Mike's brother-in-law who said he didn't call the cops that Saturday morning because Mike was gonna see Joe about it. Worked out well, eh?Sorry, who is towny? Dad McQueary?
Mike's brother-in-law who said he didn't call the cops that Saturday morning because Mike was gonna see Joe about it. Worked out well, eh?Sorry, who is towny? Dad McQueary?
Ha --- like you wouldn't be driving your boot up MY ass if you were proven correct?
The telling part is that, in all the e-mails from 1998, they talk about what DPW is doing, not if Sandusky will be prosecuted.
I don't understand this reasoning. You sound like my sig other telling me what the original ticket price was on a $9.99 dress she bought. "But it WAS $695.00!" So if they'd been charged with 555 baseless felonies this would be an even better outcome for C&S?Considering the original charges brought against both of them, the end result of only two misdemeanor pleas has to be considered a monumental failure by the prosecution. It's damn tough to spin that.
Let's also remember that it's a little premature for your victory lap, Mr. Jacobs.
Where have you seen ALL the e-mails from 1998?
Link please.
Considering the original charges brought against both of them, the end result of only two misdemeanor pleas has to be considered a monumental failure by the prosecution. It's damn tough to spin that.
I personally haven't tried to spin it. But, I have read posts from those I respect such as Cincy, fairgambit (both attorneys) as well as others who do offer viable reasons for a plea such as this. My only answer is that I don't know. I will say that were I in this position and certain of my innocence, I like to think that I'd want to fight it to the bitter end. In any event, despite our huge difference of opinion on this whole mess, you and I have manged to stay relatively civil in our exchanges.
"Most of the charges remain."Sandusky in prison, two guilty pleas. It isn't a victory lap, but it is removing a scarlet letter.
I'm a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association. I've never attended Pitt.
The telling part is that, in all the e-mails from 1998, they talk about what DPW is doing, not if Sandusky will be prosecuted.
Now, we also have that 10/13/98 meeting with Gricar, Sloane, Ralston, and Schreffler meeting Ganter in his office. Related? Well 4 of the 5 are still around.
That meeting was 5 months after Richard Houston and Harrisburg told Lauro to shut it the fu(k down. Gricar didn't give one flying sh!t about Penn State. He might have been threatened and scared, but not by C/S/ or S.
"Most of the charges remain."
I don't understand this reasoning. You sound like my sig other telling me what the original ticket price was on a $9.99 dress she bought. "But it WAS $695.00!" So if they'd been charged with 555 baseless felonies this would be an even better outcome for C&S?
It's tough to spin if one believes they are "100% completely not guilty, your honor" (to quote OJ).
It's tough to spin if one believes they are "100% completely not guilty, your honor" (to quote OJ).
Well, if there was nothing there that relates to Sandusky, we can find out.
OK, now let's talk about those Reds.Fair post. I do agree - you have been civil over the years, I appreciate that.
Same as it was before. You're still not a hero.Well, if there was nothing there that relates to Sandusky, we can find out.
As of today, that changed; what is your point?
They are at the end of the Freeh Report. You have not read it yet?
https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/396512-report-final-071212.html pp. 169-77
You said ALL the 1998 e-mails. Not just the ones in the Freeh Report. Link please to ALL e-mails.
See this is where you are showing what a dim bulb you are. You've relied solely on what Freeh wrote in his report.
Freeh's job was not to exonerate C/S/S or Joe, it was to assign blame to them. If he found e-mails exculpatory or potentially exculpatory to C/S/S or Joe he was not required to include them in his report. If you believe differently, show me where he was required to do so.
You may still be young, so maybe there is hope for you.
He's a 50 something year old yo-yo.
How did the prosecution spin having to drop or reduce all those felony charges? This is a much greater victory for C/S than for the prosecution. Not a total victory, but close to it.
You were wrong michnitt, you can admit it now.
Same as it was before. You're still not a hero.
You said ALL the 1998 e-mails. Not just the ones in the Freeh Report. Link please to ALL e-mails.
I know a lot of people are upset but today was huge. 5.5 years ago, PSU admin. were faced with 4 felony counts. Today was the end -> 1 Misdemeanor. No cover up and no perjury. In all honesty, I'm surprised the country is not an in uproar. They wanted c/s/s hung from a tree or rot in jail with Sandusky. What we should be telling everyone is fu** you. Nothing was ever covered up and there were no lies. Today, we should celebrate, not be upset.
