I know I shouldn't reply with my thoughts but, I have read too many of others opinion not too. I work in a hospital setting and get called to intubate Covid patients most shifts. By the time I see these patients their chances of recovering as slim. Some do, most don't. Intubating them is a last ditch effort. 70% of these patients are unvaccinated. A guesstimate of 95% of them have comorbidities (obese, HTN, DM, Smokers). Of the 30% vaccinated that deteriorate until they need my help 99% have comorbidities, usually pretty severe. 1% are vaccinated and healthy as a horse, they just have bad luck. Every time I go into a room to intubate someone I am putting my self at risk. That bothers me slightly, what bothers me a great deal is that I am putting everyone in the room, as well as my family at risk. I am vaccinated, my family is vaccinated, but there is still a risk that I bring it home. From there grandparents, great grandparents and so on. It was very scary at first when we understood even less. Today, it isn't as scary but still a risk. At the beginning, I showered and changed my clothes after every contact. Today I shower before I leave the hospital. So that is my story, here is my gripe. I don't care for the government telling us what to do. "I love going to a bar and not smelling smoke, I hate that the government has told the private business owner what he/she can and can't do in his own place." I respect people opinions not to get vaccinated, I don't think the government should force people to do it. I am always open to hear someones opinion for not getting vaccinated. Some people have good reason, some not so much. I just listen, I may judge, but no reason to try to change someones mind. Now the cynical part. The nurses in those Covid units are tired, they are scared, they hurt and cry every time someone they have worked so hard to help has to be intubated. They see it as the beginning of the end, most times they are right. I am tired of putting my self and my family at risk. Get a new job people say, stop doing it they say. We are already understaffed, and my colleagues are already over worked, it isn't in my blood not to help, however detrimental it may be to myself or my family. This is the carrier I chose for my life and these are the cards we have right now. I don't think those 70% of unvaccinated people understand the strain they are putting on health care workers. I do not think they thought it could happen to them. It is hard to keep the thought of unvaccinated people being selfish out of your head. In my mind, if the reason you aren't getting vaccinated is worth dying for, I admire your resolute. If the reason isn't worth dying for, you should rethink your reasoning. If you simply think you are too tough to get Covid, then you are tough enough to get vaccinated. No one should make that decision for you. I don't want anyone to need my skill set, I don't want anyone mandated by the government to do something they don't want to do. For Pete's sake if we could just knock down the amount of admissions into the hospital, those that did need admitted would get better care and hopefully a better prognosis. My apologies for the diarrhea of the mouth. College wrestling, specifically PSU wrestling is my happy place these days.