Articles for Thursday (1/7)

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001

The NCAA article is interesting to me and reading through the qualifications standards am I the only one who finds it odd we have no idea how this is going to work? At least I don't understand it.

They still haven't decided on how many people qualify, sounds like it will be 24 or 33. 8 teams are already out from what I can tell and eight more haven't released schedules yet: American, Drexel, Bloomsburg, Cleveland State, Edinboro, George Mason, CSU Bakersfield, and Stanford. Although these schools do appear on other schedules.

There is no real mention on how a conference's allocations will be changed based on schools not competing. Will they just take 7/17 bids (41%) of the bids from the EIWA or will they look at how many allocations came from those particular schools over the past five years., or will it not be changed at all.

Also, how can you confirm a wrestling is competing at a conference tournament for allocations (according to their power point) when it doesn't sound like wrestlers can earn allocations this year if they are going on historical data?