Pitt is #1
Please explain unjust?
Easy...the sanctions had NOTHING to do with Athletics AND very little to do with PSU!
It's a message board...not your Facebook page
I know Pitt hasn't won anything and I never brag Pitt is all that. My point is PSU has not been some juggernaut program that has earned the right to throw stones at others.Had nothing to do with football and no rules were broken. And they were overturned so there's the proof they were unjust.
NOT MY POINT. Point was you said we don't win but we have!
Huh?You seem fairly offended. Are you Paul Huh's, brother, Hee?
Please explain unjust?
Had nothing to do with football and no rules were broken. And they were overturned so there's the proof they were unjust.
NOT MY POINT. Point was you said we don't win but we have!
I'm not well versed enough in the events that occurred in State College to truly give a good debate. However, based on what I know. You had a former employee provided access to a athletic dept. building on campus, where he raped a youngster? The school settled with other alleged victims for $Millions of $$$. Obviously, there is guilt somewhere along the way...or you wouldn't have parted with so much money!
That end to the Twitter exchange is a drop the mic type moment right there.His Dad responded to the guy as well. This is a great response because it is so true. Pitt tries to sell the play for your city slogan all the time, yet no one comes out to even see them from the city. It's a joke and this type of fair weather fan base will be the first to turn on you, if you don't pick Pitt or if things don't go well. These are 16 and 17 year old kids let them make the decision that is best for them not YOU!
I'm not implying anything...I'm asking a question? Have you ever made a wrong decision....because you knew the right one also had a poor outcome? Now add to that your friends possibly trying to persuade you the wrong choice is the right choice? I'm not saying, that is what happened. However, human beings..."which I hope you know Joe was" make poor choices sometimes. Especially, when both choices suck.Are you ever going to answer this question?
Well, there is a reason I asked that question. I was banned on this board when the scandal broke. The reason I was banned was this question..."Is it really such a stretch to believe Joe was human and possibly looked the other way to protect something he loved?" I found it amazing out of all the posts I've ever made here...that was the one that got me banned?
Well...what if it showed Paterno wasn't the man you thought he was? I'm not saying he wasn't..but what if?
When you are implying Joe possibly looked the other way, what exactly are you saying? What do you consider looking the other way? Please clarify
Even if anything you wrote were true and I'm not saying it is, the question remains: What NCAA rule was broke? The answer none, therefore any penalty would be unjust.I'm not well versed enough in the events that occurred in State College to truly give a good debate. However, based on what I know. You had a former employee provided access to a athletic dept. building on campus, where he raped a youngster? The school settled with other alleged victims for $Millions of $$$. Obviously, there is guilt somewhere along the way...or you wouldn't have parted with so much money!
Lurker...I completely agree this scandal most likely goes higher than just the athletic dept. However, that doesn't mean they didn't have a part in it.Pitt fella, they are either feeling guilty, or they want no questions asked.
In the history of the world, who acts like the PSU BOT has acted? Think about it. Who has ever had such profound guilt, that they act the way they do. Take off the Pitt blinders, and give that some thought.
They have guilt, all right, and they have some regrets, but not because of Sandusky. Even with your Pitt education, you should be able to see thru that bullshit. Nobody, but nobody, turns tail and throws out money with nary a whimper or a single excuse or a single legal maneuver. Nobody.
Anybody who wants to allow their brain to work, should easily be able to see that there is a lot more to this story. I don't necessarily expect a Pitt grad to allow themselves to recognize the truth, of course, but we have faith that some day you will have no choice.
Of courseQuestion for Pitt #1
If it comes out that a kid says he was molested by someone who participated at one of these camps, should Pitt Football receive NCAA sanctions?
State Auditor General Eugene DePasquale said that for years, Pitt did not adequately ensure that athletic camp and campus employees working with minors during Pitt-hosted events had undergone required criminal background checks.
Why is anyone debating this with some idiot that already admitted that he doesn't know what he talking about?
Nice Red herring. Actually you used the Moral high Ground fallacy as well. a two for one once you lost the topic at hand.It amazes me that the moral right and wrong and self reflection this community refuses to do...all because you feel(and I don't disagree) the NCAA over stepped it's authority trying to teach you a lesson. Well, guess what...life isn't always fair! Just ask one of the boys Jerry forced himself on.
I know... I got sucked in.. my fault.it is amazing how each and every thread with a Pitt fan in it gets turned into sanctions and Joe Paterno. It was almost 4 YEARS ago....let it go! This thread is for discussing the morons at Pitt who try to make kids feel guilty about leaving the city of Pittsburgh in spite of the city never attending games. Take your paterno garbage back to your boards.
