Confederate flag

Re: I think you may just be breaking a law if you were to do that.

Originally posted by lionroar88:
What would your proof be that someone flying a Confederate Flag is racist?
That was my first thought. Flying a flag of any type is not a sign that says racism, a sign that says racism is a judgement with no rebuttal sought. I thought people used distictive flags to identify their location. The polarization of this nation down political and regional lines continues. No one if forced to stare at their flag and I'm sure they received several zingers by passers by over the years. The St. Andrews cross is a long standing symbol of a martyr who chose not to be crucified upright as his Lord had been but to a lesser angle as he felt was a tribute to his Lord's superior position. When a st. Andrews cross flag is emblazoned with up to 13 stars the world falls apart. The American flag is found in some unsavory places too. All this symbolism is tiring me out. I want substance not symbolism.
Right, like a swatstika "shows a German location"

Originally posted by Carl Spackler:
Originally posted by lionroar88:
What would your proof be that someone flying a Confederate Flag is racist?
That was my first thought. Flying a flag of any type is not a sign that says racism, a sign that says racism is a judgement with no rebuttal sought. I thought people used distictive flags to identify their location. The polarization of this nation down political and regional lines continues. No one if forced to stare at their flag and I'm sure they received several zingers by passers by over the years. The St. Andrews cross is a long standing symbol of a martyr who chose not to be crucified upright as his Lord had been but to a lesser angle as he felt was a tribute to his Lord's superior position. When a st. Andrews cross flag is emblazoned with up to 13 stars the world falls apart. The American flag is found in some unsavory places too. All this symbolism is tiring me out. I want substance not symbolism.
And symbolizes the early Sanskrit.
Nothing more.
Intentionally ignoring the obvious is what tires me out. I want honesty, not transparent denial.
Re: I think you may just be breaking a law if you were to do that.

Just for the sake of, well - WHAT reason does one fly the confederate flag?
There is no REASON beyond bigotry. Not my fault that green is always green, not much room for "debate", you think?