COVID gratuitous dumpster fire thread

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Everyone is wrapped up in the politics whether you admit it or not. I treat my health the same way I treat my betting habits in Vegas. I always look for the best odds. If you think the odds are truly in your favor by being un-vaxxed, have at it. You may be right if you are young and healthy. And I don't think anyone should be shamed for making that decision. Those that are older or compromised and not vaxxed should be shamed for putting our health care workers and system at risk.
One of my best buddies will lose his dad in the next few days. He was a stubborn old coot that said he made it through the last 80 years without getting bullshit shots. Now he is in the hospital on morphine because he's drowning in his bed. All he says to his son is "I'm sorry, I made a mistake". This is an 82 year old guy that rode 10,000 miles/year on his bike and mowed his 4 acre yard with a push mower. Old tough wrestler. He is soon to be an tough old dead wrestler because he admittedly made a mistake based on political propaganda.
It is just sad and wasteful on so many levels.
I would be interested in the treatment provided at the hospital upon diagnosis. Is any treatment available or just what the doctor ordered? At this point anything is worth a try.
the distinction was entirely that they would trust the medical experts once the testing data had been analyzed rather than taking the word of a known liar actively on a political campaign. if you don't think that's material, then yes i agree, you might be suffering from political blindness.
Your explanation is exactly the problem with stating anything that could possibly detract from vaccine willingness. Those who said it didn't have the time to explain their meaning in our 20 second sound clip world. Immediate perception becomes reality. And, the perception caused vaccine hesitancy.
Your explanation is exactly the problem with stating anything that could possibly detract from vaccine willingness. Those who said it didn't have the time to explain their meaning in our 20 second sound clip world. Immediate perception becomes reality. And, the perception caused vaccine hesitancy.

and you don't think you're at all culpable for continuing to reiterate the misperception over a year later?
It's really too bad that an opportunity has been missed and now the train is so far down the tracks that both sides have dug in permanently.

I would think most would agree that we can and should find common ground in a few areas. Hint - none of these should represent either side of the political isle or an agenda, aside from a love for the free society we all enjoy.

1) If you are in a high risk category - diabetes, over say 70, morbidly obese, immuno compromised, cancer, heart disease, emphazima, you should get the jab. Our goal should be 100% coverage in these areas. Full stop.

This one step would most likely push the mortality numbers lower than the flu, and contain the hysteria.

2) acknowledge what we are up against. Corona viruses mutate and when this virulant will spread World wide. Once the virus got out of the Wuhan area the opportunity to contain it was lost. Shut downs, embargoes and generic societal quarantines (Australia) are ineffective, full stop.

3) flattening the curve achieves little more than slightly delaying the inevitable, and on balance create much more harm than benefit.

4) medical privacy used to be respected and protected. Employers, and fast food joints have no right in a free society to my personal medical information. In fascist countries, sure, but in the west we have yet to realize what we have lost, and once gone freedoms don't come back.

5) compassionate use should allow for whatever drugs a prescribing licensed doctor orders for his patient. If someone is at home in the early stages or in an IC drowning who does a politician, pharmacist, or a hospital administrator think he is too deny someone access to otherwise safe medications that have been perspectives to millions and in some case billions. More than 30% of all drugs prescribed in the USA are for of label uses. It happens and has happened every day for many decades. If they don't work, who really gives a shit. Other approved current methods aren't doing that great for the most ill. Once you are on a ventilator your chances are dicey. Irreperable harm is being done in term of trust. Americans are losing trust in our institutions, our leaders and our health care system

6) agree that the current vaccines both have real side effects worthy if some concern, and on balance are moderately effective. They don't trigger the body to have an overwhelming immune response like other more traditional vaccines, wherein infection is nearly immediately halted and defeated this preventing sickness and a source for transmission. In short, they are the best we can develop, but of little too no effect on halting the pandemic. Likewise it is glaringly clear, that there effectiveness is pretty short lived.
A 4th booster, really? Someone needs to take a very hard look at the benefit cost of vaccinating kids, without the teachers union weighing in on the subject

7) Herd immunity asking with unicorns simply doesn't exist today for Covid. The vaccinated can get the virus, get sick from it, transmit it, and die from it. The same can be said for the previously infected with natural immunity. Reinfection seems to be a reality with Covid this in that sense we are already in the endemic stage that we will likely never exit.