I'm trying to make at least one of them see the light. They can't all be psychotic, can they?
Sorry, if you don't like what I said. However, if you want to know why you are still ridiculed by late night comedians...it's your refusal to show any remorse as a fan base. Was the punishment legal? probably not....was it justified?...probably.Nice Red herring.
AHHHHHH How can punishing the wrong people be justified??! How un-American is that? I cant believe a rational human being would say something like thatSorry, if you don't like what I said. However, if you want to know why you are still ridiculed by late night comedians...it's your refusal to show any remorse as a fan base. Was the punishment legal? probably not....was it justified?...probably.
And when your having a debate over rules there should not be a moral question. And why in the hell should the community or me undergo a moral self reflection? I didn't do anything. It was one person who is in jail, who at the time had no connection to the team, athletic department and only a very small connection with the school.Sorry, if you don't like what I said. However, if you want to know why you are still ridiculed by late night comedians...it's your refusal to show any remorse as a fan base. Was the punishment legal? probably not....was it justified?...probably.
Of course
Because late night comedians are just as uninformed as you are (self admitted) and they play on the same misinformed notions of the general public. Wanna try again? In a battle of wits you seem unarmed.Sorry, if you don't like what I said. However, if you want to know why you are still ridiculed by late night comedians...it's your refusal to show any remorse as a fan base. Was the punishment legal? probably not....was it justified?...probably.
"Pitt is #1" clearly doesn't understand that some things are not morally equivalent.Pitt dude, you can do better than that. So your boss murders someone, they come after you and blame you, and you are just going to suck it up? Ok, sure.
Honestly bud...I don't give a damn if the guy is guilty..he's dead.I believe that answer as much as I believe you are not a troll. Actually regardless of whether someone ever comes forward, Pitt is already guilty, as the Auditor General said so they should be on sanctions right away. I am sure you would agree with that also.
Also when you said what if it was found Joe was human, I have never seen one person say Joe was not human. I know its wishful thinking on your part, but there has been no reason to believe anything would surface to show Joe was looking the other way as you proposed for the reasons below.
Interview with state attorneys Frank Fina and Joe McGettigan, who prosecuted the child sexual abuse case against Jerry Sandusky. Asked whether Paterno was part of the "conspiracy to conceal," Fina said this."I do not. And -- and I -- I'm viewing this strictly on the evidence, not any kind of fealty to anybody. I did not find that evidence."http://blogs.mcall.com/nittany...d-.html#commenthttp://www.pennlive.com/midsta...cutor_no_e.html
Penn State coach Paterno praised by Attorney General for acting appropriately in reporting Jerry Sandusky sex abuse suspicions
Based on the Feb. 2, 2012 subpoena directed at PSU by the US DOJ, Paterno was not a target or even mentioned. Nor did any of the information requested pertain to Paterno.
“There is no other way to say it: on the most critical aspects of the Sandusky investigation, the SIC report is a failure. It does a tremendous disservice to Penn State, Joe Paterno, and the victims of Jerry Sandusky.” ~ Jim Clemente, former top FBI profilerhttp://paterno.com/Expert-Repo...px#.UkXfaqPD8r8http://www.pennlive.com/midsta...by_paterno.html
18 year PA Child Abuse Detective details Joes culpability. Joe should not have done more.
http://chirb.it/t5dK4p (John the PA investigator)
From the NCAA itself, pages 4 and 13 what is required of reporting possible sexual assault.http://www.ncaa.org/sites/default/files/Sexual-Violence-Prevention.pdf
A Strong Defense of Joe Paterno: Why Paterno Was Morally & Ethically Right Not To Go Further in The Sandusky Abuse Casehttp://thatlawyerdude.blogspot...aterno-why.html
I must reiterate that the witness never told Paterno he witnessed a rape and never told police that he had seen one. The grand jury presentment inaccurately stated that the witness stated he had seen an anal rape and had told Joe Paterno "what he saw." The perception that Joe Paterno had been told about an anal rape and did nothing took hold and cost him his job.
"To be honest with you, I didn't," Paterno responded. "This isn't my field. I didn't know what to do. I had not seen anything. Jerry didn't work for my anymore. I didn't have anything to do with him. I tried to look through the Penn State guidelines to see what I was supposed to do. It said that I was supposed to call Tim [Curley]. So I did."
There are more than 900 pages in Joe Paterno's FBI file, but not a single mention of Jerry Sandusky.
Joe Paterno FBI File
Joe Paterno never tampered in Justice System