Breaking from Pennlive Curley and Shultz plead guilty.

Why don't we worry about this upcoming trial and not some screen name from days of yore. Want to bet anything on the next outcome? I'm torn between plea deal and trial. On one hand I think Spanier is to arrogant to take a deal, on the other i think he can't be that stupid to take this to trial.
I'm also betting MM goes 3/3, since we're talking football more like 18/22 for 374 yards, 4 tds and 0 ints. What do you think?

Have you eaten yet irony? What did you have to drink? Did you drop it out yet? What size and color was it? Is you wife still the most vulgar woman in NE Pa? Have you and your kid beaten anyone up lately?:rolleyes:
The motive was a deal in 98, that should be obvious by now.

Any "deal" that was made in 1998 had nothing to do with PSU admins and everything to do with the local DA. Once UPPD looped in CC CYS who then looped in DPW the case was out of PSU's hands as far as determining whether any abuse took place.

If you're suggesting that PSU influenced the local DA and CYS that's more of an indictment on those agencies than anyone else. Also if someone at PSU did somehow influence the DA/CYS how do we know it wasn't some powerful politically connected friend of JS on the PSU BOT as opposed to the admins?

This all goes back to freeh and how/why he was conveniently never able to figure out exactly who overrode Joe's objections to allowing JS to bring TSM kids into lasch as part of his retirement agreement.
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Um, they were offering a guilty plea.

I would expect them to offer more than just a guilty plea. Especially in conspiracy cases, it's quite common for those charged with being involved in the conspiracy to flip on others charged with the same offense, and testify against them.

We'll find out soon enough.
What about Victim 9. He claimed he would regularly have lunch with Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno at Beaver Stadium. No one else ever witnessed Sandusky and Paterno socializing at all after Sandusky's retirement.

I think there is overwhelming evidence that Sandusky was a weirdo who had some major issues with knowing what is appropriate touch between a man and a boy. I do think however, we need to take a closer look at whether or not the actual allegations of oral and anal sex were legitimate.

Let me guess, you also think it was strange there was no child porn on his computers too? Did that guy even know how to use the internet? That's the FIRST question you should be asking.
Why don't we worry about this upcoming trial and not some screen name from days of yore. Want to bet anything on the next outcome? I'm torn between plea deal and trial. On one hand I think Spanier is to arrogant to take a deal, on the other i think he can't be that stupid to take this to trial.
I'm also betting MM goes 3/3, since we're talking football more like 18/22 for 374 yards, 4 tds and 0 ints. What do you think?

I'm interested in the screen name because I think it's important for the board to know what kind of fool it is dealing with. In your case you're a TOTAL FOOL.

You spread all sorts of lies and BS that your "friend" the investigator supposedly told you. As each of those lies were discovered by TOS your credibility reached zero.

The big deal you made out of all this, even going to other team's board spreading the lies like the coward that you are.
All this false information you spread and look where we are 5+ years and millions of dollars later. Two misdemeanor pleas is all you have to show and you're bragging about that? Please.

You're a small man irondoc, elvis, whoever you are. Now crawl back under your rock.
I would expect them to offer more than just a guilty plea. Especially in conspiracy cases, it's quite common for those charged with being involved in the conspiracy to flip on others charged with the same offense, and testify against them.

I agree with this in theory. It works if there is some actual evidence of a crime.

The plea deal worked because both sides win. Curley and Schultz avoid having their fate decided by a tainted jury, and the OAG saves face and can say one of their charges stuck. It's all bs.
I agree with this in theory. It works if there is some actual evidence of a crime.

The plea deal worked because both sides win. Curley and Schultz avoid having their fate decided by a tainted jury, and the OAG saves face and can say one of their charges stuck. It's all bs.

I would say the biggest win for Curley and Schultz is pleading guilty to a misdemeanor and keeping their pensions. I'd say that's probably hands down among their biggest motivations here.
What i don't understand is why does everything have to now be a conspiracy? Isn't it plausible that Penn State had several inept administrators who simply did not handle the situation properly? Their decisions to no act with the utmost caution and care left the university and children at risk? There seems to be two extremes, those who believe it an active coverup by Penn State and those who think Penn State did nothing wrong and it just the corruption of everyone else.
I would simply say this to the conspiracy angle. Even if the PSU admins screwed up, it has always seemed to me many others did as well and were not only never charged but never investigated. [Dr D JR Heim etc CYS DPW [circa 98]
Let me guess, you also think it was strange there was no child porn on his computers too? Did that guy even know how to use the internet? That's the FIRST question you should be asking.