8) N95 masks properly worn are likely to be highly effective. I would guess less that 1% of the world is using them in this way hence for the most part they are highly ineffective and mask mandates simply don't work as a result. It's also comical to see stringent no mask no entry requirements in restraunts for that perilous 10 second 30 foot journey, to your table where all then spend the next hour laughing, joking, exhaling maskless. The to hear authorities say the science actually supports this.

Most masks are cloth and simply do not filter adequately. Most people where them incorrectly with a poor to no seal around the perimeter. Typical N95 masks are disposable yet most people reuse theirs for weeks even months without disposing, or otherwise sterilizing them. Most people practice improper heigene, touching their dirty mask then their face with out hand washing. Most who was their hands do so without soap or not long enough.

9) recognize, investigate and expose corruption where it exists. There is far too little accountability. From teachers unions who demand vaccines for kids while excluding themselves, to a real look into the money behind all of this tied to to he WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, big pharma, and the Wuhan lab. There seems to be a lot of smoke. Maybe no fire, but the people in control seen to be playing a 3 card monte with all of us, constantly distracting attention away from the hard questions.

I hope we come to soon realize CV is endemic and we should get back to some sense of normalcy, yes meaning we take reasonable steps while living with the risks. I suspect some better therapudics are coming as well as a new wave of more effective vaccines, likewise endless waves of new CV variants. I hope all sides can soon take a pause and come back together, establish coming ground in at least a few of these areas. Possible, yes, probable, not so much.

PS - only 1 more day of waiting, thank God! I exhaust myself.
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Could you share this UK data? I’m not familiar with UK data sources and this would be a surprising finding.

I posted the UK vaccine effectiveness numbers just four posts up from yours. It shows that his post is nonsense.
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It's really too bad that an opportunity has been missed and now the train is so far down the tracks that both sides have dug in permanently.

I would think most would agree that we can and should find common ground in a few areas. Hint - none of these should represent either side of the political isle or an agenda, aside from a love for the free society we all enjoy.

1) If you are in a high risk category - diabetes, over say 70, morbidly obese, immuno compromised, cancer, heart disease, emphazima, you should get the jab. Our goal should be 100% coverage in these areas. Full stop.

This one step would most likely push the mortality numbers lower than the flu, and contain the hysteria.

2) acknowledge what we are up against. Corona viruses mutate and when this virulant will spread World wide. Once the virus got out of the Wuhan area the opportunity to contain it was lost. Shut downs, embargoes and generic societal quarantines (Australia) are ineffective, full stop.

3) flattening the curve achieves little more than slightly delaying the inevitable, and on balance create much more harm than benefit.

4) medical privacy used to be respected and protected. Employers, and fast food joints have no right in a free society to my personal medical information. In fascist countries, sure, but in the west we have yet to realize what we have lost, and once gone freedoms don't come back.

5) compassionate use should allow for whatever drugs a prescribing licensed doctor orders for his patient. If someone is at home in the early stages or in an IC drowning who does a politician, pharmacist, or a hospital administrator think he is too deny someone access to otherwise safe medications that have been perspectives to millions and in some case billions. More than 30% of all drugs prescribed in the USA are for of label uses. It happens and has happened every day for many decades. If they don't work, who really gives a shit. Other approved current methods aren't doing that great for the most ill. Once you are on a ventilator your chances are dicey. Irreperable harm is being done in term of trust. Americans are losing trust in our institutions, our leaders and our health care system

6) agree that the current vaccines both have real side effects worthy if some concern, and on balance are moderately effective. They don't trigger the body to have an overwhelming immune response like other more traditional vaccines, wherein infection is nearly immediately halted and defeated this preventing sickness and a source for transmission. In short, they are the best we can develop, but of little too no effect on halting the pandemic. Likewise it is glaringly clear, that there effectiveness is pretty short lived.
A 4th booster, really? Someone needs to take a very hard look at the benefit cost of vaccinating kids, without the teachers union weighing in on the subject

7) Herd immunity asking with unicorns simply doesn't exist today for Covid. The vaccinated can get the virus, get sick from it, transmit it, and die from it. The same can be said for the previously infected with natural immunity. Reinfection seems to be a reality with Covid this in that sense we are already in the endemic stage that we will likely never exit.

8) N95 masks properly worn are likely to be highly effective. I would guess less that 1% of the world is using them in this way hence for the most part they are highly ineffective and mask mandates simply don't work as a result.

