FC: Official - it's Cotton Bowl vs. Memphis.

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
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I don’t think you believe half of what you post. You know we’re playing this year’s Memphis team right? A team that’s ranked 17th and should be 16th ahead of Iowa. A team that’s better than any team in the ACC not named Clemson. This is a top 20 team (not a top 20 program, but who cares)? And if they were on our schedule they would certainly generate more of a buzz than Buffalo. Buffalo has one 10 win season in the last six years and a total of 35 wins whereas Memphis has three 10 win seasons and 57 wins in a better conference. If you can’t see a difference between the two teams especially over the past five or six years then you’re too stupid to be posting on a message board.
Name calling is the key sign that you have lost the argument.

Neither program is worth discussing. Neither have a history, any signature wins, or have done anything noteworthy in College football - EVER. Memphis is certainly no powerhouse and is no where near Iowa as a program or a team. They both play in nothing conferences. Memphis would be a below middling team in the Big10 - heck even in the ACC. They have played no one and have virtually no fan base or following (around the level of Pitt). Both Buffalo and Memphis played Temple this year. Buffalo beat Temple by three scores and Memphis lost to Temple.

Memphis would generate zero buzz in our regular season schedule. Instead, like Buffalo, it would generate derision of how we could we schedule such cupcakes.

Yet this is our reward for a season where, If pass interference was called like it is in any other game not involving Penn State and referines , Penn State would likely be in the CFP? What would punishment look like?

Please Mr. Delany, may we have another!

Be prepared to be disappointed.
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Name calling is the key sign that you have lost the argument.

Neither program is worth discussing. Neither have a history, any signature wins, or have done anything noteworthy in College football - EVER. Memphis is certainly no powerhouse and is no where near Iowa as a program or a team. They both play in nothing conferences. Memphis would be a below middling team in the Big10 - heck even in the ACC. They have played no one and have virtually no fan base or following (around the level of Pitt). Both Buffalo and Memphis played Temple this year. Buffalo beat Temple by three scores and Memphis lost to Temple.

Memphis would generate zero buzz in our regular season schedule. Instead, like Buffalo, it would generate derision of how we could we schedule such cupcakes.

Yet this is our reward for a season where, If pass interference was called like it is in any other game not involving Penn State and referines , Penn State would likely be in the CFP? What would punishment look like?

Please Mr. Delany, may we have another!

Be prepared to be disappointed.

I think you have a legit gripe. That said, we still have to play this game. The players aren’t going to not play. Franklin isn’t going to stage a protest. To that end, what is your solution? Have Sandy send a sternly worded letter to Delaney? Have Barron make an Instagram story about our hurt feelings? The playoff committee needs to better define how they arrive at their rankings for sure - they move the goalposts to fit their agenda. Just hope they move to a conference championship auto-bid system then half the guess work is removed.
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Exactly. Had Penn State won at Minnesota, the committee would have put Oklahoma in just because they had a conference title. They may even have kept Georgia ahead of Penn State, ignoring that their loss was against a weak South Carolina team, and used the very scientific “eye test” criteria.
Exactly. Had Penn State won at Minnesota, the committee would have put Oklahoma in just because they had a conference title. They may even have kept Georgia ahead of Penn State, ignoring that their loss was against a weak South Carolina team, and used the very scientific “eye test” criteria.

Not sure I agree. Prior to Minnesota, the committee loved PSU and had them at 4. They win that, beat Indiana and then a lone solo loss to Ohio State probably keeps them right at 4.
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I think you have a legit gripe. That said, we still have to play this game. The players aren’t going to not play. Franklin isn’t going to stage a protest. To that end, what is your solution? Have Sandy send a sternly worded letter to Delaney? Have Barron make an Instagram story about our hurt feelings? The playoff committee needs to better define how they arrive at their rankings for sure - they move the goalposts to fit their agenda. Just hope they move to a conference championship auto-bid system then half the guess work is removed.
Yeah, I hear you - there is no short term “solution” to the latest BS we have been dealt. Penn State will play Memphis and we will either win (in which case people will say, big whoop) or we will lose (and Penn State will be further embarrassed). In both cases, the program takes a step back - either a small one or a big one. My long term hope is that people can start insisting - via a variety of methods - that our university leaders start pushing back on the horrible treatment we get from the Big10 conference and/or start putting Penn State’s interests first. Wishful thinking with our current leaders.
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In both cases, the program takes a step back -

We win game #11, for the third time in four years, in a NY6 bowl and we "take a step back"?


