FC: Official - it's Cotton Bowl vs. Memphis.

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This has to hurt recruiting. The players bust their butts and finish 10 - 2 against a very difficult schedule and get rewarded with a nonsensical game against a MAC level opponent.
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Does any state love football more than the state of Texas? I think not.

And now here we are going to Texas to play in the biggest CFB bowl game hosted by that state....the bowl they are proudest of....and we get to show those football fans what we have going into next season.

I say we are up to that task.
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Well... As disappointed as I am, I'm excited to welcome the alumni here to Dallas. We have a highly functioning and sizable alumni group here. As for weather, as likely to be in the 60s as in the 30s. Played golf this morning in short sleeves.

Highly functional and sizable, you say. Maybe I will make the trip to Dallas.
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This has to hurt recruiting. The players bust their butts and finish 10 - 2 against a very difficult schedule and get rewarded with a nonsensical game against a MAC level opponent.

Only if we're recruiting a bunch of losers. We're playing in a NY6 bowl in an exciting city. This is our 3rd NY6 bowl in 4 years. We're this close to getting over the hump and the proof is in the pudding. We need a couple of playmakers to make it happen. Recruits want to be that difference maker.
That's just not accurate. It is a NY6 bowl. That is the standard for CFB outside the playoff. There is significance in getting into a NY6 bowl game for the 3rd time in 4 years.

I respectfully disagree. Posters here are desperately trying to hold on to ‘NY6’ as some consolation prize but it’s in name only.

An 11am Dec 28 game against Memphis is not going to gather the attention of big time recruits in any way (well, unless PSU loses). They’ll be too busy focusing on the playoff games that afternoon and then the New Years Day games.
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Memphis = Kentucky.

If we couldn't beat Kentucky what makes you think we would have beat a team better than Kentucky?

A win over Memphis would guarantee a top 10 finish. A loss could knock us down to 15th behind teams like Michigan, Minnesota, and Notre Dame. I think that's worth playing for.
Stop acting like a child.

I graduated from PSU. I participated in varsity athletics at PSU. I've watched a ridiculously large amount of PSU football games over a number of decades.

And you're going to try to act like I'm not a fan of the program, since they have to play some exhibition against some ridiculous throwaway team in Texas in a "New Year's" bowl that's not played on New Year's (Eve or Day), and I won't be bothered to tune in to see it? Kindly STFU with that immature nonsense.

For the life of me I can't get my mind around their thought process. I see you played sports. So did I, but not at your level. There is not a team out there that gets jacked over a game that means nothing in the standings, in the conference, or at the state level. To think otherwise of players is asking them to put your thought process over common sense.
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This has to hurt recruiting. The players bust their butts and finish 10 - 2 against a very difficult schedule and get rewarded with a nonsensical game against a MAC level opponent.
Keep thinking the are a MAC level opponent. You are very wrong. They are a very talented team with excellent coaching. Remember what teams like Boise and Utah (when they were G5) have done to P5 schools who thought they could mail it in during major bowl games. The players must rise above disappointment of Rose bowl rejection and think what this means to recruiting and next year's team. This game sets a tone going forward.
I respectfully disagree. Posters here are desperately trying to hold on to ‘NY6’ as some consolation prize but it’s in name only.

An 11am Dec 28 game against Memphis is not going to gather the attention of big time recruits in any way (well, unless PSU loses). They’ll be too busy focusing on the playoff games that afternoon and then the New Years Day games.

It's not the actual game that's important for recruiting IMHO. It's the message it sends to recruits about the direction of the program. I don't think recruits are making a decision based on the results of any one game. But when they see that a program is playing in yet another big bowl game with a chance to have yet another 11 win season, then that's a big deal. At least that's my thought.
Isn’t Joel Klatt available? We could listen to him bad mouth PSU all game long. :eek:

You think Joel Klatt wasn't told by Delaney ahead of time to talk up Wisconsin? There was a time psu was the school every bowl dreamed of getting.
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If that’s the attitude then they will never make the playoffs.

Asking players to give an exhibition game their full commitment is silly. Sure I can give some meaning to these games, but even when I judge
Franklin I do not give much importance to these bowl games. They lost their importance when the playoffs were put in place.
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Does any state love football more than the state of Texas? I think not.

And now here we are going to Texas to play in the biggest CFB bowl game hosted by that state....the bowl they are proudest of....and we get to show those football fans what we have going into next season.

I say we are up to that task.
Our players have mentioned they love playing in NFL stadiums and it doesn't get any bigger than Jerry's World so that's a bonus.
Nobody gives a damn over these meaningless games. For good reason.

Have you seen the bowl games the past few years and the stands are half empty?

Who cares if you fatten up a regular season win/loss record by playing Memphis? There are 18 teams who have 10 wins or more. 12 of them have 11 wins already. So if we beat Memphis that makes us so special?

