Kaepernick named GQ 2017 Citizen of the Year.
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Kapernick named GQ 2017 Citizen of the Year.
Because he dresses well?? Lol. RMEKapernick named GQ 2017 Citizen of the Year.
She let me wear my chain and my turtleneck sweater!
Not hard to figure out why. Lightening rods for attention get attention. Good move by them. Business move. Forget all of the people that volunteered countless hours saving/helping other during natural disasters.....I mean he's the real hero.
I fixed it just for you as the point of the post was completely missed due to that e being there. Thanks for incredible ASSist.light·en·ing
- a drop in the level of the uterus during the last weeks of pregnancy as the head of the fetus engages in the pelvis.
Who in their right mind, reads GQ?
Well he took a stand that cost him something - that is more than most people do. Agree or disagree he spoke up, and not from behind a keyboard
So tacitly encouraging violence against police gets him an award?? Hmmmm.
Kaepernick named GQ 2017 Citizen of the Year.
Kneeling down during the anthem is encouraging violence against police?! Are you kidding?
To go with past winners, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.Their second choice was Harvey Weinstein.
Well-deserved. Kaepernick put his livelihood, his career, and his legacy on the line to speak on behalf of a cause that he believed in and has served as a public voice for countless Americans who have none. He didn't ask for the attention he's received, but he's used the platform he's been given - along with players like Malcolm Jenkins - to make communities better and try to enact meaningful change. He'll go down in history as this generation's most prominent athlete who fights for civil rights.
Kneeling down during the anthem is encouraging violence against police?! Are you kidding?
Cops as pigs on his socks while Dallas can't wear anything to support police killed by sniper fire
It seems that his beef is with police brutality against minorities. If so, he should have picketed a police station, hosted fundraisers to support wrongly treated minorities, donated some of his millions to defend those wronged, etc. Kneeling during the national anthem is like me coming over to your house and crapping on your doorstep and saying, "Don't take offense, I'm trying to bring attention to the plight of the homeless." Kneeling during the anthem makes no sense and is offensive to any patriotic American.
Wha? En ingles por favor.
I'm a lot less offended by his quiet protest than I am by those who claim to be patriots yet never object to the public display of treason's flag..It seems that his beef is with police brutality against minorities. If so, he should have picketed a police station, hosted fundraisers to support wrongly treated minorities, donated some of his millions to defend those wronged, etc. Kneeling during the national anthem is like me coming over to your house and crapping on your doorstep and saying, "Don't take offense, I'm trying to bring attention to the plight of the homeless." Kneeling during the anthem makes no sense and is offensive to any patriotic American.
It all depends upon who is being stereotyped and who is doing the stereotyping.Quick question. Is stereotyping a form of racism?
Both are offensive and neither should be glorified nor tolerated.I'm a lot less offended by his quiet protest than I am by those who claim to be patriots yet never object to the public display of treason's flag..
He wore those socks at a practice, not a game. He was stretching - unless you think they play games in shorts or play the national anthem before practice.Have you seen the socks that he was wearing that depicted cops as pigs while he was doing his kneeling? He should have been immediately escorted to the locker room to change given that in a similar timeframe a Cowboys request to honor cops was declined by the NFL I realize not directly related and it's an NFL problem, but he could have taken a stand with the Cowboys as well.
Kaepernick has donated all of the proceeds that he earns from sales of his jersey, and at least $1M from his salary to the following causes since October 2016, per his website:It seems that his beef is with police brutality against minorities. If so, he should have picketed a police station, hosted fundraisers to support wrongly treated minorities, donated some of his millions to defend those wronged, etc. Kneeling during the national anthem is like me coming over to your house and crapping on your doorstep and saying, "Don't take offense, I'm trying to bring attention to the plight of the homeless." Kneeling during the anthem makes no sense and is offensive to any patriotic American.
I think that is all great....and I respect his right to protest. My beef is that he should do it on his own time. NFL is just an entertainment organization...many feel that this is no longer entertaining. Many are turning off their TV's. Did you see the attendece for the Chicago Bears game? KC has had plenty of platform to have his voice heard. Now, where does it end? Does a player now have the right to wear shoes with dead muslims on them? how about a cartoon of Snoopy's aborted puppies? What is the end game or are we now to expect anyone who had a bad day to protest before and after games?Kaepernick has donated all of the proceeds that he earns from sales of his jersey, and at least $1M from his salary to the following causes since October 2016, per his website:
Silicon Valley De-Bug
Cause Justa/Just Cause
Urban Underground
Mothers Against Police Brutality
Black Youth Project
Gathering for Justice/Justice League
Communities United for Police Reform
I Will Not Die Young Campaign
UCSF for the Mni Wiconi Health Clinic Partnership at Standing Rock
Appetite for Change
Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation
Black Veterans for Social Justice
Center for Reproductive Rights
Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
Meals on Wheels
Somalia Famine Relief
Life After Hate
Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle
Assata's Daughters
Helping Oppressed Mothers Endure
Grassroots Leadership
American Friends Service Committee
The Dreamville Foundation
Lower East Side Girls Club
100 Suits for 100 Men
DREAM (formerly RBI Harlem)
Coalition for the Homeless
War on Children
United We Dream
He also fully funds and hosts the "Know Your Rights Camp", which hosts young people to "raise awareness on higher education, self empowerment, and instruction to properly interact with law enforcement in various scenarios." So far, he's hosted these camps in Chicago, New York, and Oakland.
I was more pointing out to the poster who questioned why Kaepernick doesn't donate money to the causes he champions or why he doesn't get involved in the community that Kaep very clearly does those things and has for a while now.NFL had some really empty stands this week. One of the premier games in the NFL, Packers vs Bears, looked like this:
I think that is all great....and I respect his right to protest. My beef is that he should do it on his own time. NFL is just an entertainment organization...many feel that this is no longer entertaining. Many are turning off their TV's. Did you see the attendece for the Chicago Bears game? KC has had plenty of platform to have his voice heard. Now, where does it end? Does a player now have the right to wear shoes with dead muslims on them? how about a cartoon of Snoopy's aborted puppies? What is the end game or are we now to expect anyone who had a bad day to protest before and after games?
I am not sure what that has to do with it. I think I am pretty patiotic and share a vast portion of my income to support the defense forces. But its not just that, its the police too. Do I have to be a soldier and a policeman to be patriotic? can I be a fireman, ATF and TSA too?Would encourage those who feel betrayed by the NFL - their one outlet for brandishing their patriotism - to enlist in the Army. Entry requirements are being eased because well, there just aren't enough good, high character, quality individuals available to enlist right now. Marijuana waivers are at an all time high and they're allowing more CAT 4 ASVAB scores too. C'mon fellas! Think about how patriotic it is to wake up every day and actually wear the flag as part of your uniform.
questioning police brutality = advocating violence against police
why don't you libnumbs get that???
I was more pointing out to the poster who questioned why Kaepernick doesn't donate money to the causes he champions or why he doesn't get involved in the community that Kaep very clearly does those things and has for a while now.
To your point, I don't agree with your perspective but I understand that many feel that way - although I suspect that for many (not necessarily you specifically), their ire towards Kaepernick is with the content of his protest moreso than whether or not he does it in a football uniform. Kaepernick himself has said if he's signed by a team that he doesn't plan to kneel for the anthem going forward, so if the issue is really just with him kneeling for the anthem and not the underlying causes the protest is supporting I'd expect there to be no issues with him if he stands from now on.
Ugliest guy to ever be in GQ.Kaepernick named GQ 2017 Citizen of the Year.