I do admit that perhaps Jerry did not know how to use the internet is a legitimate response to Ziegler's argument. But whatever the case, I feel there is much more evidence for Jerry Sandusky's innocence than Hurricane Carter's innocence. But people can still love the Bob Dylan song and the Denzel Washington movie without being called triple murder apologists. And don't even get me started on Mumia Abu Jamal.
Anyone else think the headline is ridiculous? The PSU coverup case? They certainly didn't plead guilty to a coverup. Isn't anyone curious why they'd plead guilty, even to a lesser charge now? My guess is they got a deal where they get a slap on the wrist punishment. As for testifying against Spanier, I think all that means is they could possibly be called to testify by the prosecutor.. just like they could be called to testify by the defense. Whether it's considered for or against is irrelevant. They are important witnesses and I'd hope they'd be involved.

Did you honestly expect anything less from the media?
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Some thoughts of a prosecutor who has followed this case, but has not lived this case as some of you have.
1. Plea deals often don't occur until the last minute, a common saying, is that defendant's don't feel inclined to plead until they see the white's of the jury's eyes....
2. The prosecution dropping a felony to a misdemeanor is a big deal, especially in a case as famous/infamous as this. It usually means one of the following things:
a) Prosecution didn't like it's chances or
b) Prosecution needed these two to testify against Spanier or
c) Both of the above
3. Prosecutors do not reduce felonies to misdemeanors lightly under most cases, especially a case like this....
4. Of course there is a plea deal.. The Judge only has to sign off on it if he so chooses. If the judge does not end up accepting the plea deal, the charges go back to the way they were and a trial still could be had. Then again, the Prosecutors could then just dismiss.
5. Assuming there is indeed a plea deal, if the trial with Spanier goes forward, we will know the details. Any such plea agreement would have to be given to the defense for cross examination purposes.
6. There is no way that Harmon wasn't informed in 2001 of the current incident (just based on my experience). I have never met a Chief of Police that would just turn over the 98 incident and not ask anymore questions...
7. I do not think the administrators conspired to endanger children. However, they should have just called the police. It was stupid not to. I know that Sandusky was not prosecuted in 98, but assuming knowledge of the investigation, they should have had the incident investigated.
8. With Spanier's education in the subject, Spanier really should have been vigilant.
9. I would hate to have my fate rest in a jury's or judge's hands as well.
10. Finally, I hope Spanier's case goes to trial, I would like to hear as much information as I can.

Thanks for the insight DD. I especially want to hear about number 6. However if Harmon was informed why doesn't the "count" as calling the police?
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How could you blame anyone(outside of the PSU sphere) for thinking the main priority of the child sexual abuse cover-up that occurred at our state University, and I have been a PA resident most of my adult life, was to protect the cash-cow football program and its employees from public scrutiny, which honestly is the main reason PSU has the tremendous university status it does today? Failing to report crimes such as these are in fact an attempt to cover up a crime. That fact can only be argued by one totally void of intellectual honesty.

The university has come a very long way since 1800s due in large part to and for the success of Joe Paterno, the football team and its supporters. Jerry Sandusky was an employee for decades. Abuse was occurring for decades. If a large contingent of alumni and fans derive their self-esteem from the number of wins, recruits, bowl games a football team or university has or has not, then the priorities are out of whack.

Nobody is blaming you or any alumni, supporters or players for what happened. TSM should be investigated as well, but stating that the TSM should be investigated does not absolve PSU from scrutiny.

Who are you supposed to be all of a sudden?
That's right....the prosecution is very, very powerful and can make life miserable in so many different ways. I mean, a 6 year pursuit yielding a pled out misdemeanor? At some point, you've got to fold your cards and move on with life. At this age, they are retired and have no place to go. Their reps have been ruined and there is no hope of further employment....they've gotten worn out.

The caveat is if they agreed to turn on Spanier. That remains to be seen.