The rankings mean nothing, the only thing that matters now is the playoffs. Pinstripe Bowl? Really? That is laughable to 90% of the posters on here. For good reason.

Can anyone name the top ten at the end of the 2018 bowl season? Another joke.

Conference perception? I bet MSU and Iowa will shake in their cleats on game day when they face the team that beat Memphis in the Cotton Bowl.

Get this, if people disagree with you it might be because you hold some foolish opinions.

Having the mindset that nothing matters outside of the CFP must be exhausting as a fan, and I don’t get why you would even enjoy the sport.

I for one enjoy bowl season and try to take in as many games as possible. It’s all part of what makes college football unique.

I’m also really happy for Franklin and the team for being the first Penn State team in over 40 years to make a major/NY6 caliber bowl in 3 of its 4 years.

We couldn’t control the opponent, but the invitation was indeed a reward for a good season.

I’m sure Michigan, Alabama, Minnesota, Notre Dame, or Utah would love to be in our place right now.

nobody will even know the CottonBowl exists given it is played on the 28th

You waste a helluva a lot more time posting and reading on here, so let's not act like spending a 3.5 hrs watching the Cotton Bowl is going to be the first few hours of your life/year that you waste.
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Only way to get 3 B10 teams in CFP+NY6 was to send UW to Rose.
Sucks, but that's they way it goes.

Why is that the only way? PSU could have gone to the Rose and Wisconsin to the Cotton. That would have made more sense.
Cotton Bowl vs Citrus Bowl

What's the better bowl? NY6 vs non-NY6

Jerry World vs Camping World Stadium

Case closed.

I hope any player that can't get up for the Cotton Bowl enters the transfer portal. They don't belong at Penn State (or any other big time football program).

I wonder if there is a line in Vegas for bowl attendance. A PSU team that hoped to make the playoffs going to the Cotton versus a team who lost their coach? That should get people fired up to buy airline tickets, hotel rooms, and overpriced meals.
I don’t remember or care... because PSU wasn’t playing. This year - yeah, I care.

I get that. What I dont get is a poster thinking anyone in the B1G or on the national scene will give a damn who played in the Cotton Bowl and who won it?
I got news for everyone, Oregon would have been an absolutely terrible matchup for us. Great o-line, NFL QB, and a really good defense. We’ve seen this script play out before.

11-2 and a NY6 win is better than 10-3 and a Rose Bowl loss for the program.

Lose to Oregon and we’d absolutely finish outside the top ten.

This is a great opportunity to boost our program’s status with a top ten overall finish and a NY6 trophy.

yeah, tired of counting the NY6 “appearances”. I would like to start seeing NY6 “wins”.
Having the mindset that nothing matters outside of the CFP must be exhausting as a fan, and I don’t get why you would even enjoy the sport.

I for one enjoy bowl season and try to take in as many games as possible. It’s all part of what makes college football unique.

I’m also really happy for Franklin and the team for being the first Penn State team in over 40 years to make a major/NY6 caliber bowl in 3 of its 4 years.

We couldn’t control the opponent, but the invitation was indeed a reward for a good season.

I’m sure Michigan, Alabama, Minnesota, Notre Dame, or Utah would love to be in our place right now.

I seriously doubt that programs that hold themselves up to a standard of playoffs or bust (Michigan, Note Dame, Alabama) really look on at us with envy for getting into a Cotton Bowl game versus Memphis.
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If you aren't going to watch Penn State in a NY6 bowl game you aren't a PSU fan, period.

Fully agree.

Sure the Rose Bowl would have been awesome. But the Cotton Bowl isn't chump change either. It is a historical and classic college football bowl game. I don't understand how anyone could upset about this or the direction of the team.

I don't want to give out my age, but I personally remember what happened to SMU post-death penalty. I am amazed how PSU overcame "all that" and has actually thrived since all that BS was lobbed at them. When SMU fans look at the current Nittany Lions they must be shaking their heads saying, how the hell did they do that???

Perspective. Enjoy the team. We are blessed to have them and have them coached by James Franklin.
Not going to lie. I hate this... PSU better not slip up again this year. No reason they shouldn't blow Memphis out... Absolutely cannot lose this one...
Not going to lie. I hate this... PSU better not slip up again this year. No reason they shouldn't blow Memphis out... Absolutely cannot lose this one...

The Kentucky loss still sticks in my craw. Hard to get the kids up against a meaningful opponent let alone a Memphis. Lose it and it will hurt recruiting.
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Only way to get 3 B10 teams in CFP+NY6 was to send UW to Rose.
Sucks, but that's they way it goes.

Are you suggesting Jim Mulaney intervened?

PS- if I didn't get his name right it's because he's not important enough for me to get right.