Brooks non-issue

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So you are saying Spencer let Ramos pin him because he knew he was going to test positive? I don't believe that at all.
The video of Ramos pinning Lee is all over YouTube. I know it’s a folkstyle match, but I’ll bet a lot of wrestlers and their coaches in other countries have watched that video carefully. I would advise Spencer to stay away from that position in Istanbul and Paris.
I don't know anything about the drug testing protocols, but I do know a little bit about Adderall and how it is used. For concentrating on school work (or job related work) a typical prescription would be one tablet/capsule of Adderall ER per day. The ER stands for Extended Release which means the drug is bound with a compound that dissolves slowly over the course of time delivering an as-needed dosage to the patient that will last over the course of a typical school or work day.

The dosage provides the benefit of alertness and concentration which is exactly the intended effect. I very seriously doubt that this dosage is strong enough to provide some kind of PED effect that would help an athlete with their physical performance. However, if someone were to take 3-4 times the prescribed dosage when they wanted an extra potent kick, you might be getting into an area where the Adderall could have a positive physical effect.

So getting back to the drug test protocols, do they merely detect the presence of pharmaceutical substances in the athlete, or can the tests also provide an estimate of how much they were taking? That would be a very important distinction for someone who requests an exemption due to a medical condition.
It affects people with ADHD differently than those without ADHD. That’s the kicker. It’s a bit counterintuitive in how it works with people with ADHD as it is a stimulant.
The video of Ramos pinning Lee is all over YouTube. I know it’s a folkstyle match, but I’ll bet a lot of wrestlers and their coaches in other countries have watched that video carefully. I would advise Spencer to stay away from that position in Istanbul and Paris.
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It affects people with ADHD differently than those without ADHD. That’s the kicker. It’s a bit counterintuitive in how it works with people with ADHD as it is a stimulant.
My wife is prescribed adderall extended release for six years now and it has zero side effects. It sharpens her mind but it has no stimulate or weight loss effects. As a lay person, Adderall seems to be all over the place with effects on individuals. Some have more effects than others. An odd drug to me.
Sooooooo... Iron bird is on hiatus from his "village idiot" position and two of his fanboys slide on in to take his job.
Right? I was expecting more back up.
I cannot fight this war on my own.
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I’ll play the heretic and jump right to worst case (AB suspended from Olympics). I’d then ask if any Oly alternate has ever won a gold medal, even “any” medal?
While I still doubt AB and NLWC did anything to jeopardize AB’s spot, IF they did, the freestyle world may witness the most amazing, redemptive swan song in its history . . . including a gold medal, shoes on mat, and a revamped HC offer that even a wife smiles at, sighs deeply, and agrees is worth trying.
I remember when Phillies catcher Carlos Ruiz got suspended for using it. He only got in trouble because he didn’t have a script for it. It was reported at the time that around 65-70% of MLB was taking it
It's more than that actually, it can have effects on focus and potentially strength, not in a steroid sense, but as a nervous system, stimulant. I do not know if you realize caffeine is a banned substance at certain levels.
It's main purpose that Doctor's prescribe it for is focus. It's to help those with ADHD focus. It can also help some lose weight, but since AB has been trying to get bigger it was counter productive.
It affects people with ADHD differently than those without ADHD. That’s the kicker. It’s a bit counterintuitive in how it works with people with ADHD as it is a stimulant.
That’s true, but I think that’s primarily when you’re talking about brain chemistry. I think it has the same effect on the rest of the central nervous system. We need a neurologist to give us the facts.

