BIG Weekend for PSU Wrestling


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
While the team scores are not in doubt this weekend....there are some very important bouts happening and questions to be answered this weekend that can be huge for seeding purposes for BIG 10's and beyond. Here are my thoughts....from least important to most important::

#6: Have Nolf, Hall and Bo reached their peak and started to regress? ............Just Messin' with you.......thought I would start out with a joke :)

#5: How is 197 playing out? Both guys are probably going this weekend and both should win. It would be a really bad loss for either for seeding purposes. Hoping for two impressive wins

#4: Corey Keener. Corey needs to put both Thorton and Simmons in the rear view mirror in the BIG 10 seedings. Can NOT slip up here. I would be surprised if he didn't win both.

#3: Carson Kuhn. It would be huge to see Carson on the mat this weekend. A win over Luke Welch and Brandon Cray would go a long way towards getting a solid seed at BIG 10's....greatly increasing the chances of qualifying for nationals. That is BIG. How Big?? Well....Nathan Tomasello is currently on schedule to have 8 matches wrestled before the Big 10's. My understanding is...that if he were to sit out one match...the Big 10 would lose one allocation for NCAA's at 125 lbs. I am certain that Tan Tom would never think of sitting out Nato for 1 match just so the Big 10 would lose that allocation in the hopes that that spot would have gone to Carson Kuhn of PSU. But if it is a possibility....this weekend is far more important than you might first imagine. Go Carson!!

#2: Nick Lee. He had a great weekend last week but will get his toughest test ( Post redshirt ) Friday with Nate Limmex ( who beat Chad Red ). Sunday he gets Ryan Diehl who was an NCAA qualifier last year....beating Gulibon and Majoring Thorn in the process. Definitely another big weekend for the true frosh

#1B Nick Nevills. This is the weekend to plant a foot and turn things around in a big way. Streck from Purdue is no pushover and Hemida looks much better this year. Two wins ( and more offense ) would go a long way to resurrecting his prospects and seedings.

#1A: Nobody gets injured.
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