Most masks are cloth and simply do not filter adequately. Most people where them incorrectly with a poor to no seal around the perimeter. Typical N95 masks are disposable yet most people reuse theirs for weeks even months without disposing, or otherwise sterilizing them. Most people practice improper heigene, touching their dirty mask then their face with out hand washing. Most who was their hands do so without soap or not long enough.

9) recognize, investigate and expose corruption where it exists. There is far too little accountability. From teachers unions who demand vaccines for kids while excluding themselves, to a real look into the money behind all of this tied to to he WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, big pharma, and the Wuhan lab. There seems to be a lot of smoke. Maybe no fire, but the people in control seen to be playing a 3 card monte with all of us, constantly distracting attention away from the hard questions.

I hope we come to soon realize CV is endemic and we should get back to some sense of normalcy, yes meaning we take reasonable steps while living with the risks. I suspect some better therapudics are coming as well as a new wave of more effective vaccines, likewise endless waves of new CV variants. I hope all sides can soon take a pause and come back together, establish coming ground in at least a few of these areas. Possible, yes, probable, not so much.

PS - only 1 more day of waiting, thank God! I exhaust myself.
I find a lot I agree with in your post. My one question is on your conclusion, that we should get back to some sense of normalcy. Is that not where we are? I guess maybe living in Iowa I don’t fully grasp the situation. I have no restrictions on my ability to do anything that I could do pre-covid.
and you don't think you're at all culpable for continuing to reiterate the misperception over a year later?
If there was only the example that you are referencing, sure. There are multiple others that come even less close to what you are saying they said.
I posted the UK vaccine effectiveness numbers just four posts up from yours. It shows that his post is nonsense.
I figured it is likely nonsense, but would like to see @Lyons212 back up his claims since now he’s made the same claim twice. First he said the effectiveness of the vaccine at preventing severe outcome is up for debate, and now he said that UK data shows no significant correlation between vaccine status and outcome. I guess I’d just like to see the “data” that is being referenced since everything I’ve seen shows a strong relationship between being vaccinated and preventing severe outcomes.
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I find a lot I agree with in your post. My one question is on your conclusion, that we should get back to some sense of normalcy. Is that not where we are? I guess maybe living in Iowa I don’t fully grasp the situation. I have no restrictions on my ability to do anything that I could do pre-covid.

Not even close, California is ramping back up. Masks indoors everywhere until Mid Jan, considering mandating boosters for kids to go to school, hospitals refusing to treat unvaccinated for elective procedures, the list goes on...
Look at data from the UK or Denmark, they both have excellent data. The US data is intentionally garbage.

A huge issue in the data is the fact that you are not considered vaccinated until two weeks after your second shot, that is 6 weeks. The booster is 2 weeks. Where is the data on people in this situation?

My local newspaper had a story about the hospital being overwhelmed. Spokeswoman saying that they are seeing both vaccinated and unvaccinated in the hospital and the vaccinated all have underlying medical conditions. I bet the hospitalized unvaccinated have underlying medical condition.

The data in the UK is showing no significant correlation between vaccination status and Covid outcome. Israel is going to go to a fourth Pfizer shot and is one of the highest vaccinated countries in the world.

If you believe the unvaccinated are causing mutations that are infecting the vaccinated then you just acknowledged that the vaccine is a failure. You cannot 100% vaccinate everyone. So people you cannot find, so people have legitimate medical reasons where they cannot get the vaccination. Also animals are a host for the virus too. Your cat can give you Covid.

corona viruses mutate, which makes them a bad candidate for a vaccine.

if you are jabbed you are protected. That is your choice.

Everyone should do their own research and form their own opinion. Research a variety of sources and do not accept government officials, newspapers and the news broadcast as gospel. Maybe they are right, or not.

I am dubious of the government officials who benefit finically from their opinions, I.e. Fauci.
As I suspected. You can't logically debate that the overwhelming % of serious cases of Covid are with the unvaccinated. You just claim it's garbage. Yet the one thing that the Blue States and Red states agree on is these facts. So the Dr.s, Nurses, Hospital records, Health Department Records are garbage in all States? Plus they are all wrong in the same direction and percentages. They do have classes in probability and statistics. The odds that all 50 states and all eye-witnesses are cooking the books in the same direction and % and/or lying is? have a higher probability of catching a 320 pound rabbit...........even in the UK or Denmark......and they keep excellent records. :)
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I do find it amusing the gyrations the NFL is going through now. Those frigging geniuses just realized that testing everyone weekly might cost them the playoffs or Superbowl! Most of the recent positives were asymptomatic vaccinated players and coaches. I predicted this back in September on this board.