BTW, to clarify my point, I wasn’t inferring that Brooks might be taking more than necessary. What I meant was that if the tests only detect the presence of the chemical in your body but give no indication of how much was taken, a drug Nazi could say that since they don’t know what was the actual dosage, they will therefore assume that it was taken in sufficient quantities to help his athletic performance. Then it will fall upon the athlete to prove otherwise which might be impossible after the fact.
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I was just coming back from Florida yesterday and got to digest all the news on this subject and coaching hires.
First of all, I think we are kidding ourselves if we believe we wouldn't be poking fun at certain Iowa fans if this had happened to Spencer Lee. I'm not saying all of us, or even the majority of us, but they would be there.
I'd like to think that my response is the same either way. These young men have plenty of information and resources available to them to help comply with the rules. If this is true, there is no one to blame but Aaron himself. That said, I hope with all my heart that this is resolved and he is able to compete. However, he put himself in this situation and the fallout is on his broad shoulders. Accountability is part of life and it is often a painful lesson. Not reporting this in the proper manner also opens up the suspicion that the issue runs deeper and we can't blame the doubters for doubting. That also falls on the responsible party.
Fingers crossed that this all works out in Aaron's favor. Either way, I'm sure his foundation of faith, family, and friends will see him through.
I was just coming back from Florida yesterday and got to digest all the news on this subject and coaching hires.
First of all, I think we are kidding ourselves if we believe we wouldn't be poking fun at certain Iowa fans if this had happened to Spencer Lee. I'm not saying all of us, or even the majority of us, but they would be there.
I'd like to think that my response is the same either way. These young men have plenty of information and resources available to them to help comply with the rules. If this is true, there is no one to blame but Aaron himself. That said, I hope with all my heart that this is resolved and he is able to compete. However, he put himself in this situation and the fallout is on his broad shoulders. Accountability is part of life and it is often a painful lesson. Not reporting this in the proper manner also opens up the suspicion that the issue runs deeper and we can't blame the doubters for doubting. That also falls on the responsible party.
Fingers crossed that this all works out in Aaron's favor. Either way, I'm sure his foundation of faith, family, and friends will see him through.
I don't disagree with you if what Mineo tweeted is more or less the full story (heck, I think Aaron would also agree with you)--but I think imma wait for that to come out (or not) officially before I decide someone needs to shoulder blame for anything. With as corrupt and inept as UWW is at times, it's entirely possible the "error" was on their end, for example. The haters are gonna hate regardless.
I don't disagree with you if what Mineo tweeted is more or less the full story (heck, I think Aaron would also agree with you)--but I think imma wait for that to come out (or not) officially before I decide someone needs to shoulder blame for anything. With as corrupt and inept as UWW is at times, it's entirely possible the "error" was on their end, for example. The haters are gonna hate regardless.
You are 100% CORRECT! I should have added that in bold!
LOL hardly. I've got better things to do in life. Every time I see your name, all I think about is a worm digging a guy about his dead son. That's literally all you are to me. Congrats!!

He also has the exact same schtick. Every time an Iowa guy comes on here doing the Ironbird type thing, he waits for someone to respond and then celebrates how triggered they have us. It got old a LONG time ago.
He also has the exact same schtick. Every time an Iowa guy comes on here doing the Ironbird type thing, he waits for someone to respond and then celebrates how triggered they have us. It got old a LONG time ago.
Use the Ignore button. It truly is that simple.
I was just coming back from Florida yesterday and got to digest all the news on this subject and coaching hires.
First of all, I think we are kidding ourselves if we believe we wouldn't be poking fun at certain Iowa fans if this had happened to Spencer Lee. I'm not saying all of us, or even the majority of us, but they would be there.
I'd like to think that my response is the same either way. These young men have plenty of information and resources available to them to help comply with the rules. If this is true, there is no one to blame but Aaron himself. That said, I hope with all my heart that this is resolved and he is able to compete. However, he put himself in this situation and the fallout is on his broad shoulders. Accountability is part of life and it is often a painful lesson. Not reporting this in the proper manner also opens up the suspicion that the issue runs deeper and we can't blame the doubters for doubting. That also falls on the responsible party.
Fingers crossed that this all works out in Aaron's favor. Either way, I'm sure his foundation of faith, family, and friends will see him through.
Fair Assessment
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They hate so they come here to express this and unlike what they claim, PSU is in their heads 24 / 7. Especially the shit eating/throwing monkey ironturd.
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“The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin we’re looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any. Many testified falsely against him, but their statements did not agree.”

Also: AB now getting the "King Yazdani" comments in bulk. 😂

“The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin we’re looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any. Many testified falsely against him, but their statements did not agree.”

Also: AB now getting the "King Yazdani" comments in bulk. 😂
My favorite was him responding to a comment that said “Doping” with “Russian vitamin*”
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My favorite was him responding to a comment that said “Doping” with “Russian vitamin*”
I liked his back and forth with the guy that thought the post was about DT's job announcement, and how Aaron patiently steered the guy to a mutual understanding and sharing of respect. That's not your typical social media pattern, right there!
Are you upset about a grown man taking a great job opportunity???

@77bart77 you’re in the Wrong comment section Bart 🤣👋🏽

@aaron_mbrooks am I, Aaron?

