Do you have it in you? Are you capable of calling James Franklin into your office and advise him that he is no longer the football coach at PSU?

Home state school in a state with declining talent. Also playing in the toughest division in football and up against OSU every year. Less than stellar facilities. An administration not fully committed to being a football power. Coming off some of the worst sanctions in the history of college football and a stain on the school’s reputation like no other. Sorry, that didn’t just go away. Treated like a red headed step child in our own conference. And we may have a great football history, but we don’t quite get the respect that other programs get….like our coach being named for every opening that comes around as if our program is a stepping stone job, or the fact that we have more undefeated seasons without a NC than any other school. There may be some built in advantages but there are just as many built in disadvantages.
Jesus. People like you will keep making excuses. Refs suck, Big hates PSU….Get over yourself brother. Big hates everyone but OSU.
I see. Yeah, that was a dumb move. Firing Solich was also dumb.

They almost always are dumb moves. How many times have fanbases successfully removed coaches with very good but not great results and had their successor achieve more? Seems to almost always go the opposite direction.
Jesus. People like you will keep making excuses. Refs suck, Big hates PSU….Get over yourself brother. Big hates everyone but OSU.
Not one thing I listed wasn’t true, but great come back. They’re not excuses, they’re obstacles any coach that coaches at PSU has to face. We had the winningest coach in the history of college football and he couldn’t win a NC once they joined the Big….gee, I wonder why.
They almost always are dumb moves. How many times have fanbases successfully removed coaches with very good but not great results and had their successor achieve more? Seems to almost always go the opposite direction.
Rule number one in my industry is never let the salesmen run your company. Rule number one in college athletics should be never let the fans run your program.
Rule number one in my industry is never let the salesmen run your company. Rule number one in college athletics should be never let the fans run your program.
Well PSU football is run by a salesman so we are breaking your industries rule.
The state may have declining talent, but the fact is that we can go into three adjacent states (NY, NJ, MD) and our offer instantly eclipses one from any of their native schools. It's always been this way. Unless Rutgers or Maryland become top 10 programs we will probably always have this advantage.
And Virginia. And we used to get more than our share of top grade talent from Ohio.
Serious? Home state school and great facilities to start. Only school in the Northeast that’s worth a shit. Not to mention the great football history. Is that enough? Because I can go on…
Your list assumes we are competing with Pitt and BC for players. Our facilities are far from great compared to the schools taking the top players and most top players could give a crap about staying in the NE

But continue your list
Yes. That coincided with the time after the joined the B1G, when OSU was good but not great. Although some on here think that they have never had a down period ever, that just isn't true.
Pre-Big 10, Ohio was a fertile recruiting ground for PSU.

And yes, PSU handled O$U on equal footing or better. See 1978. See 1980.
Not one thing I listed wasn’t true, but great come back. They’re not excuses, they’re obstacles any coach that coaches at PSU has to face. We had the winningest coach in the history of college football and he couldn’t win a NC once they joined the Big….gee, I wonder why.
Well, he really did win a national title in 1994, the media scumbags simply gave it to someone else....because Paterno made them feel bad about themselves.

Franklin is a great recruiter.

He is only average as a head coach in other aspects.