But the reporting is a maximum of $10,000. My guess is they pay something like $1500. Again, we'll see.
Either way, it's a h*ll of a lot less than PSU paid. Though they will likely lose their pensions too.
Either way, it's a h*ll of a lot less than PSU paid. Though they will likely lose their pensions too.

not so least for a misdemeanor. I felony? likely, but don't know about a misdemeanor.
Anyone can say or believe what they want, it simply doesn't matter. This is the worst case scenario and we all know it. They plead guilty. It's done, and Spanier is on his own now. It kills Penn State, and that's what really matters. I won't go into other areas as that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter why, or the end results. They just hung Penn State, and the rest of us have to pick up the pieces. It is what it is. No one gives a damn what they plead to, or if they do jail time. It is now up to Spanier. If these two testify against Spanier, it's really done. If that occurs, the writing is on the wall. Truth be damned, they hurt Penn State, and there's no walking that back. Reality is painful, but that's not what's important here. If more comes out, that's beyond sad and disgraceful. Looks at this point that Joe was the only one that did the right damn thing. There are no excuses. NONE.
I'm interested in the screen name because I think it's important for the board to know what kind of fool it is dealing with. In your case you're a TOTAL FOOL.

You spread all sorts of lies and BS that your "friend" the investigator supposedly told you. As each of those lies were discovered by TOS your credibility reached zero.

The big deal you made out of all this, even going to other team's board spreading the lies like the coward that you are.
All this false information you spread and look where we are 5+ years and millions of dollars later. Two misdemeanor pleas is all you have to show and you're bragging about that? Please.

You're a small man irondoc, elvis, whoever you are. Now crawl back under your rock.

Interesting, what exactly did he say and what was so wrong about it?
BTW: I'm still waiting for the "criminal problem" you think I have.

Cut the bull$hit. PSU was a large, politically powerful, institution. TSM wasn't and it was very dependent on PSU. Sandusky worked for PSU in 1998 and this was the site of the assaults. It was being handled by the PSU police. If you don't undestrand that, then either you've never attended PSU, or are a liar, or a moron. I hope the first is true

Sandusky also had a management role in TSM.

Gricar wouldn't prosecute if Sandusky "received help with the problem." The institution that had the resources to help him was PSU, not TSM.
Ok, I just don't get this part. "help with the problem" always made since with boundary issues, makes no sense with Ped. issues. Even back in 98 ped was considered very very difficult to "control" what help did they expect to give him.
I don't think you hear a peep from them anymore. They are going to testify or their flipping will put the heat on GS to plea out. After that, none of them will utter a word anymore to be honest. The best chance of hearing what they have to say is if GS actually does go to trial. The odds on that just took a hit today. These guys aren't going to come out after getting a deal and blast the world.
Especially as they could still be civilly liable.
not so least for a misdemeanor. I felony? likely, but don't know about a misdemeanor.

I don't believe it's such a big blanket that a pension is forfeited only on a felony vs. misdemeanor. But child endangerment does not appear on Act 140 if I looked at the right statute.
Not sure you're as smart as you think you are. Want to try again, and maybe this time use about 1/4 of the words?
I'm as smart as I was created to be. I used the words I thought were necessary. It looks like two men plead guilty to endangering children. At least they now are part of the progress toward healing, in my opinion. Good day.
I don't believe it's such a big blanket that a pension is forfeited only on a felony vs. misdemeanor. But child endangerment does not appear on Act 140 if I looked at the right statute., it may have been part of the "agreement". I am sure PSU wants this to go away...I am also willing to bet a lot of non-disclousure with teeth.
Anyone can say or believe what they want, it simply doesn't matter. This is the worst case scenario and we all know it. They plead guilty. It's done, and Spanier is on his own now. It kills Penn State, and that's what really matters. I won't go into other areas as that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter why, or the end results. They just hung Penn State, and the rest of us have to pick up the pieces. It is what it is. No one gives a damn what they plead to, or if they do jail time. It is now up to Spanier. If these two testify against Spanier, it's really done. If that occurs, the writing is on the wall. Truth be damned, they hurt Penn State, and there's no walking that back. Reality is painful, but that's not what's important here. If more comes out, that's beyond sad and disgraceful. Looks at this point that Joe was the only one that did the right damn thing. There are no excuses. NONE.