I guess you can't tell about momentum, always. Hire an OC who provides an excitement bump, and my guess is we'll be in pretty good shape. I think we'll be in most preseason Top 10 polls with the amount we have coming back. I guess there are glass half full types who always imagine the worst.
Name calling is the key sign that you have lost the argument.

Neither program is worth discussing. Neither have a history, any signature wins, or have done anything noteworthy in College football - EVER. Memphis is certainly no powerhouse and is no where near Iowa as a program or a team. They both play in nothing conferences. Memphis would be a below middling team in the Big10 - heck even in the ACC. They have played no one and have virtually no fan base or following (around the level of Pitt). Both Buffalo and Memphis played Temple this year. Buffalo beat Temple by three scores and Memphis lost to Temple.

Memphis would generate zero buzz in our regular season schedule. Instead, like Buffalo, it would generate derision of how we could we schedule such cupcakes.

Yet this is our reward for a season where, If pass interference was called like it is in any other game not involving Penn State and referines , Penn State would likely be in the CFP? What would punishment look like?

Please Mr. Delany, may we have another!

Be prepared to be disappointed.
There’s no way I could lose this argument with you whether I name call or not because your argument is just plain dumb. You said Memphis has done nothing noteworthy ever...three double digit win seasons in six years is noteworthy....and being a G5 team that makes a NY6 bowl is noteworthy...end of story you lose. And they would not be a middling Big 10 team this year...they would be a top 6 or 7 team in the conference. And you say they would be a middling team in the ACC...wrong again, you lose. Clemson is better and that’s it. The only other ACC team that made a bowl on the level of Memphis is VA and they have four losses and suck.
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There’s no way I could lose this argument with you whether I name call or not because your argument is just plain dumb. You said Memphis has done nothing noteworthy ever...three double digit win seasons in six years is noteworthy....and being a G5 team that makes a NY6 bowl is noteworthy...end of story you lose. And they would not be a middling Big 10 team this year...they would be a top 6 or 7 team in the conference. And you say they would be a middling team in the ACC...wrong again, you lose. Clemson is better and that’s it. The only other ACC team that made a bowl on the level of Memphis is VA and they have four losses and suck.

Yeah, but our players are disappointed.
This thread is actually sort of boring now that I have a particular poster on ignore. However, I still don't want to read his BS, even though it is entertaining.
Yeah, I hear you - there is no short term “solution” to the latest BS we have been dealt. Penn State will play Memphis and we will either win (in which case people will say, big whoop) or we will lose (and Penn State will be further embarrassed). In both cases, the program takes a step back - either a small one or a big one. My long term hope is that people can start insisting - via a variety of methods - that our university leaders start pushing back on the horrible treatment we get from the Big10 conference and/or start putting Penn State’s interests first. Wishful thinking with our current leaders.

How does the program take a step back if we win?

Do you even realize that the the last two P5 teams that beat a G5 team in a NY6 bowl went undefeated the following regular season?
It is a NY6 Bowl.....had everyone not gotten Rose Colored Glasses in November, people would all be pumped for this game. I can't tell those of you that have never been there before how nice this stadium is.

I think most people are mad because it isn't at a beach and it is a G5 opponent. G5 will knock your head off if you don't get ready for them.
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It is a NY6 Bowl.....had everyone not gotten Rose Colored Glasses in November, people would all be pumped for this game. I can't tell those of you that have never been there before how nice this stadium is.

