E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!!! Birds - Seahawks NFL Playoff Game Thread

only in 'Eagle eyes' was that an unnecessary ... helmet to helmet ... or unsportsmanlike play ..was just a football play by both Wentz and Clowney ..if you're gonna start whinning for that call then you may as well just switch to flag football
If that was Brady instead of Wentz I can guarantee you would see three flags flying into the picture.
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how is it that so many people don't understand that it is supposed to be a penalty any time a defender lowers the crown of his helmet into an opposing player that he is tackling?

how can anyone defend that hit?
only in 'Eagle eyes' was that an unnecessary ... helmet to helmet ... or unsportsmanlike play ..was just a football play by both Wentz and Clowney ..if you're gonna start whinning for that call then you may as well just switch to flag football
I am absolutely not an Eagles fan, but that was a personal foul. I’ve seen way less called many times. However, I don’t see how not calling it had an impact on the game, even if they would have called it Wentz would still have been out.
I was at the game yesterday and was wondering if they showed on TV the over the top taunting of the Philly endzone fans by Seahawks special teamers after each kick? They were literally in the faces of fans, lingering, shouting, and doing all kinds of gyrations.
I was at the game yesterday and was wondering if they showed on TV the over the top taunting of the Philly endzone fans by Seahawks special teamers after each kick? They were literally in the faces of fans, lingering, shouting, and doing all kinds of gyrations.
I remember when Eagles fans were proud of being the toughest crowd and stadium to play in. Now they're complaining that the players were taunting them? Times are a changin
I remember when Eagles fans were proud of being the toughest crowd and stadium to play in. Now they're complaining that the players were taunting them? Times are a changin

It was just an odd scene. These players ran down the field, did nothing, then ran to the stands and taunted the fans.
Karma be karma. Go back to 2015 when an Eagle unnecessarily drove Tony Romo into the turf and broke his collarbone.
It's a rough game. Wentz still can't claim a playoff win.
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Watched 75% of the game between naps. Congrats to the Iggles on a fine season. They showed true perseverance.
Karma be karma. Go back to 2015 when an Eagle unnecessarily drove Tony Romo into the turf and broke his collarbone.
It's a rough game. Wentz still can't claim a playoff win.
And you’re stuck with Jerruh and Dink n Dak. Good luck with that
Yeah, OK. Can you imagine this board if Chase Young did the same thing to Clifford and nothing was called?

I can 'imagine' it but still wouldn't change the fact that it was a 'football play' with incidental contact that was really unfortunate but still never rises to being 'malicious with intent to injure someone'
I guess what still puzzles me and doesn't seem to be discussed the situation when the Eagles had 4th and 7 within very reasonable field goal range ..down by 8 points and between 6 and 7 minutes left ..they go for it ..rather than take 3 and then be down 5 but knowing they are gonna get the ball again. To me that seems like the better decision...even if the Eagles get the 1st down and then a TD ..they still need to convert a 2 pt conversion ..obviously not a given ...just to tie ..At the very least, it allowed the Seahawks to play with a different mentality than if they were up less than a touchdown.
You’ve said the exact same thing three different times. We can read.

Good to know 'LionJim' ...but sometimes you need to repeat things because it doesn't seem folks can understand there are different opinions than theirs .. which is fine
I guess what still puzzles me and doesn't seem to be discussed the situation when the Eagles had 4th and 7 within very reasonable field goal range ..down by 8 points and between 6 and 7 minutes left ..they go for it ..rather than take 3 and then be down 5 but knowing they are gonna get the ball again. To me that seems like the better decision...even if the Eagles get the 1st down and then a TD ..they still need to convert a 2 pt conversion ..obviously not a given ...just to tie ..At the very least, it allowed the Seahawks to play with a different mentality than if they were up less than a touchdown.
Glad u brought that up. I agree. If they kick their field goals they win
If they kick their field goals they win

Well, they'd at least have had a better chance to win the game. I agree, I think at that point had they made the FG, it'd have been 17-12. Could've won with just a TD, and gone for the 2 pt conversion to make it 20-17.
I remember when Eagles fans were proud of being the toughest crowd and stadium to play in. Now they're complaining that the players were taunting them? Times are a changin
Well, the metal detectors make it much harder to bring the nuts and bolts into the game that used to get thrown at opposing players, so there's that change.
Well, they'd at least have had a better chance to win the game. I agree, I think at that point had they made the FG, it'd have been 17-12. Could've won with just a TD, and gone for the 2 pt conversion to make it 20-17.

I disagree, there was no guarantee they would get the ball back-they didn't score a TD all day. Why would they all of a sudden after a field goal hold Seattle on downs and then be able to score a TD? They were running on fumes-they had a chance, it was 4 and 4-the play was there, a combination of a throw a little bit behind Sanders and him dropping it doomed the play. McCown was basically limping down the field. I'm a big Eagles fan, once they lost Wentz, it was basically over. Honestly, the Eagles weren't very good-just getting into the playoffs was an accomplishment.
I can 'imagine' it but still wouldn't change the fact that it was a 'football play' with incidental contact that was really unfortunate but still never rises to being 'malicious with intent to injure someone'
Malicious and intent have zero to do with anything. If a defender lowers the crown of the helmet and hits another player in the head, it is a penalty. You have the right to opinions... and the right to be wrong.
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Not only is that a dirty/illegal hit I think he should have been tossed. I like that kid Wentz, tough. And for those who bring up Brady's name I agree with you. But to be fair, there are 10 other NFL QBs who get that call, not just Brady.
Brady drew zero roughing passers this year. Agree should have been 15. But Brady wouldn’t have drawn it because he’s not going to take off running like that
I disagree, there was no guarantee they would get the ball back-they didn't score a TD all day. Why would they all of a sudden after a field goal hold Seattle on downs and then be able to score a TD? They were running on fumes-they had a chance, it was 4 and 4-the play was there, a combination of a throw a little bit behind Sanders and him dropping it doomed the play. McCown was basically limping down the field. I'm a big Eagles fan, once they lost Wentz, it was basically over. Honestly, the Eagles weren't very good-just getting into the playoffs was an accomplishment.
I completely agree, no guarantee they see that field position again. But a good chance they see the 38.