Some thoughts of a prosecutor who has followed this case, but has not lived this case as some of you have.
1. Plea deals often don't occur until the last minute, a common saying, is that defendant's don't feel inclined to plead until they see the white's of the jury's eyes....
2. The prosecution dropping a felony to a misdemeanor is a big deal, especially in a case as famous/infamous as this. It usually means one of the following things:
a) Prosecution didn't like it's chances or
b) Prosecution needed these two to testify against Spanier or
c) Both of the above
3. Prosecutors do not reduce felonies to misdemeanors lightly under most cases, especially a case like this....
4. Of course there is a plea deal.. The Judge only has to sign off on it if he so chooses. If the judge does not end up accepting the plea deal, the charges go back to the way they were and a trial still could be had. Then again, the Prosecutors could then just dismiss.
5. Assuming there is indeed a plea deal, if the trial with Spanier goes forward, we will know the details. Any such plea agreement would have to be given to the defense for cross examination purposes.
6. There is no way that Harmon wasn't informed in 2001 of the current incident (just based on my experience). I have never met a Chief of Police that would just turn over the 98 incident and not ask anymore questions...
7. I do not think the administrators conspired to endanger children. However, they should have just called the police. It was stupid not to. I know that Sandusky was not prosecuted in 98, but assuming knowledge of the investigation, they should have had the incident investigated.
8. With Spanier's education in the subject, Spanier really should have been vigilant.
9. I would hate to have my fate rest in a jury's or judge's hands as well.
10. Finally, I hope Spanier's case goes to trial, I would like to hear as much information as I can.