Breaking from Pennlive Curley and Shultz plead guilty.

OK, listen here you physically and mentally crippled cretin. I "undestrand" perfectly.

How does being large and politically powerful automatically qualify one to help a person with a problem like pedophilia-- of course, I believe at that time the issue was "grooming" was it not? Until John Seasock said it was nothing, correct? So TSM wasn't large, but to say they didnt' have resources to counsel people with psychological problems sort of defeats the purpose of their existence, doesn't it?

Why do you think it's OK to say Penn State and in particular the athletic program has to help Sandusky, while he is still allowed to romp with the hundreds of other potential victims at his victim farm? Are you saying DPW and CYS also signed off on this? If so, that was totally irresponsible on their part. That they would say an investigation was unfounded and no further action needed to be done.

I attended Penn State. I'm highly ashamed of the fact they accepted a loser like you, who definitely is a liar and a moron.

As far as the other thing, there's stories floating around the internet about Jonathan Jacobs being charged with arson. There. There's your answer.

I think there was also something about pulling his junk out in public.
Fair enough, bad "word play" on my part.

But this is true: after 5 years of delaying and such, Curley and Schultz pled guilty today. G-U-I-L-T-Y, they said so themselves.

Wait, did you say guilty? G-U-I-L-T-Y? I hadn't heard :rolleyes:
Why does everyone assume Tim and Gary are going to testify in Spanier's trial? That mention in the article was merely speculation on the part of the author. Irresponsible speculation, at best. Isn't it possible (and more likely) that they agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence, and there is no promise for them to "flip" against Spanier?
Good point Bayou.

Just to be clear here, in the grand scheme of things, this is a HUGE win for Tim and Gary.

This is a freaking misdemeanor. In case people don't appreciate what that is, here are some other misdemeanors in PA:

Loitering at night time
Open lewdness
Disorderly Conduct

Do people appreciate what small potatoes that charge is in terms of what they were charged with originally? Does that help people to appreciate why they might take the plea (especially if it involves no jail time)? Does it help people to appreciate to what a sham this whole indictment was?

You're really delusional. They were about to get hammered and they knew it. They'll be testifying against Spanier unless he takes a plea ( if that is an option at this time). It might not be. this case wasn't a sham, these indictments weren't a sham, and it's finally near the end.
You're really delusional. They were about to get hammered and they knew it. They'll be testifying against Spanier unless he takes a plea ( if that is an option at this time). It might not be. this case wasn't a sham, these indictments weren't a sham, and it's finally near the end.
I forgot that we lose 8 days when we set the clocks forward, my bad.
Time to start a new countdown, tick tock......
You're really delusional. They were about to get hammered and they knew it. They'll be testifying against Spanier unless he takes a plea ( if that is an option at this time). It might not be. this case wasn't a sham, these indictments weren't a sham, and it's finally near the end.

The indictments were very clearly a sham. When you go from a laundry list of felonies down to ONE misdemeanor (with no jail time), that means that (by definition) the charges were HUGELY over-reaching.

And you have zero idea if they are testifying against Spanier or not. My guess is that they are not.
I always had a thing for that lady, but who are the delusional ones here? Some folk have been warning people for some time now.

Thanks for the warning. State of PA spends 5 years, millions of dollars and they finally get a misdemeanor plea. Boy, you really showed us!!

Next they'll go after chronic jaywalkers, Deputy Fife!!
They spent? Talk to the guys who took the pleas. Spoiler alert, they covered it up. Their lack of actions cost the school hundreds of millions of dollars, not Mc Queary, the BOT, or anyone else. Jerry and these guys, with a little outside assistance from some others like Gricar.
The indictments were very clearly a sham. When you go from a laundry list of felonies down to ONE misdemeanor (with no jail time), that means that (by definition) the charges were HUGELY over-reaching.

And you have zero idea if they are testifying against Spanier or not. My guess is that they are not.

Really? Yah think sooo?? Of course they are. But weren't you one of the there will be no plea deals crowd? you guys are batting a 1000 so far.
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OK, listen here you physically and mentally crippled cretin. I "undestrand" perfectly.

ice of you to complauin about someone's physical disabilities. I guess you want better parking spaces.

How does being large and politically powerful automatically qualify one to help a person with a problem like pedophilia-- of course, I believe at that time the issue was "grooming" was it not? Until John Seasock said it was nothing, correct? So TSM wasn't large, but to say they didnt' have resources to counsel people with psychological problems sort of defeats the purpose of their existence, doesn't it?

TSM was a pedophile treatment center. They could not hire people to take care of Sandusky. PSU could, in theory.

You don't need theory to know that PSU didn't want a scandal.

Why do you think it's OK to say Penn State and in particular the athletic program has to help Sandusky, while he is still allowed to romp with the hundreds of other potential victims at his victim farm?
I said someone at PSU; I don't know who. One might have just plead guilty, for all I know.

Are you saying DPW and CYS also signed off on this?

DPW no. CYS, maybe. It was fairly easily to pull the wool over Lauro's eyes.

