COVID gratuitous dumpster fire thread

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I know I shouldn't reply with my thoughts but, I have read too many of others opinion not too. I work in a hospital setting and get called to intubate Covid patients most shifts. By the time I see these patients their chances of recovering as slim. Some do, most don't. Intubating them is a last ditch effort. 70% of these patients are unvaccinated. A guesstimate of 95% of them have comorbidities (obese, HTN, DM, Smokers). Of the 30% vaccinated that deteriorate until they need my help 99% have comorbidities, usually pretty severe. 1% are vaccinated and healthy as a horse, they just have bad luck. Every time I go into a room to intubate someone I am putting my self at risk. That bothers me slightly, what bothers me a great deal is that I am putting everyone in the room, as well as my family at risk. I am vaccinated, my family is vaccinated, but there is still a risk that I bring it home. From there grandparents, great grandparents and so on. It was very scary at first when we understood even less. Today, it isn't as scary but still a risk. At the beginning, I showered and changed my clothes after every contact. Today I shower before I leave the hospital. So that is my story, here is my gripe. I don't care for the government telling us what to do. "I love going to a bar and not smelling smoke, I hate that the government has told the private business owner what he/she can and can't do in his own place." I respect people opinions not to get vaccinated, I don't think the government should force people to do it. I am always open to hear someones opinion for not getting vaccinated. Some people have good reason, some not so much. I just listen, I may judge, but no reason to try to change someones mind. Now the cynical part. The nurses in those Covid units are tired, they are scared, they hurt and cry every time someone they have worked so hard to help has to be intubated. They see it as the beginning of the end, most times they are right. I am tired of putting my self and my family at risk. Get a new job people say, stop doing it they say. We are already understaffed, and my colleagues are already over worked, it isn't in my blood not to help, however detrimental it may be to myself or my family. This is the carrier I chose for my life and these are the cards we have right now. I don't think those 70% of unvaccinated people understand the strain they are putting on health care workers. I do not think they thought it could happen to them. It is hard to keep the thought of unvaccinated people being selfish out of your head. In my mind, if the reason you aren't getting vaccinated is worth dying for, I admire your resolute. If the reason isn't worth dying for, you should rethink your reasoning. If you simply think you are too tough to get Covid, then you are tough enough to get vaccinated. No one should make that decision for you. I don't want anyone to need my skill set, I don't want anyone mandated by the government to do something they don't want to do. For Pete's sake if we could just knock down the amount of admissions into the hospital, those that did need admitted would get better care and hopefully a better prognosis. My apologies for the diarrhea of the mouth. College wrestling, specifically PSU wrestling is my happy place these days.
I've read 37 pages now of bickering, disagreements and downright unprofessional comments and have to say this is the best damn post that's been written. Well done, sir, and thank you so much for your service to those in need. Many of us appreciate it and understand your sacrifice.
As far as I know most variants have come from over seas, Omicron supposedly from South Africa. So how is someone in PA without a vax adding to the variant formation?
I don't know I think the point is non vaccinated can contribute to the possibility and being vaccinated would help reduce potential.
The first person in the US to die from the Omicron variant previously contracted an earlier form of Covid and chose not to be vaccinated. The number of people that use this single incident to make broad assumptions and sweeping declarations should be zero. That would be practicing proper Science. We no longer live in that world :(
Thanks for sharing your experience. Just curious, what is the vaccination rate of the nurses you work with and for those that haven’t, would you say most of them have “good reasons”? (IMO, having a confirmed natural infection would be a good reason, but not sure how many of them that’s the case for).