Their solution - don't test vaccinated asymptomatic players because basically they don't want to know.

Not to worry they may carry and transmit the virus without knowing it.

On a grander scale, that kinda is the point though. The virus is everywhere. It's mutating. Any vaccine will have it's limitations, and 'most' people don't have to worry.

Focus on the sick and vulnerable.
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Not even close, California is ramping back up. Masks indoors everywhere until Mid Jan, considering mandating boosters for kids to go to school, hospitals refusing to treat unvaccinated for elective procedures, the list goes on...
Masks are the new normal. If you want to talk about compromise, your side can get used to that. It is the most minor inconvenience and does not limit your freedom in any real way.

I’m not in favor of schools requiring kids vaccinations.

If a hospital wants to require vaccination for an elective procedure, why shouldn’t they be able to? It is an elective procedure after all. If they were denying critical care, I’d agree that is a problem. They already deny elective procedures to the tens of millions of uninsured and/or underinsured which seems like a significantly bigger problem.
Re: masks. Inconvenient yes. Useless for 90% plus in the way they are used (detailed in my other post). No matter, they make people 'feel' like they are doing something valuable.

I found this somewhat humorous opinion piece on the NFL.

NFL Acknowledges Natural Immunity Without Actually Acknowledging Natural Immunity ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
Re: masks. Inconvenient yes. Useless for 90% plus in the way they are used (detailed in my other post). No matter, they make people 'feel' like they are doing something valuable.

I found this somewhat humorous opinion piece on the NFL.

NFL Acknowledges Natural Immunity Without Actually Acknowledging Natural Immunity ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily
What do the pro-vaxxers and the anti-vaxxers have in common? They'll never be fully vaccinated.
My wife is a travel nurse in the ICU. At first I was team mask, now I don’t care. See, nurses have always been in high demand and ICU beds were typically full before Covid, but that 1 percent or whatever is still a LOT of people. To say ICUs are stretched thin doesn’t begin to cover it. They were typically stretched thin before Covid. The bright side is that travel nurse pay has almost doubled and we’re making a killing bc hospitals are having to bid crazy amounts to staff the ICU. I have to say Covid has been good to my immediate family.

Also, by the time you’re on a ventilator it’s probably too late. Don’t get me wrong, a good nurse (like my wife!) will fight to keep you alive, but if your nurse is a “box checker” then it’s a wrap for you. Even with a good nurse, it’s a wrap for most people. The reason nurses are so important is because they’re the grunts who do the leg work, a doctor comes to see you at the beginning of both shifts, takes a look at your chart, and puts in his orders or whatever. If you have a box checker who just follows orders and doesn’t constantly monitor the effects of the doctors orders and ask the doctor for adjustments throughout the shift, then that doctor doesn’t have the same advantage. Which isn’t to say that nurse isn’t doing their job, they just aren’t going above and beyond, you know? And I get that, it’s a high-stress environment with a million other things to do throughout the shift.

On a lighter note, we used to enjoy watching “House” while my wife was in nursing school, now she just rolls her eyes if I watch it and it annoys the bejeesus out of me. I guess it’s like when I watch an action movie and they never have to reload their ammo, lol
I know someone who works at a headhunting company for nurses. She says out-of-state nurses can come to California and work for six months out of the year. Some of these nurses are getting literally $10,000 per week for two three-month contracts per year.
I know an RN who took advantage. Don't forget the 20-30,000.00 bonus + moving expenses. She can literally retire in 2 years....providing they move back to rural Pa.

You now need to ”show your papers” with photo ID to attend a wrestling match, but not to vote. Anyone want to buy my Rutgers season tickets?

