285-pound Final - Greg Kerkvliet VS Gable Steveson (MN)
Period 1:
Let's go Kerk. Give him the Cassar treatment. Circling in the center, then tying up. Kerk seems to be trying to keep his legs back. Steveson drives Kerk to the edge, but Kerk circles back to center. Steveson shoots, but no luck, 90-sec left. Steveson pushes forward a little. Steveson snaps, but can't do anything with it. Steveson with a half shot. Kerk is blocking off everything v is trying. Kerk tries a quick drag, but no luck. Steveson hits a blast double, 3-0. Steveson takes Kerk out of bounds, restart. Kerk is still down. Steveson breaks Kerk down & rides out the period. 3-0 Steveson, +33-sec RT
Period 2:
Kerk takes down. He gets to his feet, but Steveson brings him back to the mat. Kerk sits out, then gets to his feet, tries a switch & gets the escape, 3-1. Back to center circling, Steveson tries to pick an ankle, but Kerk kicks away. Steveson quickly hits another TD, 6-1. Steveson gets Kerk bellied out. Kerk works back to his base. Steveson pushes Kerk out of bounds, restart. Kerk is still down. Steveson has +1:29 RT. Kerk gets to his feet & Steveson lets him go, 6-2, 30-sec left. Circling & tying up for the rest of the period. 6-2 Steveson, +1:34 RT
Period 3:
Steveson takes neutral. Maybe Kerk should take top next time? Circling, pushing, snaps & collar ties, 1-min left. Steveson snaps, drops to a leg & gets another TD, 9-2. Kerk gets an escape on the edge, 9-3. Out of bounds & neutral restart, 36-sec left. More hand fighting, collar ties & circling in the center, 17-sec left. Steveson with a bunch of fakes. Kerk tries a throw by, but no luck & time expires.
Gable Steveson DEC Greg Kerkvliet 9-3