I can't give you an honest % of nurses vaccinated. The percentage of vaccinated are high if I had to guess 90%+. Those that aren't are fighting mandates by the healthcare system to be vaccinated. Off the top of my head, I can think of 2 nurses that have died of Covid, and another 4-5 ancillary staff hospital wide, not all had comorbidities. These were early on. In my specific department a handful out of 30ish are not vaccinated. Not all of them work the same shifts as myself, so they aren't exposed as much. I will tell you without a doubt those people unvaccinated in my department are willing to be fired or even die for their beliefs. Those unvaccinated are as careful as they can be about exposure, but it comes with the job. They understand the risks very well. They have contingency plains in place to hopefully prevent infecting their families. I will say, these people are staunch enough in their beliefs that if they get sick enough to need the hospital, they will more than likely turn towards God instead of the hospital. They know the risks, they don't want to risk others, but are willing to die for their reasons. I really don't want to sound dooms day, but my point of view comes from the bad side of thinks, I only see the bad cases.
I can't give you an honest % of nurses vaccinated. The percentage of vaccinated are high if I had to guess 90%+. Those that aren't are fighting mandates by the healthcare system to be vaccinated. Off the top of my head, I can think of 2 nurses that have died of Covid, and another 4-5 ancillary staff hospital wide, not all had comorbidities. These were early on. In my specific department a handful out of 30ish are not vaccinated. Not all of them work the same shifts as myself, so they aren't exposed as much. I will tell you without a doubt those people unvaccinated in my department are willing to be fired or even die for their beliefs. Those unvaccinated are as careful as they can be about exposure, but it comes with the job. They understand the risks very well. They have contingency plains in place to hopefully prevent infecting their families. I will say, these people are staunch enough in their beliefs that if they get sick enough to need the hospital, they will more than likely turn towards God instead of the hospital. They know the risks, they don't want to risk others, but are willing to die for their reasons. I really don't want to sound dooms day, but my point of view comes from the bad side of thinks, I only see the bad cases.
Rebels without a cause lmfao. Ignorance is bliss and knows no bounds.
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I haven't checked this out but am just passing along for those who may be interested …
And if the stuff you passed along turns out to be garbage, you will feel bad, right? Because it will reflect poorly on you, right? :)
And if the stuff you passed along turns out to be garbage, you will feel bad, right? Because it will reflect poorly on you, right? :)
not at all, I believe little that I read these days. These were passed to me by my wife who is concerned with the Vac's due to a compromised immune system...
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just checked the U MD fan requirements - with all the vac folks getting covid, why only non-vac have to provide test results? I'm vac but the folks I know with covid recently all were vac'd. Assume the logic is the encouragement to get everyone vac'd?
just checked the U MD fan requirements - with all the vac folks getting covid, why only non-vac have to provide test results? I'm vac but the folks I know with covid recently all were vac'd. Assume the logic is the encouragement to get everyone vac'd?
"vaccine requirement will go into effect on January 9, 2022"
And if the stuff you passed along turns out to be garbage, you will feel bad, right? Because it will reflect poorly on you, right? :)
You do realize that over 90% of these "I haven't checked it out" posts have been checked out and found to be garbage but they post it anyway because they have an agenda......and truth and accuracy are not part of that agenda. Sad but true
You do realize that over 90% of these "I haven't checked it out" posts have been checked out and found to be garbage but they post it anyway because they have an agenda......and truth and accuracy are not part of that agenda. Sad but true
I do and it is hard to believe the 10% as well! I hate moving targets!
Thanks for the input....seriously. Appreciate it. I obviously wasn't shooting for pompous :). Granted there was some tongue in cheek but mostly I was shooting for entirely recent fact based information combined with the real-world experiences I have witnessed with my son and his fellow Nuclear Techs in a highly confined enviornment which most might consider a possible super spreader scenario that turned out to be quite the opposite through serious dedication to basic protocalls of a safe Covid-19 experience. Yes....there were a few comments born of frustration and exasperation that were not positive in reference to someone who kept answering with completely false and/or completely and obviously outdated information....which I believe to clearly be dangerous misinformation. If that came across as pompous.....I guess I plead guilty as charged. My only comment would the Science and do what is best for the whole.....even if it is an inconvenience to you and yours as individuals. It is being done by those who realize the gravity of the situation.....and can be done by all.....if they buy into the all for one attitude. I am sure I missed the mark as the best way to say it.......But I certainly want to find the best way to say what is obvious and necessary......Help me do that.....without the pompous :)
