Bad news coming

The OP is a good dude and reputable. It will be disappointing whatever the situation may be.
Practically everyone working for a lot of financial firms is a vice president. It's not saying much.
Ah he said he was a SR VP , provided that title is current, and it's at a place like Morgan Stanley it means he makes at least a half million per year
Well dick head if you are going to childishly resort to name calling. So now I'm a gym teacher? You really do have an inferiority complex. I'm fortunate enough to coach football as a hobby from my day job working for one of the largest financial companies in the US as a senior Vice President. Want to compare pay checks?

My reason for posting now is just informational. You don't like it put me on ignore.
Wow. You out-douched everyone (and that's not easy). Congrats.
This thread is a joke, which ironic since my joke thread making fun of this one got deleted
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The OP is a good dude and reputable. It will be disappointing whatever the situation may be.

Then he should just keep his precious private information to himself, instead of trying to tell us all what a great insider he is.

Frankly, anybody who brags about his job, like he did, is not a good dude. Particularly in the world he lives in. He's almost by definition a parasite.
Koa Farmer is not on the team plane

I see what you did there.

Well dick head if you are going to childishly resort to name calling. So now I'm a gym teacher? You really do have an inferiority complex. I'm fortunate enough to coach football as a hobby from my day job working for one of the largest financial companies in the US as a senior Vice President. Want to compare pay checks?

My reason for posting now is just informational. You don't like it put me on ignore.

Mr Sr. VP, you can't see why your post that is supposed to be informatonal that couldnt be more vague would annoy people?

Just so you all know too....I know of a current PSU asst. coach that will be leaving the team next year or after for a different job but I can't say much. I'll post more when it happens.
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I'm fortunate enough to coach football as a hobby from my day job working for one of the largest financial companies in the US as a senior Vice President. Want to compare pay checks?
Are we supposed to be impressed by this? Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not. But hey, congratulations on your paycheck.

And I concur with the drama queen label.
Well dick head if you are going to childishly resort to name calling. So now I'm a gym teacher? You really do have an inferiority complex. I'm fortunate enough to coach football as a hobby from my day job working for one of the largest financial companies in the US as a senior Vice President. Want to compare pay checks?

My reason for posting now is just informational. You don't like it put me on ignore.
It's not information until you spell it out. But you know that.
Since whatever it is (or isn't) has (or hasn't) already happened, there is no reason I can see to spend any time worrying about it until we know.
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Since whatever it is (or isn't) has (or hasn't) already happened, there is no reason I can see to spend any time worrying about it until we know.

Used to be something ominous like this would get the board into a frenzy - now, not so much. Who cares?
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A naked head-up isn't particularly helpful. OP just wants to let the world know that he knows stuff before everybody else.

I'm sure it will all be revealed eventually. Some people will look better, and some will look worse. He'd tell us, but since he was told in confidence he can't. It's possible that the information will come out slower than expected, because some of this stuff will take longer to play out than anticipated. Just like all of the other private information that gets held over our heads.

Why is it that everybody who works for a big bank seems to be a total asshole? We should torch each and every one of those institutions. They do nobody any good, unless you are a billionaire.
Goldman Sachs being exibit number one.
^^^^^^ "Ironical" isn't quite sufficient a term .........FACT!!!!! ^^^^^^^^

I've figured it have a man crush on 21 and he keeps spurning your lip service advances, so you keep stalking with hopes of your ultimate ecstasy.

Really? Give it break loser.
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A naked head-up isn't particularly helpful. OP just wants to let the world know that he knows stuff before everybody else.

I'm sure it will all be revealed eventually. Some people will look better, and some will look worse. He'd tell us, but since he was told in confidence he can't. It's possible that the information will come out slower than expected, because some of this stuff will take longer to play out than anticipated. Just like all of the other private information that gets held over our heads.

Why is it that everybody who works for a big bank seems to be a total asshole? We should torch each and every one of those institutions. They do nobody any good, unless you are a billionaire.
Sounds like the "Official Communications Consultant" to the PSU BOT "A9"

Why do we need to know something that we don't know, and he can't tell us?

