaps. McEnelly circles back to center. Carter pushes McEnelly to the edge again, then they're back to center. McEnelly quickly picks an ankle & gets the TD, 3-0. Wow! That was fast! Carter gets to his feet & gets a quick escape, 3-1. Carter shoots a straight on double & McEnelly fights him off. Carter takes McEnelly out of bounds, neutral restart. Carter pushes forward again, 30-sec left. Carter shoots & gets a leg, but McEnelly fights him off. Carter drives McEnelly to the edge & time expires. 3-1 McEnelly

Period 2:
Carter takes down. He gets to his feet & gets a quick escape, 3-2. Circling & tying up in the center again. Carter shoots, but no luck. McEnelly shoots, but Carter sprawls back. Carter presses forward again, 1-min left. Carter has McEnelly on the edge again. Carter shoots & gets a leg. He's in deep. McEnelly has a shin whizzer. Carter finishes the TD on the edge, 5-3. Wow! Great job Carter! McEnelly was trying to get out of bounds & Carter caught his 2nd ankle. MN is challenging the TD. Challenge lost & the TD is good, 5-3 Carter. McEnelly starts down, 39-sec left. McEnelly gets to his feet, but Carter drives him out of bounds, restart, 33-sec left. McEnelly is still down. He gets to his feet again & turns, but Carter drives through & gets back on top. Out of bounds & restart. McEnelly is still down, 17-sec left. McEnelly sits out,, gets hand control, but Carter stays with him. McEnelly keeps working & gets the escape in the last few seconds of the period, 5-4 Carter after the 2nd.

Period 3:
McEnelly takes down. Carter has 25-sec RT. McEnelly gets to his feet & quickly gets the escape, 5-5. Wow! What a match! Circling & tying up in the center, 1-min left. Carter pushes McEnelly back to the edge. Carter with some snaps & fakes. McEnelly circles around the edge. Carter shoots, but they go out of bounds. Stall call on McEnelly, 29-sec left. Neutral restart. Circling & tying up. McEnelly shoots, but no luck. Carter presses forward as time expires. OT Time!

Circling & tying up. McEnelly fakes. McEnelly with a half shot. Most of the action is in the center of the mat, 1-min left. Carter pushes forward now & has McEnelly on the edge. He shoots, but McEnelly circles away. Carter pushes forward again. McEnelly shoots & circles back to center. Carter pushes forward again & shoots. McEnelly shoots, Carter counters & gets the TD, 8-5. What a match!!! Carter forced that shot with his pressure. McEnelly was close to getting another stall call & had to do something. Great job Carter!!!

Carter Starocci DEC Max McEnelly 8-5 (SV)

Carter Starocci is the 2025 Big 10 184-Pound Champ!
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😂 So at the end of the day, it's 5 champs, 182 points, and a scary injury that we will worry about for 10 days.

In other words, same thing different year 😂

Not over yet, let's see if Kerk can have something for Gable