I regret that post (and coming in here because I've been exhausted by this topic for a year and a half). I regret that post because I consider you a very good poster and member of this board. And I don't have enough experience in this "thread", and have no intention of gaining that experience, to know what is real vs tongue in cheek.
I'll just state my own opinions of the shitshow that has been our covid response. Whether our President has been the "nasty tweet" dude, or the current "senile zombie" dude, it has not gone well. I'm one of those ancient middle of the road types who is astonished that either got elected. I suppose getting a vaccine so quickly could be deemed a success depending on your view of its effectiveness.
As for the CDC and our government in general, I have no faith at all in what they say. Mask, no mask, over and over again. If I had one wish for the next 10 years, it would be to see Fauci in an orange jump suit (and I'm of Italian descent and was initially proud of this idiot). A year ago, anyone suggesting that the virus came from a Wuhan lab could actually be removed from social media. Now, it is accepted by the "State" media, that this is plausible. And anybody with any common sense can read Fauci's word salad and deflections to know that we funded their research.
Two things in your post that set me off. "Trust the science". Firstly, I don't trust the people in charge of "the science" AT ALL. Secondly, I have a BSEE with a minor in physics. So no, I'm not claiming I'm a scientist, but I've been in that neighborhood. Science is to be questioned, most importantly, by scientists. There is no unified "The science". Anybody who disagrees with "The Science" is discredited and silenced. Not sent to gulags just yet, but censored (for now).
Secondly, and maybe this was intentionally over the top on your part, you wrote with absolute certainty that a large group of people would not have contracted the virus had they had the proper masks on. Do they not have to remove the masks to eat? Could they have been handshaking? Not washing their hands? I found that statement as pushing the narrative on your part. Again, I've lost all trust for both sides, so this isn't political for me. The next President I vote for will be the one who promises to (at the very lest) fire Fauci.
I regret that post (and coming in here because I've been exhausted by this topic for a year and a half). I regret that post because I consider you a very good poster and member of this board. And I don't have enough experience in this "thread", and have no intention of gaining that experience, to know what is real vs tongue in cheek.
I'll just state my own opinions of the shitshow that has been our covid response. Whether our President has been the "nasty tweet" dude, or the current "senile zombie" dude, it has not gone well. I'm one of those ancient middle of the road types who is astonished that either got elected. I suppose getting a vaccine so quickly could be deemed a success depending on your view of its effectiveness.
As for the CDC and our government in general, I have no faith at all in what they say. Mask, no mask, over and over again. If I had one wish for the next 10 years, it would be to see Fauci in an orange jump suit (and I'm of Italian descent and was initially proud of this idiot). A year ago, anyone suggesting that the virus came from a Wuhan lab could actually be removed from social media. Now, it is accepted by the "State" media, that this is plausible. And anybody with any common sense can read Fauci's word salad and deflections to know that we funded their research.
Two things in your post that set me off. "Trust the science". Firstly, I don't trust the people in charge of "the science" AT ALL. Secondly, I have a BSEE with a minor in physics. So no, I'm not claiming I'm a scientist, but I've been in that neighborhood. Science is to be questioned, most importantly, by scientists. There is no unified "The science". Anybody who disagrees with "The Science" is discredited and silenced. Not sent to gulags just yet, but censored (for now).
Secondly, and maybe this was intentionally over the top on your part, you wrote with absolute certainty that a large group of people would not have contracted the virus had they had the proper masks on. Do they not have to remove the masks to eat? Could they have been handshaking? Not washing their hands? I found that statement as pushing the narrative on your part. Again, I've lost all trust for both sides, so this isn't political for me. The next President I vote for will be the one who promises to (at the very lest) fire Fauci.
Whether you agree or disagree with the body, this is a well written post.
Probably should be in the Social Media thread, but will probably end up here anyway.