Bunch of crap. OP is a turd.

There will always be people who will act like posts like this are just troll posts and are not needed, but I disagree. Considering OP is reputable, and not a troll, I'd like to know beforehand that something shockingly bad is coming rather than it hit me on the spot in a few days closer to the Rose Bowl.
I've figured it have a man crush on 21 and he keeps spurning your lip service advances, so you keep stalking with hopes of your ultimate ecstasy.

Really? Give it break loser.
Yep, broke the case!!!!
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Posts like this are just not needed. He informed us all we need to know at this time, a heads up that something bad is coming... I'm sure he would tell us if privacy was not an issue. OP is a reputable poster.

OK, what exactly did he inform us of that is happening?? What is the point of his thread??

Let's start a thread that some good news is coming to counter it.
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There will always be people who will act like posts like this are just troll posts and are not needed, but I disagree. Considering OP is reputable, and not a troll, I'd like to know beforehand that something shockingly bad is coming rather than it hit me on the spot in a few days closer to the Rose Bowl.

Why? Do you wrap yourself up in a blanket for a few days? Light a few more candles in the sanctuary? Take off work in case it is really bad?
Why? Do you wrap yourself up in a blanket for a few days? Light a few more candles in the sanctuary? Take off work in case it is really bad?

Look man, take this post for what its worth then. Whether you will admit it or not, when the bad news announcement comes in the coming days (assuming OP is correct), you at the very least cannot say that you didn't see it coming.
Next thing you know people on this board will believe that a penny is worth 2 cents
Look man, take this post for what its worth then. Whether you will admit it or not, when the bad news announcement comes in the coming days (assuming OP is correct), you at the very least cannot say that you didn't see it coming.

Is that supposed to make this worth it?
I'm not sure what you think I m kidding about. The only people they really answer to is their clients
You've just mentioned an awful lot of people there. But you forgot the most important one. President and CEO. Mr Sr VP fails to follow the policy directions of his President or fail to reach his expected goals for any significant period and he'll find out rather quickly who he answers to.
I'm not sure what you think I m kidding about. The only people they really answer to is their clients

Wait a minute, you said they only have to answer to themselves. Now you're changing that to their clients. Which is it??

. . . and I'm pretty sure they answer to their board of directors, stockholders and the Feds. Please explain.
Bad news coming ... will impact Rose Bowl. Can't disclose yet due to confidence but it is not good. Is a player issue.

I think I understand the frustration some of you are expressing, though I do feel that some of you are going a little far with the condemnation of the OP.

Over the years, I've had a lot of inside info on the FB team. 95% of the time I don't say anything. The other 5% of the time I drop hints, or indicate that something is about to drop. Things have gotten a tad heated on many issues since Nov. 2011, so for the most part I avoid dropping hints.

Just sit back and wait to see what develops. At this point it's nothing more than a rumor on the board. How much value you place on it should be dependent upon how much confidence you have in what the OP has brought in prior posts.

If it turns out to be inaccurate info, you can hold that over the OP if you care to, or just put that into your memory bank for any future posts from the OP, or future posts containing FB team rumors.

There isn't a perfect way to handle bad info given to you in confidence. The safest thing is to not say a thing. The OP elected to give you guys a heads up, even if it is a little short on specifics. I'd ask that you not go crazy about his actions at this time.
Look man, take this post for what its worth then. Whether you will admit it or not, when the bad news announcement comes in the coming days (assuming OP is correct), you at the very least cannot say that you didn't see it coming.
Why is it important we see anything coming? Whether the OP is correct or not, it's very unlikely the "news" will affect any of us personally. It's not like telling someone the bridge they're driving over will collapse in thirty seconds. Say for example a player was skipping classes and will be benched. The game will go on and the other players will need to step up. It's not a life or death issue we need to be losing sleep over then worrying about when the shoe will drop.

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