The athletic department also announced tightened protocols for those attending indoor athletic events on campus (including basketball, wrestling, swimming and gymnastics):

  • "Effective immediately, attendees at all indoor athletics events must provide proof of full vaccination or proof of a negative Covid-19 PCR test within 72 hours of the event accompanied by a photo ID. Doors for all events will open 90 minutes prior to the start."
  • "Face masks continue to be required and must be worn in the arena during the duration of each event. Spectators who fail to comply with the face mask policy will be asked to leave the arena."
  • "Until further notice, concession sales at the Jersey Mike’s Arena will be limited to water and soft drinks only. No alcoholic beverages will be sold, and outside food items will not be permitted inside the venue. The concession stand located on the south concourse (behind sections 211-217) will process cash purchases, while all other concession stands inside the arena will move to cashless transactions."

You now need to ”show your papers” with photo ID to attend a wrestling match, but not to vote. Anyone want to buy my Rutgers season tickets?
You have to show your proof of ID to vote........anytime you are asked. If you have voted there before....they have your signature on file. If the signature comparison doesn't match and/or nobody recognizes you.......they can refuse to allow you to vote without proper ID. Please stop distorting the truth
You have to show your proof of ID to vote........anytime you are asked. If you have voted there before....they have your signature on file. If the signature comparison doesn't match and/or nobody recognizes you.......they can refuse to allow you to vote without proper ID. Please stop distorting the truth
There are 18 states where voters do not need any sort of ID in order to cast a vote. NJ where Rutgers is located is one of them, so SHUT your pie hole! Here is the list:

California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C.. Look it up.
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You know I would argue that they are just getting paid their value now and they were massively underpaid previously.
I'm not certain I can argue with you there. I can tell you that Tina was hilarious with a cutting sarcastic sense of humor. She had taken every extra class you could take so was basically an RN+......a certified RN with pretty much every addition certification one could take. Meaning....she was paid top dollar. She purposely worked night-shift for the extra pay. But she also volunteered to do double shifts on weekends....overtime extra pay. She volunteered for double shift weekend Holiday pay over Christmas when it fell on the weekend. She actually called me up at about 2:00am to laugh and tell me how much her hourly rate was at triple time and a half ( god alful well over 250 dollars an hour and that that 16hr shift would buy her the oversized hot tub we had been looking at. She always finished off by asking what my hourly pay was as a teacher. Embarassingly not close :). Funny girl :) Extremely intelligent and a general hoot :)
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You have to show your proof of ID to vote........anytime you are asked. If you have voted there before....they have your signature on file. If the signature comparison doesn't match and/or nobody recognizes you.......they can refuse to allow you to vote without proper ID. Please stop distorting the truth

I guess that depends on the state. I don't have to show ID to vote in Cali. I just have to identify my name and address.
I guess that depends on the state. I don't have to show ID to vote in Cali. I just have to identify my name and address.
But do you have to be vaxxed to vote?
But do you have to be vaxxed to vote?

Unfortunately, I wouldn't be suprised if that happens in the People's Republic of California. My son is mandated at Cal Poly to get the Covid booster on campus. It has to be administered on campus. No third party boosters. The booster is only valid if Cal Poly gives it to you. I'm starting to get on @Ski 's side. Complete redonkulous.
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Hell I'll stir up some shit lol. Does this shit even matter anywhere but on this thread. I don't care if I'm asked for my ID they do it at the bar and I'm freaking 50 and I don't complain and who gives. Ashit about who is vaccinated and who isn't if it's really a personal freedom to decide then everyone should shut the f up and move on. I'm not telling you where I stand that's too easy and I'm free not too lmfao.
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Hell I'll stir up some shit lol. Does this shit even matter anywhere but on this thread. I don't care if I'm asked for my ID they do it at the bar and I'm freaking 50 and I don't complain and who gives. Ashit about who is vaccinated and who isn't if it's really a personal freedom to decide then everyone should shut the f up and move on. I'm not telling you where I stand that's too easy and I'm free not too lmfao.

I'm with you to a point. I'm vaxxed with Pfizer, caught the Delta variant, not a big deal because of the vaxx. My Cal Poly son is vaxxed. My complaint is the mandates. The PRC can suck my ass. I'm against mandates but if the PRC has to do it, at least let my son go to a local doctor.
You have to show your proof of ID to vote........anytime you are asked. If you have voted there before....they have your signature on file. If the signature comparison doesn't match and/or nobody recognizes you.......they can refuse to allow you to vote without proper ID. Please stop distorting the truth

If you actually knew a little more detail about what technology they use and how it is used to verify signatures on ballots you would be embarrassed by what you just stated. Not totally worthless, but 'nearly' worthless.
Dec 24: Update in Los Angeles. 4 at work got Covid the past 2 weeks - not aware of type - I believe from a Sporting get together. 2 with very mild symptoms tho 1 lost smell and taste a bit - coming back. Others more so, much like a heavy flu + throat issues. 2 used Ivermectin which worked quickly (the minor symptom guys). We have about 60 at work so low % (as I am aware of this).