WOW: Florida's numbers are rising at a rate that puts them at or near the top of States. 4-5 hour wait for testing in some areas. DeSantis says....No worries. BREAKING NEWS: DeSantis confirmed that between 800,000 and ONE MILLION test kits were available but never distributed by Desantis and have now exceeded their expiration date. DeSantis said he didn't release them because there was "No Demand". What a lovely caring human. Seriously!?! We just got rid of a guy who said we needed to reduce testing because "We just find more cases and it is making us look bad" Someone broke this story over a month ago and was branded by DeSantis and others as a Liar. We now know who the real liar is. Good Grief :(
WOW: Florida's numbers are rising at a rate that puts them at or near the top of States. 4-5 hour wait for testing in some areas. DeSantis says....No worries. BREAKING NEWS: DeSantis confirmed that between 800,000 and ONE MILLION test kits were available but never distributed by Desantis and have now exceeded their expiration date. DeSantis said he didn't release them because there was "No Demand". What a lovely caring human. Seriously!?! We just got rid of a guy who said we needed to reduce testing because "We just find more cases and it is making us look bad" Someone broke this story over a month ago and was branded by DeSantis and others as a Liar. We now know who the real liar is. Good Grief :(

Yada yada, panic panic, demonize demonize.
Yada yada, panic panic, demonize demonize.
So you have no problem with someone refusing to release testing kits while people are waiting 4-5 hours to get tested? People who CHOSE to be tested. Good to know :( You can't do contact tracing and slow the spread without that vital information. Sad
So you have no problem with someone refusing to release testing kits while people are waiting 4-5 hours to get tested? Good to know :( You can't do contact tracing and slow the spread without that vital information. Sad
I can do your contract tracing for you. Look to your left, now look to your right. One of those people has covid. But don't be so scared, they'll more than likely be just fine.
I regret that post (and coming in here because I've been exhausted by this topic for a year and a half). I regret that post because I consider you a very good poster and member of this board. And I don't have enough experience in this "thread", and have no intention of gaining that experience, to know what is real vs tongue in cheek.
I'll just state my own opinions of the shitshow that has been our covid response. Whether our President has been the "nasty tweet" dude, or the current "senile zombie" dude, it has not gone well. I'm one of those ancient middle of the road types who is astonished that either got elected. I suppose getting a vaccine so quickly could be deemed a success depending on your view of its effectiveness.
As for the CDC and our government in general, I have no faith at all in what they say. Mask, no mask, over and over again. If I had one wish for the next 10 years, it would be to see Fauci in an orange jump suit (and I'm of Italian descent and was initially proud of this idiot). A year ago, anyone suggesting that the virus came from a Wuhan lab could actually be removed from social media. Now, it is accepted by the "State" media, that this is plausible. And anybody with any common sense can read Fauci's word salad and deflections to know that we funded their research.
Two things in your post that set me off. "Trust the science". Firstly, I don't trust the people in charge of "the science" AT ALL. Secondly, I have a BSEE with a minor in physics. So no, I'm not claiming I'm a scientist, but I've been in that neighborhood. Science is to be questioned, most importantly, by scientists. There is no unified "The science". Anybody who disagrees with "The Science" is discredited and silenced. Not sent to gulags just yet, but censored (for now).
Secondly, and maybe this was intentionally over the top on your part, you wrote with absolute certainty that a large group of people would not have contracted the virus had they had the proper masks on. Do they not have to remove the masks to eat? Could they have been handshaking? Not washing their hands? I found that statement as pushing the narrative on your part. Again, I've lost all trust for both sides, so this isn't political for me. The next President I vote for will be the one who promises to (at the very lest) fire Fauci.
No worries Sir. I have no problem with someone expressing their opinion. My problem with that particular poster was he was basically claiming I was making up CDC guidelines when everything I said was on the CDC site. Then claiming that a 22 month old CDC post about N95 masks was current. When corrected on how old it was....he claimed it was updated Nov. 29. Sure it was.....on Newsmax. Wasn't even on CDC anymore. It became frustrating clear that he was knowingly posting misinformation. He knew that I knew it was bogus so it was clear that he had an agenda and was just posting false info for an audience. I simply stopped responding. I have no problem being corrected or questioned. I have a problem when obvious mis-information is repeatedly posted even though the truth is easy to find. Opinions are always welcomed......even if I disagree with them. Enjoy your evening
So you have no problem with someone refusing to release testing kits while people are waiting 4-5 hours to get tested? People who CHOSE to be tested. Good to know :( You can't do contact tracing and slow the spread without that vital information. Sad
Tests, schmests!

I have a huge problem with someone withholding monoclonal antibodies to those who are infected and in desperate need don't you? I suspect not. Much Sadder.

To withhold this lifesaving treatment is to sentence some to death.
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Tests, schmests!

I have a huge problem with someone withholding monoclonal antibodies to those who are infected and in desperate need don't you? I suspect not. Much Sadder.