I attended Penn State. I'm highly ashamed of the fact they accepted a loser like you, who definitely is a liar and a moron.

But didn't graduate? You havbe plenty of reasons to be ashamed of a few people at PSU, and many more are ashamed of you.

As far as the other thing, there's stories floating around the internet about Jonathan Jacobs being charged with arson. There. There's your answer.

Oh, yes the one Wensilver took down because it was false. I do recall a "Jonathan Jacobs" being charged with in Philadelphia in 1989. I also know of a "Jonathan M Jacobs" who was running for school director about 200 miles west in 1989, successfully; his Certificate of Election is handing on a wall. That "Jonathan M Jacobs" moved to Philadelphia in 1992.

He does have a Linked In site that does give a timeline. There are a lot of people with the same name

Did you have any head trauma since you graduated?
You must be happy Evan.

And the "angry" posts weren't because people felt the University had NO responsibility. They were and are directed at the idea that the University and everyone associated with the University (i.e., all of us) placed the value of winning football games over the welfare of children being raped. Of course, you know that, but to admit it would require a least an ounce of intellectual honesty, something of which you are totally void.

How could you blame anyone(outside of the PSU sphere) for thinking the main priority of the child sexual abuse cover-up that occurred at our state University, and I have been a PA resident most of my adult life, was to protect the cash-cow football program and its employees from public scrutiny, which honestly is the main reason PSU has the tremendous university status it does today? Failing to report crimes such as these are in fact an attempt to cover up a crime. That fact can only be argued by one totally void of intellectual honesty.

The university has come a very long way since 1800s due in large part to and for the success of Joe Paterno, the football team and its supporters. Jerry Sandusky was an employee for decades. Abuse was occurring for decades. If a large contingent of alumni and fans derive their self-esteem from the number of wins, recruits, bowl games a football team or university has or has not, then the priorities are out of whack.

Nobody is blaming you or any alumni, supporters or players for what happened. TSM should be investigated as well, but stating that the TSM should be investigated does not absolve PSU from scrutiny.
So does the following now come out?

C/S testify they sat down with Spanier and discussed the situation. Spanier came up with the plan to talk to JS, etc...So C/S play the only following orders card. All the 'blame' then lies with Spanier. C/S gets fine, probation, and some type of house arrest (no real jail time) as they only 'followed orders'. Spanier is made to get hit hard as he was the sights of Corbett from the start and is the biggest fish and is also the one threatening the tell all book, etc...
Really? Yah think sooo?? Of course they are. But weren't you one of the there will be no plea deals crowd? you guys are batting a 1000 so far.

MANY folk here aren't even batting .200. Or even batting .025, for that matter .........
Nobody is blaming you or any alumni, supporters or players for what happened.
Thank you. But that's directly opposite of our collective experience.

TSM should be investigated as well, but stating that the TSM should be investigated does not absolve PSU from scrutiny.
It's not been my experience that anyone here would argue this point. Our interest is in learning the full truth, whatever that truth may be.
Did you guys think that literally nothing was going to happen to these three? That they were going to be absolved of all responsibility when this was all over?

Child endangerment sounds about right. While I still haven't seen any evidence of a cover-up as it has been alleged (although these two are rumored to be testifying against Spanier so maybe we'll find out more) they at least endangered children by doing what amounted to basically nothing after being told of what happened in Lasch. Jerry's emeritus status should have been revoked and there should have been an investigation, done by the police, into what happened in the shower.

The idea that these three were going to go to trial and be acquitted of literally everything is ridiculous. Children were absolutely endangered due to at best negligence on their part.

I'm very interested to see what they testify to regarding Graham Spanier if they do indeed testify for the prosecution. I want to know the truth and if these guys have more information then I want to know.
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You have immense talent for purposely deceiving just shy of the threshold for lying.

No, I hope that Paterno was not in the loop in 1998. I think Paterno acted appropriately in 2001 and should not have been fired the way he was. I've said that numerous times.

I can see a situation in 2001 where the decisions were made above him. I can see something in 1998 where some of the higher ups were in on the arrangement, but Paterno wasn't.
So you are irondick. lol

Thought you died of embarrassment.

Don't know the fellow, so what did he say when? We can always take a look at things, right? And remember there will be a trial with these two testifying. Want to play compare and contrast after?
No, I hope that Paterno was not in the loop in 1998. I think Paterno acted appropriately in 2001 and should not have been fired the way he was. I've said that numerous times.

I can see a situation in 2001 where the decisions were made above him. I can see something in 1998 where some of the higher ups were in on the arrangement, but Paterno wasn't.

I still say that we find Ray Gricar when all is said & done.
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Don't know the fellow, so what did he say when? We can always take a look at things, right? And remember there will be a trial with these two testifying. Want to play compare and contrast after?

You're a coward, irondick. You've been outed.

Go drop a weight bar on your neck. The world will be a better place.
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How could you blame anyone(outside of the PSU sphere) for thinking the main priority of the child sexual abuse cover-up that occurred at our state University, and I have been a PA resident most of my adult life, was to protect the cash-cow football program and its employees from public scrutiny

Perhaps because it's a completely absurd contention on its face and believing that's how JS got away with his crimes only puts more kids at risk (due to ignorance of pillar of the community offenders and how they operate)?