@77bart77 yes you are😊

@aaron_mbrooks maybe counsel your friend Carter then on how to practice what ya'll preach then. Just a thought. Maybe explain to him where your head coach coached before Penn State.

@77bart77 like I said Bart, wrong comment section. You’re bring a whole different conversation into the wrong topic. My post is for the false allegations on my name for PEDs. You came to the wrong comment section looking to pick a fight, inevitably projecting anger and putting me in the same basket as others, when this post has nothing to do with David or his coaching decision. Take a breather bro 🤣

@aaron_mbrooks well then, I retract my previous statements, apologize and hope you get fully exonerated.

@77bart77 God Bless💪🏽

@aaron_mbrooks thank you!!! 🔥
That’s true, but I think that’s primarily when you’re talking about brain chemistry. I think it has the same effect on the rest of the central nervous system. We need a neurologist to give us the facts.

BTW, to clarify my point, I wasn’t inferring that Brooks might be taking more than necessary. What I meant was that if the tests only detect the presence of the chemical in your body but give no indication of how much was taken, a drug Nazi could say that since they don’t know what was the actual dosage, they will therefore assume that it was taken in sufficient quantities to help his athletic performance. Then it will fall upon the athlete to prove otherwise which might be impossible after the fact.
If someone has ADHD then Adderall will actually slow them they can focus. Same thing happens when someone with ADHD smokes crack they can actually fall asleep I shit you not Now if someone did not have ADHD and took Adderall they would get the speed effect and could get some enhancement qualities from the drug the brain is a wonderful thing
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My wife is prescribed adderall extended release for six years now and it has zero side effects. It sharpens her mind but it has no stimulate or weight loss effects. As a lay person, Adderall seems to be all over the place with effects on individuals. Some have more effects than others. An odd drug to me.

The thing you need to understand about ADD/ADHD is it is somewhat misnamed. It's an attentional MANAGEMENT that's a problem. Having a but of it, my keys or phone are lost a couple times a week, and there was more than one final I couldn't seem to study for until I felt inordinate pressure. I'm generally useless in the morning without the bean.

It's not that you are "unfocused", it is that you are HYPERFOCUSED.

Adderall might be on some list of banned substances; but I'm not sure it confers any advantage for wrestling as a side-effect of amphetamines is insomnia; and paradoxically some ADD sufferers get BETTER sleep with a stimulant as it unlocks the hyperfocus.

"It would appear that both ADHD and the treatment of ADHD are associated with dysregulation of sleep through the life cycle from infancy to adulthood, although for a subset of adults, stimulant treatment may be associated with improvements in sleep."

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My wife is prescribed adderall extended release for six years now and it has zero side effects. It sharpens her mind but it has no stimulate or weight loss effects. As a lay person, Adderall seems to be all over the place with effects on individuals. Some have more effects than others. An odd drug to me.
"Adderall masks fatigue, masks pain, increases arousal — like being in The Zone,” begins Wadler, an associate professor of medicine at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine

“It increases alertness, aggressiveness, attention and concentration. It improves reaction time, especially when fatigued. Some think it enhances hand-eye coordination. Some believe it increases the mental aspects of performance.”

That’s not to mention possible increases in acceleration, speed, strength and power that accrue to Adderall users. It’s no wonder that Wadler calls Adderall “one of the quintessential performance-enhancing drugs. There’s no question it’s a performance-enhancing drug.”
But you had no problems with desanto did you. You are like most iowa posters, hypocrites, simple minded and just miserable beings. Living your life thru others.
Read the comments. Serve yourself.
I did--maybe 10% of the translated Farsi comments were negative in some way. Most were either supportive of their guy, or supportive of AB's win over Taylor, or supportive of all competitors in the sport. Iranian fans are rarely negative, in my limited experience. If negativity correlates with safety, maybe Foley was on to something afterall...

I know people here are making the argument Adderall isn't a PED--it's on the list, so their opinion doesn't really matter. It's also something you can get a TUE for, and if you do so properly, no one ever knows about it. So far, this "scandal" is a tweet from a guy who shares info he (or the person(s) feeding it to him) doesn't always verify.

If Aaron has a prescription, that's really none of our damn business, and the NCAA didn't seem to see a problem. Time will tell (or not) what this hullabaloo is all about, but having spoken directly with Aaron on a few occasions, I'd be very surprised if this was all some attempt to gain a competitive edge. I've been wrong before, but I just don't think I am this time. That said, if he didn't do the paperwork right, that will have to be something he lives with.
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