Another found out they had had Covid - no symptoms except they lost their ability to smell. Has not come back yet.
If you actually knew a little more detail about what technology they use and how it is used to verify signatures on ballots you would be embarrassed by what you just stated. Not totally worthless, but 'nearly' worthless.
"If the signatures don't match AND/OR nobody recognizes you" you can be asked to provide further proof of ID." Anyone there can insist on positive proof of ID. Did you miss the and/or? How effective is it? far they have uncovered 4 cases of confirmed voter Plenty of other cases of attempted voter fraud were caught at the polling sites. Those who actually know a little more detail about confirmed voter fraud through detailed statistical analysis put the verified numbers at 0.0000044%. I should be embarrassed?
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"If the signatures don't match AND/OR nobody recognizes you" you can be asked to provide further proof of ID." Anyone there can insist on positive proof of ID. Did you miss the and/or? How effective is it? far they have uncovered 4 cases of confirmed voter Plenty of other cases of attempted voter fraud were caught at the polling sites. Those who actually know a little more detail about confirmed voter fraud through detailed statistical analysis put the verified numbers at 0.0000044%. I should be embarrassed?

Below is just one example of an extremely liberal source highlighting the problem from the legit voter signature POV being tossed out. With the recent introduction of tens of millions of vote by mail ballots, the bigger issue is outright fraud detection. The machines have been detuned in most states to the lowest verification setting, and the people, let's just say poll workers are a slight cut below your average DMV employee.

Sorry but I don't live in your factual/fictional 0.0000044% Utopia.

Below is just one example of an extremely liberal source highlighting the problem from the legit voter signature POV being tossed out. With the recent introduction of tens of millions of vote by mail ballots, the bigger issue is outright fraud detection. The machines have been detuned in most states to the lowest verification setting, and the people, let's just say poll workers are a slight cut below your average DMV employee.

Sorry but I don't live in your factual/fictional 0.0000044% Utopia.

These articles are just like the shiny keys you shake in front of a baby to distract them. Babies fall for it because ....well they are babies. Did you read these articles and actually THINK about more than just the shiny keys shaking in your face? The article claims that because the Signature verification was "Weakened" that it means that many many fraudulent signatures and therefore fraudulent votes were accepted....enough to alter the election ( Apparently over 7 million votes). BUT.......if you actually believe that tens/hundreds of thousands or more fraudulent votes occurred through faulty signatures then you also have to believe that NONE of these Thousand/Tens of thousands or more ACTUAL people whose signatures were forged voted in the election. If they did...the computers would show that person had already voted and spark an investigation. Common sense. That did not happen. Period. There is no evidence that even a handful of people attempted to vote only to be told that someone already used their name to vote. Stop looking at the shiny keys without using some reasonable evaluation or problem-solving analysis.....otherwise you are no more evolved than a baby with the keys. Sadly there are too many who are constantly drinking ( and reposting) the Fruity Conspiracy Red Kool-Aid. Do better. stop posting these type of articles without even a rudimentary evaluation.
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These articles are just like the shiny keys you shake in front of a baby to distract them. Babies fall for it because ....well they are babies. Did you read these articles and actually THINK about more than just the shiny keys shaking in your face? The article claims that because the Signature verification was "Weakened" that it means that many many fraudulent signatures and therefore fraudulent votes were accepted....enough to alter the election ( Apparently over 7 million votes). BUT.......if you actually believe that tens/hundreds of thousands or more fraudulent votes occurred through faulty signatures then you also have to believe that NONE of the actual people whose signatures were forged voted in the election. If they did...the computers would show that person had already voted and spark an investigation. Common sense. That did not happen. Period. There is no evidence that even a handful of people attempted to vote only to be told that someone already used their name to vote. Stop looking at the shiny keys without using some reasonable evaluation or problem-solving analysis.....otherwise you are no more evolved than a baby with the keys. Sadly there are too many who are constantly drinking ( and reposting) the Fruity Conspiracy Red Kool-Aid. Do better. stop posting these type of articles without even a rudimentary evaluation.
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