This doesn't "kill" Penn State. Penn State is fine and has been for the last 5 years. Our future remains bright.

This likely DOES, however, kill the "Penn State leadership did nothing at all wrong in 2001, nope, nothing whatsoever!" crowd.
This doesn't "kill" Penn State. Penn State is fine and has been for the last 5 years. Our future remains bright.

This DOES, however, kill the "Penn State did nothing at all wrong, nope, nothing whatsoever!" crowd.

PSU is a thing, not a person, and incapable of doing something wrong. I can't believe I have to explain that.
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I do admit that perhaps Jerry did not know how to use the internet is a legitimate response to Ziegler's argument. But whatever the case, I feel there is much more evidence for Jerry Sandusky's innocence than Hurricane Carter's innocence. But people can still love the Bob Dylan song and the Denzel Washington movie without being called triple murder apologists. And don't even get me started on Mumia Abu Jamal.

I don't think Mumia is innocent.

Hurricane Carter was proven innocent.

Jerry Sandusky isn't innocent. And the only reason you guys think he is is due to the fact that you want to see Joe exonerated.
I'm as smart as I was created to be. I used the words I thought were necessary. It looks like two men plead guilty to endangering children. At least they now are part of the progress toward healing, in my opinion. Good day.

Good day to you, sir.
not so least for a misdemeanor. I felony? likely, but don't know about a misdemeanor.
You may be right--technically. But I betcha they go after it anyway. The prosecution and courts have not done much in this case "by the book".
I would simply say this to the conspiracy angle. Even if the PSU admins screwed up, it has always seemed to me many others did as well and were not only never charged but never investigated. [Dr D JR Heim etc CYS DPW [circa 98]

Others did and should the case go to trial we will likely hear from them.
Ok, I just don't get this part. "help with the problem" always made since with boundary issues, makes no sense with Ped. issues. Even back in 98 ped was considered very very difficult to "control" what help did they expect to give him.

The Church frequently sent priests to psychs that work with offenders. Most don't believe pedophilia can be cured but a minority do. sending them to psychs instead of prison was considered the "humane" thing to do and also protected the Church from embarrassment.
My point being, Penn State is far bigger than 3 men. 2 of those men at this point hurt Penn State forever. That cannot go away, ever. When I said kills Penn State, it's a metaphor, but there is reality to it. This all starts again. Maybe not as bad, but we have 2 administrators at the very top admit guilt. There is no walking away from that. We all live with that now. I now ask why? Why the hell did you not just do what was the right thing to do? For what? If you did, then why the hell didn't you fight? You owe Penn State that much.
You must be happy Evan.

And the "angry" posts weren't because people felt the University had NO responsibility. They were and are directed at the idea that the University and everyone associated with the University (i.e., all of us) placed the value of winning football games over the welfare of children being raped. Of course, you know that, but to admit it would require a least an ounce of intellectual honesty, something of which you are totally void.

Amen brother.
My point being, Penn State is far bigger than 3 men. 2 of those men at this point hurt Penn State forever. That cannot go away, ever. When I said kills Penn State, it's a metaphor, but there is reality to it. This all starts again. Maybe not as bad, but we have 2 administrators at the very top admit guilt. There is no walking away from that. We all live with that now. I now ask why? Why the hell did you not just do what was the right thing to do? For what? If you did, then why the hell didn't you fight? You owe Penn State that much.
Do you think they could have gotten a fair trial?
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My point being, Penn State is far bigger than 3 men. 2 of those men at this point hurt Penn State forever. That cannot go away, ever. When I said kills Penn State, it's a metaphor, but there is reality to it. This all starts again. Maybe not as bad, but we have 2 administrators at the very top admit guilt. There is no walking away from that. We all live with that now. I now ask why? Why the hell did you not just do what was the right thing to do? For what? If you did, then why the hell didn't you fight? You owe Penn State that much.

The state of Pennsylvania hurt Penn State forever. The old-guard trustees hurt Penn State forever.
The truth? I don't give a rat's ass. Penn State is bigger than 2 men. They owed Penn State a fight.
To be perfectly clear: I'm inclined to agree with you.

But playing devil's advocate: After paying for Freeh's opinion & presuming their full guilt for the last 5+ years, what does Penn State owe them?
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