Current Events/Comments Board

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Hmmm...if you are a news and government junkie, yes. Have to have a thick skin and remember that everyone has an opinion. Sometimes, you have to let people get emotional and vent. You can't take it personally.
I’d really like to see a non-football/non-politics board. This group has a tremendous amount of expertise in virtually any topic.

Making a board like that would keep the FB board more on topic as well.

Is "OT" in the subject line still accepted here? In the past, there have been posts on what are you binge watching, gardening, travel tips.....
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Is it worth the fee,

I honestly don't think so. There is little civil discussion between party members of rival parties. Most civil discussion is "intra-party" of which usually gets labelled "echo chamber" by people from other parties.

Now keep in mind access to The Lion's Den is also premium content. I've been a paying member for decades. If you like PSU football and an occasional political argument, then you may be able to justify the expense.
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Why pay to see half wits spreading their butt cheeks and acting dumb and baiting.

Aside from constantly making up new user names and answering themselves.
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