OK, listen here you physically and mentally crippled cretin. I "undestrand" perfectly.
How does being large and politically powerful automatically qualify one to help a person with a problem like pedophilia-- of course, I believe at that time the issue was "grooming" was it not? Until John Seasock said it was nothing, correct? So TSM wasn't large, but to say they didnt' have resources to counsel people with psychological problems sort of defeats the purpose of their existence, doesn't it?
Why do you think it's OK to say Penn State and in particular the athletic program has to help Sandusky, while he is still allowed to romp with the hundreds of other potential victims at his victim farm? Are you saying DPW and CYS also signed off on this? If so, that was totally irresponsible on their part. That they would say an investigation was unfounded and no further action needed to be done.
I attended Penn State. I'm highly ashamed of the fact they accepted a loser like you, who definitely is a liar and a moron.
As far as the other thing, there's stories floating around the internet about Jonathan Jacobs being charged with arson. There. There's your answer.
I think there was also something about pulling his junk out in public.