To withhold this lifesaving treatment is to sentence some to death.
Diverting to a completely different topic and then accusing me of being in favor of withholding treatment and letting someone die is insulting and absurd. I would have thought this was beneath you. Sadly...I was wrong. Truly pathetic post sir.
No worries Sir. I have no problem with someone expressing their opinion. My problem with that particular poster was he was basically claiming I was making up CDC guidelines when everything I said was on the CDC site. Then claiming that a 22 month old CDC post about N95 masks was current. When corrected on how old it was....he claimed it was updated Nov. 29. Sure it was.....on Newsmax. Wasn't even on CDC anymore. It became frustrating clear that he was knowingly posting misinformation. He knew that I knew it was bogus so it was clear that he had an agenda and was just posting false info for an audience. I simply stopped responding. I have no problem being corrected or questioned. I have a problem when obvious mis-information is repeatedly posted even though the truth is easy to find. Opinions are always welcomed......even if I disagree with them. Enjoy your evening

"Just google it" is not a link. So, now, all of this time later, you still have yet to provide a link to these fictitious guidelines you claimed UCLA should have been following.

And, unless Newsmax is now updating the CDC website, the page that I linked,, has still only been updated as of November 29, 2021. If the link isn't good enough for your, here is a screen capture of what the page looks like.


See right there in the middle of the page, where it says "Updated Nov. 29, 2021?" I guess Newsmax screwed that up. And, again, LOL.

I'm beginning to think you are BanBasketball, but you've toned your violence down.

"Just google it" is not a link. So, now, all of this time later, you still have yet to provide a link to these fictitious guidelines you claimed UCLA should have been following.

And, unless Newsmax is now updating the CDC website, the page that I linked,, has still only been updated as of November 29, 2021. If the link isn't good enough for your, here is a screen capture of what the page looks like.


See right there in the middle of the page, where it says "Updated Nov. 29, 2021?" I guess Newsmax screwed that up. And, again, LOL.

I'm beginning to think you are BanBasketball, but you've toned your violence down.
Hilarious. It says 2019 in the link on your page :). It is from 2019....just like I said. I just looked at the CDC says EVERYTHING that I listed about masks, distances, etc. All the things you say I made up. Priceless. The only thing there has ever been a mention of on the CDC is that masks marked "SURGICAL N95" should be reserved for Health Care officials. NOT N95 masks...or I stated. Get on Amazon and type in N95 masks. They are for sale everywhere.....just like I stated. Obviously you chose not to do any research. As I said.....clearly you have an agenda. Clearly truth and accuracy are not part of your agenda. Anyone can see that. I have no clue what your goal is but I will not respond to any more of your posts as I have no desire to give you any platform. Anyone who does even a cursory look will see that misinformation is your goal. I wish you health and hope you someday choose to be honest......but Goodbye
Hilarious. It says 2019 in the link on your page :). It is from 2019....just like I said. I just looked at the CDC says EVERYTHING that I listed about masks, distances, etc. All the things you say I made up. Priceless. The only thing there has ever been a mention of on the CDC is that masks marked "SURGICAL N95" should be reserved for Health Care officials. NOT N95 masks...or I stated. Get on Amazon and type in N95 masks. They are for sale everywhere.....just like I stated. Obviously you chose not to do any research. As I said.....clearly you have an agenda. Clearly truth and accuracy are not part of your agenda. Anyone can see that. I have no clue what your goal is but I will not respond to any more of your posts as I have no desire to give you any platform. Anyone who does even a cursory look will see that misinformation is your goal. I wish you health and hope you someday choose to be honest......but Goodbye
Okay BB, whatever you say. LOL.
So you have no problem with someone refusing to release testing kits while people are waiting 4-5 hours to get tested? People who CHOSE to be tested. Good to know :( You can't do contact tracing and slow the spread without that vital information. Sad
The tests expired and were extended once already back in SEPTEMBER not now when the testing surge is happening, try to get some facts before slamming someone! They are check8ng to see if the expiration date can be extended again,
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The tests expired and were extended once already back in SEPTEMBER not now when the testing surge is happening, try to get some facts before slamming someone! They are check8ng to see if the expiration date can be extended again,
I did indeed check the facts.......they were never issued.........even when the surge happened in Mid/Late-November and continued to worsen after Thanksgiving and into December......and after numerous counties begged for more kits. The kits did not expire until very late December. The fact that you seem to ignore is that despite repeated calls for more kits by Floridians.....they were never sent out. Period. You can't spin that...only ignore it.
THEY ARE EXPIRED! Before thanksgiving! September!!! Would you like him to issue them and they give false positive or false negatives and someone blame the fact they are out of code? Seriously?
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