And Kyven Gadson stirring the pot...
Kyven Gadson (@GadsonStrong)
12/23/15, 8:39 PM
@kyledake444 has never wrestled in the Midlands either! I wonder if this new news will bring him back! Make #Midlands2015 like the old days!
And Kyven Gadson stirring the pot...
Kyven Gadson (@GadsonStrong)
12/23/15, 8:39 PM
@kyledake444 has never wrestled in the Midlands either! I wonder if this new news will bring him back! Make #Midlands2015 like the old days!
Maybe Gadson could go there to challenge Taylor. Ames isn't all that far away, and apparently he has time on his hands.
Guy has done jack since he graduated college so I guess I can understand why he's pining for the "old days".
Guy has done jack since he graduated college so I guess I can understand why he's pining for the "old days".
This will be interesting to see how fast he techs people with the new 4 point near fall rules.....
Come on FT, NoVa Lion said all that needs to be said RE: Gadson.
Basically, you can't take being trolled back is what you're saying.
You'd never man up and post that on social media for the world to see, you'd rather be protected in the sanctuary of this board.
Trying to justify him "not doing jack" when that's a complete falsehood. None of us on this board could have done what he did this weekend. You make it seem so easy to place third in an Olympic qualifier with multiple All-Americans.
You won't have the protection you have here and the freedom to trash athletes out in the open like you think you can do here.
I like you for the most part, but this is just straight smug angst.
But I'm done on this. No point in arguing over something that's in the grand scheme of things, super pointless.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you also JB and to all the BWI crew.
Andrew Long is wrestling Midlands, too. It'll be interesting watching things unfold at 141, which looks stacked.
Brian, very nice of you to give Jammen his new profile pic for Christmas!
This board sends me down more internet k-holes than anything on the web, with it's obscure references to comedy.Yes kids and be extra safe and embrace the season. Here are some video's to help:
This board sends me down more internet k-holes than anything on the web, with it's obscure references to comedy.
Nova...he announced it this summer. I think this was his first competition...not a bad first outing.Agreed. I haven't been able to understand the point of any of the posts in this thread after my previous post regarding Gadson finishing 3rd at Senior Nationals. I only even knew he did that because his name jumped out at me as I didn't think he planned on competing in freestyle.
Idk if anybody else mentioned it already and I'm just behind but I thought this was interesting, maybr won't just be Taylor and Long going.
@that_dude_JO: squad8wrestling headed to midlands. Gonna be my first time at this tournamemt.... man am I…
In Oliver's comments he's still debating if he's wrestling or not
In that back and forth, his last comment is that his folk days are over...not sure that cements it but my take is that he's just going as a spectator.
Just to play devil's advocate: I know there are some style differences on feet, but the primary difference between free vs. folk is mat wrestling -- which Oliver could conceivably avoid altogether by scoring all takedowns, cutting immediately afterward, and always choosing neutral.
I don't think he'll do it either, but he could do a lot worse than Midlands for some live work against somebody other than the usual suspects.