How will they stay out of prison? The judge stated there was no plea deal.Sure they did. They stayed out of prison.
How will they stay out of prison? The judge stated there was no plea deal.Sure they did. They stayed out of prison.
How will they stay out of prison? The judge stated there was no plea deal.
you are completely delusional. when tim and gary take the stand against spanier and bascially admit to everything the state has accused them of for the last 5 years and spanier is found guilty of felony 3 charges I don't think you will consider it a victory to celebrate.
Chances that Spanier cops a plea?
Yes, I did. You asked how they would justify dropping a number of charges against Tim and gary. The answer is to use them as witnesses to go after Graham.
Curley and Schultz have good representation.I haven't talked to Frank Sheran since saturday so I am not sure..... but just my opinion, there is no reason to offer a plea to Spanier now that Tim and Gary will testify against him. with all of the plea rumors for Tim and Gary going back to 2012 I have never heard Spanier mentioned in any of that.
LionLurker is the expert on the plea deals so maybe he will chime in................
Curley and Schultz have good representation.
You're the one that keeps bragging that it was reported to Harmon (like it should have been). If what you've been blowing steam off about is true, he obviously lied. What's keeping him out of the slammer?
Removing. It is a start. The more people with a PSU association say, this was wrong, our leadership was doing the wrong things, the more it makes PSU look better. We can certainly highlight our successes, including athletic successes, as well.
I will be reaching the end of my quota of posts.
Or maybe you just didn't want to get involved.I knew Mike was meeting with Joe and he would handle correctly (which he did). If I would have known that Tim and Gary were going to cover it up it seems in hindsight I should have called the police.
It seems that harmon was informed that same weekend so maybe calling the police wouldn't have changed things. Sandusky ended up in jail where he belongs and maybe any other events change that doesn't happen.
I haven't talked to Frank Sheran since saturday so I am not sure..... but just my opinion, there is no reason to offer a plea to Spanier now that Tim and Gary will testify against him. with all of the plea rumors for Tim and Gary going back to 2012 I have never heard Spanier mentioned in any of that.
LionLurker is the expert on the plea deals so maybe he will chime in................
I thought C&S testifying against Spanier was just speculation at this point. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
Here's the deal - Curley and Schultz took an open plea to M1 EWOC with no formal agreement to sentence, likely with an "informal" agreement that if they cooperate and testify, that the AG will either (1) make no sentencing recommendation (2) not oppose requests for probation or (3) not oppose requests to serve any jail time on house arrest. This happens all the time. For one reason or another, prosecutor cannot or will not agree to a set sentence, leaves it on the judge to make the decision, but gives tacit approval to a particular result.
This allows the Commonwealth to call them to testify and to save face by saying there's no sentencing agreement. Of course, a good attorney is going to cross them on their expectations regarding leniency, not testifying b/c they're good samaritans, etc.
With no prior record, they will probably receive county jail sentences (minimum less than 12 mos) to be served entirely on house arrest, or partially in jail and the remainder on house arrest (i.e. 9 months jail, first 90 days in jail, balance on house arrest).
Yes, but what did they plead guilty to? Did they admit that MM told them about anal rape? Did they admit that they covered things up in order to protect football? Did they admit that Joe was part of a conspiracy or that Joe told them not to report to authorities? I don't think that they admitted to any of that. I think they simply admitted that they should have reported and failed to do so. Am I wrong?
Nah. Nothing in which you're interested.geez, in all day meetings and just jumped on this site now. Guess I missed a few things today
Good, glad I didn't miss anything...Nah. Nothing in which you're interested.
GS is keenly interested though.Good, glad I didn't miss anything...
Understatement of the decade.
If John Gotti had their lawyers, his cases would still be tied up in court.
I am sure. Guess this means Roberto won't have the chance to rip Mike apart on the stand? Seems many were predicting thatGS is keenly interested though.
and nobody will do a single day in prison. Win-Win.They got every penny. Everything reduced to one misdemeanor. Legally speaking complete victory for them.
Are you serious??? Fu(k our "athletic successes. They don't mean jack sh!t right now.
You want to let the State off the hook and crucify the University. You have absolutely NO proof C/S/S influenced Gricar when there is a LOT of smoke in the other direction. If you have evidence, show it or get the f_ck out.
So you are saying that the charges against C/S were trumped up the whole time?? Isn't that illegal for the prosecutor to make up false charges? Are you also saying that from the beginning they were only out to get Spanier? Do you have any proof of all this?
