Yes...Courtney Cox or Jennifer Aniston?
Courtney Cox or Jennifer Aniston?
Flags littering the field.Courtney Cox or Jennifer Aniston?
And it's not even close.Without a doubt, Jennifer Aniston.
Sofia Vergara or Selma Hayek?
Who is favored to man the spot next year? Berge is the bigger recruit but if I recall he wasn't super active this past year. Is he too big for 149?
Lol. Not you many meal options to consider. Ham or lamb for Easter. Matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, and hmm, so many main-course options for Passover. It makes me hungry just thinking about all that great food. Perhaps a chicken sandwich for lunch will tide me over while I think about all the foods I might have this weekend.
Fish fry for me tonight...
Hah!Actually there has been word that Nolf will be waiting to see where Micah Jordan goes, and if Micah moves down to 149, then Jason will be going down to 149 also! Just to stick it to them for one final year. Berge will then not be "too heavy" at all for 157, and will beat Hayes.
There, a "double-double" for the haters and their leader Ghost K, better known as "script ohio" lol.
Flags littering the field.
I thought this was a food thread? Looks edible to me....
When Friends first started, Courtney Cox was criminally underrated. Very hot. Jennifer Aniston was always hot.Courtney Cox or Jennifer Aniston?
If you mean the kraut one I mentioned yesterday. I'll post it when I get it from my wife.Yesterday's GhostK post was deleted or is just plain gone. Will the poster that has the cabbage pierogi recipe PLEASE post it.... before this thread disappears. I am getting tired of Mrs. T's. Thanks
Salad for lunch. Feel like a easter bunny.
As Homer Simpson sang: “you don’t win friends with salad”My food eats salad.
Over Selma & Sofia?
Son of a ... How many times do I have to tell you that it is rude to put stuff like this on here? I recorded the game, and had no idea what the result was, until you had to go and post this crap on here. It is widely known, internet etiquette not to post basketball spoilers on wrestling websites. It is uncool. Now, you have ruined my plans for tonight. I was going to sit back with a cold Miller Lite (yeah, that's right, HG, Miller Lite), and watch the game, but NO, you go and throw cold water on my plans.
Uuni 3 Wood Fired Pizza tonight:
Yesterday's GhostK post was deleted or is just plain gone. Will the poster that has the cabbage pierogi recipe PLEASE post it.... before this thread disappears. I am getting tired of Mrs. T's. Thanks