I don't know, just throwing it out there. Would anything surprise you at this point?You mean after $93MM+ they still haven't reached it?
I don't know, just throwing it out there. Would anything surprise you at this point?You mean after $93MM+ they still haven't reached it?
Yes, the shower incident was observed by McQueary. It was his responsibility to report it to the authorities. It was also the responsibility of any mandated reporters to report it. Joe and C/S/S were not mandated reporters. I believe Dranov was. Despite that, PSU reported it to TSM. I believe Raykovitz would have been a mandatory reporter.
Funny, the people charged with a cover-up did more than the primary witness and mandated reporters.
This is actually a good question that no one can answer right now.Is this definitely being released today? Can anyone confirm
This is actually a good question that no one can answer right now.
IMHO things changed when the judge denied the petition and on the same day ordered a settlement conference. Everyone overlooks that a settlement conference was ordered:
Can any legal eagle answer this? In Corman v NCAA, even thought there was a settlement the judge gave permission for Corman to release documents.
In this case, does anyone think either PSU or PMA will want to do the same if they reach a settlement? I do not see either of them having a motivation to do so.
Does any legal expert here see where this is as a likelihood? Can it be made a condition of a settlement that neither releases information?
Since IMHO neither party is going to do it, that leaves the media request which will be a total SNAFU if it happens.
Are you sure?
So the media request was approved?
Are you sure?
It was approved back on June 9. The order said 31 days which technically was yesterday. Not sure why they didn't come out. They come out today. Judge issued a statement at 12:30 AM.
Yes, confirmed.
"I could care less what anyone from TSM knew or was told about the shower
Wow! You don't care that the executive director (who is a licensed child psychologist) of a state licensed children's charity (whose mission was to serve AT RISK youth) was told of an incident in which its founder and face was discovered in a shower (again) with a child from the charity you are at the helm of and his response was "next time you shower with a child, make sure you wear swim trunks.". Really?
Another empty suit at PSU - shocking!!!!
Yes, the shower incident was observed by McQueary. If he saw a crime, it was his responsibility to report it to the authorities. It was also the responsibility of any mandated reporters to report it. Joe and C/S/S were not mandated reporters. I believe Dranov was. Despite that, PSU reported it to TSM. I believe Raykovitz would have been a mandatory reporter.
Funny, the people charged with a cover-up did more than the primary witness and mandated reporters.
BTW - Feinberg and Rosen, the two principal assclowns of that group, just OOZE SLIMERewind on Lubert & Peetz - their comments about the Legal Subcommittee & settlements of claims
I don't know, just throwing it out there. Would anything surprise you at this point?
Yes, confirmed.
Where's the link to the University's response?Here is the link to the release:
Where's the link to the University's response?
I have said this before, at some point the rats will eventually start to turn on each other. Let's hope that we are approaching that point.
Eventually, the feces will roll down hill and I can see fingers being pointed at Tommy Boy and Fina as the principal architects. "Gee, we didn't mean for this to spin so out of control."
....Yet. Eventually it will. I am totally confident of that.
"I could care less what anyone from TSM knew or was told about the shower incident. The only people who worry about that stuff are those trying to shift the blame to other parties and that's what PSU did and Graham couching it by saying "it was the humane thing to do".
But now Freeh's conclusions are spot-on? I don't think I ever used the word "spot on". If I'm wrong please correct me."
Wow! You don't care that the executive director (who is a licensed child psychologist) of a state licensed children's charity (whose mission was to serve AT RISK youth) was told of an incident in which its founder and face was discovered in a shower (again) with a child from the charity you are at the helm of and his response was "next time you shower with a child, make sure you wear swim trunks.". Really?
Anthony,John, are you so certain that the review will result in the findings you suggest?
I'm certainly not.
Dude, TSM absolutely had the primary responsibility for the welfare of the children who Sandusky was accessing.....through their program!! And your argument assumes that JVP had cause to believe a crime had occurred he didn't. You're an idiot.My statements were in the context of who had the primary responsibility for notifying the authorities for the locker room incident and it wasn't TSM. Maybe you should concern yourself more with why JVP didn't have the intellectual curiosity to ascertain who the child was and if he was OK or why he ignored John Doe when he told him what Jerry did to him.
Agree with you sentiments, but no reason to insult idiots.Dude, TSM absolutely had the primary responsibility for the welfare of the children who Sandusky was accessing.....through their program!! And your argument assumes that JVP had cause to believe a crime had occurred he didn't. You're an idiot.
McQueary had the responsibility to contact the authorities, as the primary witness. Instead he went to Joe to report it. Drakov, upon hearing the information was a mandatory reporter. Raykovitz, was as well, I believe, when he was told. I would be more curious why the witness and mandatory reporters didn't have the intellectual curiosity to ascertain who the child was and if he was OK.My statements were in the context of who had the primary responsibility for notifying the authorities for the locker room incident and it wasn't TSM. Maybe you should concern yourself more with why JVP didn't have the intellectual curiosity to ascertain who the child was and if he was OK or why he ignored John Doe when he told him what Jerry did to him.
I'm pretty sure that, short of something patently exculpatory being discovered embedded in the work product, Freeh's conclusions will remain intact. I don't believe you are going to find anything that changes things. I really don't.
Remember, Freeh based his conclusions on a "preponderance of the evidence" standard and not on "beyond a reasonable doubt". Accordingly, he proffered an "opinion" which he was hired to do based on whatever evidence he uncovered. I thought it pretty self evident that his rendering of 6/12/12 was strictly "opinion" based on the preponderance of the evidence. At least it was to me and later reinforced by Ken in his exchange with Bill Cluck.
Many may not like Freeh's opinion but that's what it is, "an opinion". Short of proving Freeh ignored countervailing evidence or engaged in something sinister, the burden to invalidate his opinion is going to be in my estimation highly problematic if not impossible. Unless the Board takes legal action against FSS, I'm going to have to assume the review of the work product turned up little of consequence.
Any idea how long the review will take and when you think the work will be done?
Are you really going to wager whatever miniscule credibility you have remaining on this, John?My statements were in the context of who had the primary responsibility for notifying the authorities for the locker room incident and it wasn't TSM. Maybe you should concern yourself more with why JVP didn't have the intellectual curiosity to ascertain who the child was and if he was OK or why he ignored John Doe when he told him what Jerry did to him.