In case you forgot, when the 2001 incident happened JS didn't even work for PSU anymore, so what motive would PSU football have to cover up for an ex employee based on a vague report where the witness couldn't verify anything?? Especially when you consider that a similar incident happened while JS was still working for PSU and it was reported OUTSIDE of PSU to CYS and everyone else under the sun?

Nice first post though pal...
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That was part of the civil suit. Not part of the criminal trial that put Sandusky in jail.

For the record, that one sounds like BS.

What about Victim 9. He claimed he would regularly have lunch with Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno at Beaver Stadium. No one else ever witnessed Sandusky and Paterno socializing at all after Sandusky's retirement.

I think there is overwhelming evidence that Sandusky was a weirdo who had some major issues with knowing what is appropriate touch between a man and a boy. I do think however, we need to take a closer look at whether or not the actual allegations of oral and anal sex were legitimate.
I said, on here, that Curley and Schultz would plead down and never talk, and received about 100 responses that told me I was wrong.

The reason Spanier will take a plea, is the same reason Curley and Schultz took a plea.

They're guilty.
Sorry, but I'm thinking that everyone that takes a plea deal is not necessarily guilty. People take a plea deal because they perceive it is their best way out. It spares them of collateral damage they may cause. You don't know who is guilty and who isn't because you weren't there.
You're a coward, irondick. You've been outed.

Go drop a weight bar on your neck. The world will be a better place.

Why don't we worry about this upcoming trial and not some screen name from days of yore. Want to bet anything on the next outcome? I'm torn between plea deal and trial. On one hand I think Spanier is to arrogant to take a deal, on the other i think he can't be that stupid to take this to trial.
I'm also betting MM goes 3/3, since we're talking football more like 18/22 for 374 yards, 4 tds and 0 ints. What do you think?
Anyone else think the headline is ridiculous? The PSU coverup case? They certainly didn't plead guilty to a coverup. Isn't anyone curious why they'd plead guilty, even to a lesser charge now? My guess is they got a deal where they get a slap on the wrist punishment. As for testifying against Spanier, I think all that means is they could possibly be called to testify by the prosecutor.. just like they could be called to testify by the defense. Whether it's considered for or against is irrelevant. They are important witnesses and I'd hope they'd be involved.
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Why does everyone assume Tim and Gary are going to testify in Spanier's trial? That mention in the article was merely speculation on the part of the author. Irresponsible speculation, at best. Isn't it possible (and more likely) that they agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence, and there is no promise for them to "flip" against Spanier?

Sure, but if they weren't offering anything to the prosecution, then they wouldn't need to plead their charges down to a lesser offense either. It seems pretty reasonable that they testify against Spanier if the trial goes forward next week.
Perhaps because it's a completely absurd contention on its face and believing that's how JS got away with his crimes only puts more kids at risk (due to ignorance of pillar of the community offenders and how they operate)?

In case you forgot, when the 2001 incident happened JS didn't even work for PSU anymore, so what motive would PSU football have to cover up for an ex employee based on a vague report where the witness couldn't verify anything?? Especially when you consider that a similar incident happened while JS was still working for PSU and it was reported OUTSIDE of PSU to CYS and everyone else under the sun?

Nice first post though pal...

The motive was a deal in 98, that should be obvious by now.
Why don't we worry about this upcoming trial and not some screen name from days of yore. Want to bet anything on the next outcome? I'm torn between plea deal and trial. On one hand I think Spanier is to arrogant to take a deal, on the other i think he can't be that stupid to take this to trial.
I'm also betting MM goes 3/3, since we're talking football more like 18/22 for 374 yards, 4 tds and 0 ints. What do you think?

I think he punted on 1st down by talking to everyone except the police
How could you blame anyone(outside of the PSU sphere) for thinking the main priority of the child sexual abuse cover-up that occurred at our state University, and I have been a PA resident most of my adult life, was to protect the cash-cow football program and its employees from public scrutiny, which honestly is the main reason PSU has the tremendous university status it does today? Failing to report crimes such as these are in fact an attempt to cover up a crime. That fact can only be argued by one totally void of intellectual honesty.

The university has come a very long way since 1800s due in large part to and for the success of Joe Paterno, the football team and its supporters. Jerry Sandusky was an employee for decades. Abuse was occurring for decades. If a large contingent of alumni and fans derive their self-esteem from the number of wins, recruits, bowl games a football team or university has or has not, then the priorities are out of whack.

Nobody is blaming you or any alumni, supporters or players for what happened. TSM should be investigated as well, but stating that the TSM should be investigated does not absolve PSU from scrutiny.

Not sure you're as smart as you think you are. Want to try again, and maybe this time use about 1/4 of the words?
Sure, but if they weren't offering anything to the prosecution, then they wouldn't need to plead their charges down to a lesser offense either. It seems pretty reasonable that they testify against Spanier if the trial goes forward next week.

Um, they were offering a guilty plea.