And Reese Davis just called PSU's win over Ohio St, "Fluky"...


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2013
More bulletin board material, as Davis asks the chair director why PSU ranked so high.

At which point, the director shut his ass up. End of conversation. Strength of schedule.
I loved that he also said because of the improvement PSU has shown increased their ranking. Hopefully recruits will notice what Pennsylvania school is improving and which one isn't.
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Rece is just another one of those 'Bama alums who will never forgive Joe - and by extension PSU - for passing his beloved Bear on the all-time wins list.
Lol, I guess OSUs other close games were flukey as well. When all is said and done, they'll realize that OSU wasn't as good as they were hyped to be and PSU was a helluva a lot better.

Regardless...we just need to keep winning and the doubters will take care of themselves
The win was a bit "fluky". Here's why.
  • PSU isn't a team historically associated with "blocking kicks" (punts or FGA's)
  • PSU was losing the entire game until the blocked FGA
  • "Flukes" don't generally go PSU's way (evidence is in the 1st half vs. O$U)
I sometimes ponder "what if" O$U either made the FG or if it was blocked but not returned for a TD?
  • Is PSU able to drive the field (80 - 60 yds) with 4 minutes to play to take and hold the lead?
I maintain that PSU won only because the FGA was blocked AND returned for a TD. O$U was "shocked" for a good 2 minutes thereafter. In that sense, it kinda was a "fluke".

Whether it was or wasn't a fluke doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is how PSU performs vs. Iowa.
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The win was a bit "fluky". Here's why.
  • PSU isn't a team historically associated with "blocking kicks" (punts or FGA's)
  • PSU was losing the entire game until the blocked FGA
  • "Flukes" don't generally go PSU's way (evidence is in the 1st half vs. O$U)
I sometimes ponder "what if" O$U either made the FG or if it was blocked but not returned for a TD?
  • Is PSU able to drive the field (80 - 60 yds) with 4 minutes to play to either tie or take and hold the lead?
I maintain that PSU won only because the FGA was blocked AND returned for a TD. O$U was "shocked" for a good 2 minutes thereafter. In that sense, it kinda was a "fluke". Whether it was or wasn't a fluke doesn't really matter.

The only thing that matters is how PSU performs vs. Iowa.
Is PSU able to drive the field? Mmmm, hadn't we already done so twice in that game for TDs? Hadn't we opened the game with a very nice drive that just happened to not yield any points?
Fluke my a$$. People act like we didn't move the ball at all. 14 of our 24 points came off actual, honest to goodness football plays.
The win was a bit "fluky". Here's why.
  • PSU isn't a team historically associated with "blocking kicks" (punts or FGA's)
  • PSU was losing the entire game until the blocked FGA
  • "Flukes" don't generally go PSU's way (evidence is in the 1st half vs. O$U)
I sometimes ponder "what if" O$U either made the FG or if it was blocked but not returned for a TD?
  • Is PSU able to drive the field (80 - 60 yds) with 4 minutes to play to either tie or take and hold the lead?
I maintain that PSU won only because the FGA was blocked AND returned for a TD. O$U was "shocked" for a good 2 minutes thereafter. In that sense, it kinda was a "fluke". Whether it was or wasn't a fluke doesn't really matter.

The only thing that matters is how PSU performs vs. Iowa.
We will never know your "ponder" do we, I do however know the score was 24-21 PSU.
PSU wanted to win that game more than OSU. I'm sure that PSU earned and deserved that W. I'm very sure that I could care less what Rece thinks.
More bulletin board material, as Davis asks the chair director why PSU ranked so high.

At which point, the director shut his ass up. End of conversation. Strength of schedule.

A completely inane comment given that PSU was only down by 4 at the time of the blocked FG and there was still 4:27 seconds after Haley's return for a TD. Whose to say PSU doesn't score anyway even if the kick was just blocked and not returned for a TD? But a beyond stupid comment given the score and time on the clock at the time (comments like this act like it was the last play of the game or something). Particularly stupid when you consider that PSU gave daO$U 8 points via the muffed punt reception turnover, the muffed hold on the easy FG and the 2pt Safety resulting from the fluke high snap.
We never had the lead but we certainly weren't behind the whole was 0-0 into the second quarter and we had outplayed tOSU up until Reid's fumbled punt and the resulting FG.
We never had the lead but we certainly weren't behind the whole was 0-0 into the second quarter and we had outplayed tOSU up until Reid's fumbled punt and the resulting FG.