I think most people are mad because it isn't at a beach and it is a G5 opponent. G5 will knock your head off if you don't get ready for them.

I think some disappointment is fair, especially since the team going ahead of us has an additional loss, but at a certain point you have to move on. IMO, the CFPs justification for ranking Wisconsin higher than us is a bigger slap in the face than the RB selecting them (since as I understand it the two ideas are not necessarily related). Again - the bowl isn’t the issue as much as the opponent is.
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I think you have a legit gripe. That said, we still have to play this game. The players aren’t going to not play. Franklin isn’t going to stage a protest. To that end, what is your solution? Have Sandy send a sternly worded letter to Delaney? Have Barron make an Instagram story about our hurt feelings? The playoff committee needs to better define how they arrive at their rankings for sure - they move the goalposts to fit their agenda. Just hope they move to a conference championship auto-bid system then half the guess work is removed.
depends on what you mean by "players aren't going to not play." Are you meaning they won't travel to the bowl game or that you mean they will be there but show little interest like last season against KY?

In my mind, it is our own fault for messing up an easily winnable game against MN. Having said that, it is a crappy bowl with an even crappier opponent in terms of brand improvement. The AL MI game is a far, far better game even though MI is in the same league with a worse record. If MI loses to AL in the last minute, that will be a better brand lift than if we beat memphis by 11 (or worse).
It is a NY6 Bowl.....had everyone not gotten Rose Colored Glasses in November, people would all be pumped for this game. I can't tell those of you that have never been there before how nice this stadium is.

I think most people are mad because it isn't at a beach and it is a G5 opponent. G5 will knock your head off if you don't get ready for them.
It is not the bowl, the name, the city, the food or the is playing a non marque opponent for the second year in a row.
depends on what you mean by "players aren't going to not play." Are you meaning they won't travel to the bowl game or that you mean they will be there but show little interest like last season against KY?

In my mind, it is our own fault for messing up an easily winnable game against MN. Having said that, it is a crappy bowl with an even crappier opponent in terms of brand improvement. The AL MI game is a far, far better game even though MI is in the same league with a worse record. If MI loses to AL in the last minute, that will be a better brand lift than if we beat memphis by 11 (or worse).

Our bowl is still better. Agree about opponents.
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depends on what you mean by "players aren't going to not play." Are you meaning they won't travel to the bowl game or that you mean they will be there but show little interest like last season against KY?

In my mind, it is our own fault for messing up an easily winnable game against MN. Having said that, it is a crappy bowl with an even crappier opponent in terms of brand improvement. The AL MI game is a far, far better game even though MI is in the same league with a worse record. If MI loses to AL in the last minute, that will be a better brand lift than if we beat memphis by 11 (or worse).

Mostly that they’re not going to just sit on their hands when the whistle blows. I’ve heard this locker room is really, really solid - guys like Parsons and Wade don’t strike me as guys who resign themselves to not trying very hard if they don’t like an opponent. Better to wipe the floor with them and move on.
Mostly that they’re not going to just sit on their hands when the whistle blows. I’ve heard this locker room is really, really solid - guys like Parsons and Wade don’t strike me as guys who resign themselves to not trying very hard if they don’t like an opponent. Better to wipe the floor with them and move on.
I am hopeful we learned our lesson about phoning the effort in last year. But we also had a very good leader in McSorely last year and that didn't seem to help. Evan at that, if we win 52-7 nobody will give us credit. A classic "no-win" situation.
I am hopeful we learned our lesson about phoning the effort in last year. But we also had a very good leader in McSorely last year and that didn't seem to help. Evan at that, if we win 52-7 nobody will give us credit. A classic "no-win" situation.