What evidence of guilt are C/S holding against Spanier?? Please elaborate.
You recently promised to reveal your identity once the "trials started". Are you still good for your word once GS's trial commences?No, but the OAG does.
I never said that CSS influenced Gricar. I don't know who suggested what.
I will be happy to post a copy of it here, if it is not a violation of TOS.
If you can send me an e-mail by PM, I will be happy to forward you a copy.
No, not trumped up. Prosecutors are often willing to drop/lower charges against an underling to get the head guy. Originally, Spanier wasn't charged, so they were not going after him.
My guess is that they will testify that that they told Spanier in 2001, and possibly 1998, that Sandusky was a pedophile an that, in 2001, that this wasn't horseplay.
He's JJ in Phila.You recently promised to reveal your identity once the "trials started". Are you still good for your word once GS's trial commences?
Hope springs eternal.I am sure. Guess this means Roberto won't have the chance to rip Mike apart on the stand? Seems many were predicting that
Won't be any GS trial.You recently promised to reveal your identity once the "trials started". Are you still good for your word once GS's trial commences?
No, but the OAG does.
I never said that CSS influenced Gricar. I don't know who suggested what.
I will be happy to post a copy of it here, if it is not a violation of TOS.
If you can send me an e-mail by PM, I will be happy to forward you a copy.
No, not trumped up. Prosecutors are often willing to drop/lower charges against an underling to get the head guy. Originally, Spanier wasn't charged, so they were not going after him.
My guess is that they will testify that that they told Spanier in 2001, and possibly 1998, that Sandusky was a pedophile an that, in 2001, that this wasn't horseplay.
I think there will be a GS trial...and GS will even testify on his own behalf.Won't be any GS trial.
No, not trumped up. Prosecutors are often willing to drop/lower charges against an underling to get the head guy. Originally, Spanier wasn't charged, so they were not going after him.
My guess is that they will testify that that they told Spanier in 2001, and possibly 1998, that Sandusky was a pedophile an that, in 2001, that this wasn't horseplay.
The only thing he knows is that he got a Facebook message from Steve Sloane. Which, I hasten to add, he has yet to post.So you knew this was happening all along?? Going back several years? That C/S were innocent of the most serious charges, and Spanier was leading the conspiracy?
Could you link your post(s) from before today where you stated this is what the prosecution was planning?? I just want to make sure you didn't just concoct this whole new theory after you heard the news. I mean it's easy to make this kind of stuff up after today's news.
As far as the testimony, it's just going to be he said/he said with no other evidence?? In that circumstance, why should C/S word be taken over Spanier's? I mean Spanier's lawyers would obviously bring up the plea bargain, right?
WTF are you talking about? Are you seriously trying to suggest that the PA Court System (that had judges and prosecutors chummy enough with one another to be sharing racist misogynistic porn emails) is some bastion of judicial integrity? Many on this board, including myself, have said they expected CSS to go to trial but wouldn't be shocked if they plead out to a lower charge in order to avoid the PA kanagroo courts and the BIASED jury pool (the OAG would have incentive to reach a deal as well to avoid their failures re: oversight of TSM getting exposed).
Spanier hasn't reached any deal yet that I know of so we will see how this plays out in court re: his case (which I think is the weakest of the three).
This isn't excuse making at all. This is something we didn't expect but knew could happen at any time during the absurd 5+ years these guys have been strung along.
I wouldn't bet the house on that either.Really - they are going to testify that they told GS that JS was a "pedophile" ?.
I'm pretty much done with all of this. We're never going to get the truth. We're never going to get our honor back. We're always going to be a pariah. At least for my lifetime.
And the old-boys system will continue to run and ruin the university and alumni association we once loved.
The only thing he knows is that he got a Facebook message from Steve Sloane. Which, I hasten to add, he has yet to post.
I think there will be a GS trial...and GS will even testify on his own behalf.
Really - they are going to testify that they told GS that JS was a "pedophile" ?.
Going back over the years nutjobs like elvis, stufftodo, osprey, etc. at one time or the another called Joe the ring leader of the conspiracy, then (I think) it was Curley, then they were all equally complicit, and today it's Spanier the ringleader. Of course they never produced any proof. Must be interesting having the wild imagination like they all do.
Just sit back and wait . Tick tock still applies.