Can we hire Jeff Brohm?

Brohm is getting smart again. PU only down by 3 with a 1st down at midfield.
Can we hire Jeff Brohm? He self assesses? He sees things Rahne can't see..........Maybe with Brohm as HC, Franklin will stay on as recruiting coordinator. I mean Brohm is 4-4. Imagine his record if he had not invented self assessment? Oh, Jeff Brohm we hardly knew ye......yet after one win, we wanted you badly. Oh, hell turn the page.....who is winning today?
No coach in their right mind would come to PSU with all the salty old men here who can’t get over what happened to joe. Let’s stick with CJF until the toxic joe bots go away. Franklin is an excellent coach.
I think you are a little off track. I am an unabashed joebot. I am a solid supporter of James Franklin and eveything he is doing here. I think Joe's accomplishments should be recognized and honored....but James is the guy for this era. Blessed to have had both at PSU. I too late to beat the bandbox for Scott Frost? He won a self proclaimed national title last year!
Minny scores again and Brohm has to ask the PU equipment manager for help to spell his own name.