That is simple; they want Spanier. The OAG just got two new witnesses. Spanier is still facing half the original charges, including the conspiracy charge.
OK, now let's talk about those Reds.![]()
Curley and Schultz have been drawing generous payments from the State (Curley his salary and Schultz his pension). They'd be gone when they pleaded guilty. Plus it wasn't costing them anything to defend the cases.they could have done this 4 yrs ago, I guess is my point.
This 1000 times!!!Correct, but they're not saying what they heard.
It's also amazing that MM, JM, Dranov, and Raykovitz (among others) haven't been found liable. Perhaps they should have been but the state wanted to make an example of the big dogs so they didn't worry about the others.
Why am I a yo-yo for not knowing a poster's age? Is there some database on this board that shows posters ages and where is it?
Reading his posts he seemed kind of immature.
Well, there's some hope there.We'll see how the young pitchers are. I'm not optimistic.
I just moved out to Denver, so I'll be seeing a lot less of the Reds this year, unfortunately. Gotta jump on the Rockies train now!
Ease up there Kemosabe!Then you're beyond naive. Not only has it cost us millions, it's cost us recruits in numerous sports. You really want to argue this? Really? Enjoy. I'm done with this crap. Reality hit us like a brick wall today. It is what it is.
But there's no plea deal. Don't understand--if they went to trial, the worst that could have happened is that they would have been found guilty--which is exactly how they pled--makes no sense--they gained nothing.When you're dealing with a jury pool that awarded McQuery millions of dollars and planning on getting a fair trial based on actual evidence, it's a risk to gamble on prison time, not matter how remote that may be.
If this plea deal kept them out of prison, you probably have your answer as to why they bit the bullet before trial.
But there's no plea deal. Don't understand--if they went to trial, the worst that could have happened is that they would have been found guilty--which is exactly how they pled--makes no sense--they gained nothing.
I know a lot of people are upset but today was huge. 5.5 years ago, PSU admin. were faced with 4 felony counts. Today was the end -> 1 Misdemeanor. No cover up and no perjury. In all honesty, I'm surprised the country is not an in uproar. They wanted c/s/s hung from a tree or rot in jail with Sandusky. What we should be telling everyone is fu** you. Nothing was ever covered up and there were no lies. Today, we should celebrate, not be upset.
you are completely delusional. when tim and gary take the stand against spanier and bascially admit to everything the state has accused them of for the last 5 years and spanier is found guilty of felony 3 charges I don't think you will consider it a victory to celebrate.
Sandusky in prison, two guilty pleas. It isn't a victory lap, but it is removing a scarlet letter.
You need to improve your reading skills. You didn't address my question AT ALL. Please re-read.
Curley and Schultz have been drawing generous payments from the State (Curley his salary and Schultz his pension). They'd be gone when they pleaded guilty. Plus it wasn't costing them anything to defend the cases.
How in the freakin World does this "remove a scarlet letter"????? It just perpetuates it into Eternity. What Planet do you live on.
Go to the Pitt Board and tell them our "scarlet letter" is removed. Let me know what their reponse is.
Chances that Spanier cops a plea?you are completely delusional. when tim and gary take the stand against spanier and bascially admit to everything the state has accused them of for the last 5 years and spanier is found guilty of felony 3 charges I don't think you will consider it a victory to celebrate.
How in the freakin World does this "remove a scarlet letter"????? It just perpetuates it into Eternity. What Planet do you live on.
Go to the Pitt Board and tell them our "scarlet letter" is removed. Let me know what their reponse is.
The general public isn't paying close enough attention to the specifics and probably doesn't even know that this plea is only a misdemeanor. The public probably doesn't care either. In the court of public opinion, Curley and Schultz just admitted they covered up the abuse.I know a lot of people are upset but today was huge. 5.5 years ago, PSU admin. were faced with 4 felony counts. Today was the end -> 1 Misdemeanor. No cover up and no perjury. In all honesty, I'm surprised the country is not an in uproar. They wanted c/s/s hung from a tree or rot in jail with Sandusky. What we should be telling everyone is fu** you. Nothing was ever covered up and there were no lies. Today, we should celebrate, not be upset.
Numerous attorneys have maintained that the Penn state defendants would have a strong argument on appeal since, like Lynn, they were charged under the earlier version of the law that did not explicitly say it applied beyond direct supervisors. But the prospect of avoiding jail time could have been more persuasive, according to attorney.