The FACTS are in and
indisputable Scientific studies show that:
1. You are
FIFTY TWO times more likely to be killed by a meteor than die from Covid-19.
2. On average only ONE American dies from Covid-19
Prove me wrong.....you can't.....because:
1. At present 670,000 Americans have died from Covid-19. FACT
2. The last person to be killed my a meteorite was in 1888. FACT
3. The Earth is 4.5 Billion years old.
Do the math!
Can you now see the problem with your's and many other's posts? Even though I posted facts........my post (Up until now) is plain Bat-sh@t crazy. That is because I basically employed every analytical mistake you can make......rendering factual data useless.....much like current conspiracy theories.
Such as this real-world gem:
The Twin towers were not felled by burning jet fuel because jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. Fact!?!
Again...While true that fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel..... this premise/conclusion is just as bat-sh@t crazy and analytically defective as mine. Tunnel Vision/faulty transference/ignoring other relevant data etc
1. Jet fuel may not burn hot enough to melt steel but it ignited a
LOT of other things...each with a different burning temperature.
2. The most obvious: Steel doesn't have to hit melting temperature to weaken it's structural integrity. We all know metals expand and warp long before they hit melting temperature and weaken considerably as temps rise. Assuming that steel has to melt before weakening is the definition of faulty analysis and bat-sh@t crazy.
3. This conspiracy theory can only convince those that never look past the first move...ie apply proper analysis techniques. Just like the election being stolen...complete bunk with even a cursory examination.
So you Mr. pawrestlerintn and others keep asking to "Prove my data wrong" Why won't anyone answer my challenge to "prove my data wrong". The answer is: Your ANALYTICS are what is wrong with your post(s). You combine unrelated groups (Vaccinated and Unvaccinated ) Use old data and transfer it to new and
different situations. You frequently fail to follow even the basics of Statistical analysis.......while constantly complaining the I and others won't respond to your Data" (Are you gonna answer my question?). WE HAVE ANSWERED. As soon your data &/or postulations & conclusions are poisoned by faulty analysis....there is NO NEED to read further.....it is already poisoned. Kinda like demanding someone respond to your new move when they captured your king on their previous move.....there is no logical reason to continue. I do hope this helps....because I can't type any slower