Not only that, but PSU just absolutely dominated daO$U over the last 23 minutes of the game outscoring them 17-0, sacking the daO$U QB all over the place and completely stoning them when they got the ball back trailing by 3 points with 4:27 left. Between the first quarter and last 23 minutes, PSU effectively held daO$U scoreless for half the game.
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Only half fluky. OSU had a statistical advantage and PSU needed 2 blocked kicks to pull out the win. But PSU was within striking distance for most of the game and that wasn't a fluke. PSU is also tough at home.
Give me a fluky win over a stylish loss any old time you want, Reeseeeeeee

Exactly. Did we win? I must have missed it.

Anywhere from 9-15 or so is legit. Why should we be punished because the coaches/press gave us no credit in pre-season rankings?
Just wondering- did Reese discuss Ohio State's "fluky win" over Northwestern??? ;)
Just wondering- did Reese discuss Ohio State's "fluky win" over Northwestern??? ;)

NEITHER was Washington's flukey win, over Utah, in which they needed a flukey punt return to win in the final minutes. Clemson's two flukey wins over FSU and NC State, were also not covered.
Stats are for losers. Stats help losers feel better about themselves after a disappointing result.
The only numbers that matter are the final scores. Did your team make enough plays to win? Did your team fail to make the plays necessary to win? The number of rushing yards doesn't mean squat if you don't have the correct answer to those previous questions.
Results matter, not stats. Doesn't matter what OSU had for stats that night, PSU made the plays it needed to make to win.
These rankings should be all about results. There should be no style points, nor deductions for lack of style.
I loved how the chairman gave Davis a completely accurate and total explanation for why PSU was 12th, after which, Davis moved on to a new subject with ZERO follow up questions.

As if he had never asked in the first place. Complete and total shutdown. Woodshed.
Stats are for losers. Stats help losers feel better about themselves after a disappointing result.
The only numbers that matter are the final scores. Did your team make enough plays to win? Did your team fail to make the plays necessary to win? The number of rushing yards doesn't mean squat if you don't have the correct answer to those previous questions.
Results matter, not stats. Doesn't matter what OSU had for stats that night, PSU made the plays it needed to make to win.
These rankings should be all about results. There should be no style points, nor deductions for lack of style.

Especially when daO$U gets the ball with 4:27 left and only down 3 points........and PSU completely dominates them yet again (as they did for the 19 minutes prior to this point!). If daO$U was the better team, they wouldn't have picked up a grand total of 12 yards on their final drive, used up 3 minutes and 20 seconds of clock to go those 12 yards AND given up two sacks! Laughable to claim daO$U deserved to win given that PSU outscored them 17-0 in the last 23 minutes and completely dominated them over this span including the final 4:27 when daO$U had the clear opportunity to prove they were the better team......but proved the diametric opposite yet again!
I don't think Rece and the "braintrust" at the 4-letter network get the concept that young teams (and especially those impacted greatly by injuries) can actually improve as a season goes along. It's encouraging that the committee does recognize this.

Also, why is it that Wisky gets a ton of credit for almost beating tosu, and yet when we do it, it's a fluke? And if Wisky & NW each almost beat tosu, and we DID beat them, couldn't it be that maybe the buckeyes just aren't playoff material this year? They are the proverbial square peg that is going to be crammed into the round playoff hole based solely on pedigree.

Finally, wake me up when Michigan beats a decent team on the road.
It's pretty clear that ESPN hasn't been doing their homework. They just regurgitate old soundbites that convey nothing.

The OSU win wasn't a fluke because the big plays (blocks/turnovers) went both ways. I would say that to most it was a "surprise." No one expected the impact of a returning Bell and Cabinda to be that significant (hence OSU giving 20 points in the betting line). Their absence enabled the Michigan loss to become lopsided, and their return made the OSU game competitive. For the OSU game credit inspired play by the entire team. I think the atmosphere and profile of the game made a difference. The game could have gone either way without any "flukes."

With a healthy team I think PSU should be ranked roughly 15-20. If a few players improve their tackling fundamentals, and if Moorhead demonstrates sustained drives in a win against Iowa, then I would put us 10-15. That's pretty good for a team this young, and especially good with some future stars in key positions redshirting this year. Should be Top 10 if the young linemen progress and the linebacking position holds together next year.