That is an awesome interaction. Thank you for sharing. The brothers led both remarkable and remarkably inseparable lives. They each graduated from the School of Physical Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania and were both highly respected Department Heads of Physical Therapy at hospitals in Philadelphia. Don was the Penn Wrestling Head Coach in the 1960s (.670 dual winning %), in addition to being the Head of Physical Therapy at Pennsylvania Hospital and the Head Athletic Trainer at Penn. Doug (Betsy’s husband) was the Drexel Wrestling Head Coach (.778 %) during the same period and served as the Head Athletic Trainer at Drexel and the Chief of Physical Medicine at Presby, positions he simultaneously held for over 30 years.
Don is a legend at Penn Wrestling. Penn’s athletic training center (hydro/cryotherapy and the like) in the bowls of Franklin Field is named after Don Frey (donated in his name by some of his wrestlers, Dave Pottruck chief among them). My family and I had the privilege to meet both brothers on several occasions many years ago. I can remember Don fondly recalling Charlie Speidel, who served in the Navy with their father during WWII, and the 1953 PSU National Championship, the first collegiate wrestling team from the East to win a national title, a feat they miraculously accomplished at Rec Hall. Looking back, the brothers are truly responsible for setting in motion the long-standing cooperation between the Penn and Drexel Wrestling programs, a cooperation that exists to this day via the PRTC, Beat the Streets, etc. So close in life, Don and Doug each passed in late 2018, only one month apart.