I'm not sure Roar's "dominating performance" is synonymous with "mauling" as I think it's commonly understood. But then I also wouldn't describe Bo's pin of Martin in the finals is even "dominating," much less "mauling." Spectacular, yes, but had Bo not hit that elevator, Martin would've been up 6-0. I'd also not describe Nolf's pin of IMar as a mauling--it was highly competitive up to the point where Nolf pinned him.
When I think "mauling" I'm thinking of the type of matches where the losing wrestler is done and just hanging on, maybe looking up from bottom with dead eyes, resigned to the next brutal crossface. Lots of mismatches qualify by that definition but obviously the more satisfying examples are where the wrestlers came together closely ranked and then the match itself was lopsided and uncompetitive. Bo's major over Martin in the dual definitely qualifies. Many many Nolf matches qualify.
Since "mauling" visually evokes what lions do to, say, gazelles, certain styles are more apt to commit maulings, Zain on top being the most obvious example. Dozens of Zain matches come to mind, but the ones that stand out are Pantaleo (all three), the TF against Evan Henderson at the Southern Scuffle, Jason Tsirtsis in a dual, Lavion Mayes in the NCCA final, Ke-Shawn Hayes (multiple times). Not every pin can be a mauling but Zain's pin of Sorensen in the NCAA semis definitely was.