It's really too bad that an opportunity has been missed and now the train is so far down the tracks that both sides have dug in permanently.
I would think most would agree that we can and should find common ground in a few areas. Hint - none of these should represent either side of the political isle or an agenda, aside from a love for the free society we all enjoy.
1) If you are in a high risk category - diabetes, over say 70, morbidly obese, immuno compromised, cancer, heart disease, emphazima, you should get the jab. Our goal should be 100% coverage in these areas. Full stop.
This one step would most likely push the mortality numbers lower than the flu, and contain the hysteria.
2) acknowledge what we are up against. Corona viruses mutate and when this virulant will spread World wide. Once the virus got out of the Wuhan area the opportunity to contain it was lost. Shut downs, embargoes and generic societal quarantines (Australia) are ineffective, full stop.
3) flattening the curve achieves little more than slightly delaying the inevitable, and on balance create much more harm than benefit.
4) medical privacy used to be respected and protected. Employers, and fast food joints have no right in a free society to my personal medical information. In fascist countries, sure, but in the west we have yet to realize what we have lost, and once gone freedoms don't come back.
5) compassionate use should allow for whatever drugs a prescribing licensed doctor orders for his patient. If someone is at home in the early stages or in an IC drowning who does a politician, pharmacist, or a hospital administrator think he is too deny someone access to otherwise safe medications that have been perspectives to millions and in some case billions. More than 30% of all drugs prescribed in the USA are for of label uses. It happens and has happened every day for many decades. If they don't work, who really gives a shit. Other approved current methods aren't doing that great for the most ill. Once you are on a ventilator your chances are dicey. Irreperable harm is being done in term of trust. Americans are losing trust in our institutions, our leaders and our health care system
6) agree that the current vaccines both have real side effects worthy if some concern, and on balance are moderately effective. They don't trigger the body to have an overwhelming immune response like other more traditional vaccines, wherein infection is nearly immediately halted and defeated this preventing sickness and a source for transmission. In short, they are the best we can develop, but of little too no effect on halting the pandemic. Likewise it is glaringly clear, that there effectiveness is pretty short lived.
A 4th booster, really? Someone needs to take a very hard look at the benefit cost of vaccinating kids, without the teachers union weighing in on the subject
7) Herd immunity asking with unicorns simply doesn't exist today for Covid. The vaccinated can get the virus, get sick from it, transmit it, and die from it. The same can be said for the previously infected with natural immunity. Reinfection seems to be a reality with Covid this in that sense we are already in the endemic stage that we will likely never exit.
8) N95 masks properly worn are likely to be highly effective. I would guess less that 1% of the world is using them in this way hence for the most part they are highly ineffective and mask mandates simply don't work as a result.
Most masks are cloth and simply do not filter adequately. Most people where them incorrectly with a poor to no seal around the perimeter. Typical N95 masks are disposable yet most people reuse theirs for weeks even months without disposing, or otherwise sterilizing them. Most people practice improper heigene, touching their dirty mask then their face with out hand washing. Most who was their hands do so without soap or not long enough.
9) recognize, investigate and expose corruption where it exists. There is far too little accountability. From teachers unions who demand vaccines for kids while excluding themselves, to a real look into the money behind all of this tied to to he WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, big pharma, and the Wuhan lab. There seems to be a lot of smoke. Maybe no fire, but the people in control seen to be playing a 3 card monte with all of us, constantly distracting attention away from the hard questions.
I hope we come to soon realize CV is endemic and we should get back to some sense of normalcy, yes meaning we take reasonable steps while living with the risks. I suspect some better therapudics are coming as well as a new wave of more effective vaccines, likewise endless waves of new CV variants. I hope all sides can soon take a pause and come back together, establish coming ground in at least a few of these areas. Possible, yes, probable, not so much.
PS - only 1 more day of waiting, thank God! I exhaust myself.