125 QF - Luke Lilledahl VS Joey Cruz (IA)
Period 1:
Circling & tying up. Luke presses forward. Cruz circles back in. Luke shoots, but Cruz fights him off. Luke keeps pressing forward. Stoppage & restart for something. Circling & tying up in the center. Luke tries a drag, but no luck, 2-min left. Back to tying up & circling. Luke reaches for an ankle, but can't get there. Luke snaps, but can't come behind. Cruz shoots, Luke counters, but no one scores. Luke has Cruz on the edge. Cruz circles back in, under 1-min. Luke reaches, but can't get there. Luke shoots, but they go out of bounds. Back to tying up & circling. Luke shoots & gets to a leg, but Cruz fights him off. Luke shoots again and gets a TD at the end of the period, 3-0 after the 1st.
Period 2:
Luke takes down. He stands & gets the escape, 4-0. Circling, head slapping & tying up. Cruz shoots & gets a leg. Luke sprawls back hard. Stalemate & restart. Luke pushes forward. Hand fighting & collar ties. Snaps from both. Luke shoots, but can't get there. Back to circling & tying up, 30-sec left. Luke shoots & gets an ankle & finishes off another TD, 7-0. Luke has Cruz bellied out. Luke rides out the period. 7-0 Luke, +27-sec RT
Period 3:
Cruz takes down. Luke with a heavy spiral ride, and he gets Cruz bellied out. Luke goes over 1-min RT. Luke cuts Cruz, 7-1. Luke +1:07 RT. Luke comes forward. He shoots, but Cruz blocks him off. Luke keeps coming. Cruz gets hit with a stall call as they go out of bounds. Luke shoves Cruz into the chairs! Love it!!! Luke with a quick double off the restart, 10-1. Luke has an arm barred & is trying to run Cruz over. Luke rides out the 3rd & adds a RT point for the 11-1 major.
Luke Lilledahl MD Joey Cruz 11-1