What REALLY was said when MM called his dad?
That's THE question I want answered.
MM felt the need to call dad. He was 28, right? At 28, I had been living on my own since 20. Undergrad and grad school.
I, personally, had (my dad is dead) a wonderful relationship with my pop. But, would I have called him (and no one else)? I doubt it.
My personality is such that I doubt I would've called anyone UNLESS I knew a crime was being committed. Why would I call anyone?
Certainly, I would have brought it up to my close friends either later that evening or the next day to discuss. At that age, I had enough of professionals in my life to ask them what to do, if needed. But, call my dad? I would not have called him.
Now, MM did indeed call his dad. They OBVIOUSLY spoke and discussed. Why would dad say to come home?
I just find it hard to imagine that MM called dad and said. "Dad? I'm at the Lasch and I...well..(choking back tears)...just saw Jerry Sandusky having sex with a kid."
Silence on the other end. Dad saying. "What?!?! Jerry Sandusky? Holy shit!"
Now, what would be a REASONABLE thing to say, next?
"Call the cops, Mike. Are you safe? Call 911. Do you want me to call?"
All of this makes sense "if" sex was taking place. So, this hypothetical didn't occur? Why? Sex must NOT have taken place.
So, dad said come home. MM did. They spoke late. No doubt, Mrs MCQUEARY found out what was discussed; Mrs Dr Dranov found out; other family members found out (you can't keep sh1t like this secret, btw, people love to gossip); girlfriends and or best friends found out.
Now, if Jerry really was (ahem) fvxking a kid in the shower, how could so many people NOT do anything.
Imagine a friend of yours coming up to you and saying. "Dude. Did you hear? Mike Mcqueary caught Jerry Sandusky fccking a kid in the shower last Friday?"
"WHAT?!?!?!?!? Seriously?"
"Yep. No kidding."
And as the gossip mile goes from one person to another, not one - NOT ONE - person calls the cops, tells MM to call the cops, confronts Jerry Sandusky or tells the media.
Not one.
So, Dranov is probably telling the truth.