It’s ‘no win’ in many respects, but ‘must win’ in others. Classic Orwellian doublethink. Win and don’t worry about it. The win counts.
There’s no way I could lose this argument with you whether I name call or not because your argument is just plain dumb. You said Memphis has done nothing noteworthy ever...three double digit win seasons in six years is noteworthy....and being a G5 team that makes a NY6 bowl is noteworthy...end of story you lose. And they would not be a middling Big 10 team this year...they would be a top 6 or 7 team in the conference. And you say they would be a middling team in the ACC...wrong again, you lose. Clemson is better and that’s it. The only other ACC team that made a bowl on the level of Memphis is VA and they have four losses and suck.
Memphis plays absolutely no one. Top 6 or 7 team in Big10 is by definition “middling.” If Memphis played in the Big10, they would be a 7-5 team - give or take a game. As for ACC, Temple beat them and I am guessing that a few ACC teams could beat Temple. In addition to Clemson, Virginia, Virginia Tech, and likely several other ACC teams would be favored against Memphis. So Memphis is maybe an 8-4 team this year in ACC. They are virtually an unknown commodity in an unknown conference in college football.

Compare Memphis with some of the match-ups our lesser Big10 brethren have: Oregon and Auburn both would be heavy favorites. And I shudder to think what Alabama would do to Memphis. Medical vehicles had better be parked nearby. The scoreboard might need three digits.

If it makes you feel better to make Memphis out to be a Clemson-sequel team, go for it. But any student of college football knows that their record is propped up by playing no ones. Penn State will get zero credit for beating them (that’s if we decide to mentally show up and play). Want further evidence, Cotton Bowl tickets are and will be practically given away. I think someone quoted $13.25 on some resell site. Pathetic!

And the Big10 brass will laugh their a$$ off at Penn State again while their privileged teams get real match-ups against noteworthy teams and programs. And all the while with their hands in our pocket for our Cotton Bowl payout while still sitting on our bowl money obtained under false pretenses just a few short years ago. Conference patsy - kick us again please!
I am kind of sad on this....I always thought the people made Penn State, not the team. All of a sudden we have 3 or 4 good years and everyone seems "to good" to play Memphis. Arizona, Florida State, Wiscy, Auburn, and LSU have all had their NY6 bowls against G5 Teams since 2014.

Who cares who we play. If we are lucky, we get 13 or 14 days a year to watch the team. Only 3.8% of an entire year. One last time, no matter who they play, to see Gonzo, YGM, Cam, Jan, and Reid.

We would all be better if we remembered this is about this entire group, Nittany nation,not about you as an individual.
It’s ‘no win’ in many respects, but ‘must win’ in others. Classic Orwellian doublethink. Win and don’t worry about it. The win counts.

who is it a no win situation for? You think the players won't celebrate on the field with the trophy after winning this game?
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who is it a no win situation for? You think the players won't celebrate on the field with the trophy after winning this game?

Talking heads, journalists, etc. People whose opinions shouldn’t matter but do. Losing hurts more here than in other games because of the opponent. No one cares if they’re any good - they’re still Memphis.
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Memphis plays absolutely no one. Top 6 or 7 team in Big10 is by definition “middling.” If Memphis played in the Big10, they would be a 7-5 team - give or take a game. As for ACC, Temple beat them and I am guessing that a few ACC teams could beat Temple. In addition to Clemson, Virginia, Virginia Tech, and likely several other ACC teams would be favored against Memphis. So Memphis is maybe an 8-4 team this year in ACC. They are virtually an unknown commodity in an unknown conference in college football.

Compare Memphis with some of the match-ups our lesser Big10 brethren have: Oregon and Auburn both would be heavy favorites. And I shudder to think what Alabama would do to Memphis. Medical vehicles had better be parked nearby. The scoreboard might need three digits.

If it makes you feel better to make Memphis out to be a Clemson-sequel team, go for it. But any student of college football knows that their record is propped up by playing no ones. Penn State will get zero credit for beating them (that’s if we decide to mentally show up and play). Want further evidence, Cotton Bowl tickets are and will be practically given away. I think someone quoted $13.25 on some resell site. Pathetic!

And the Big10 brass will laugh there a$$ off at Penn State again while their privileged teams get real match-ups against noteworthy teams and programs. And all the while with their hands in our pocket for our Cotton Bowl payout while still sitting on our bowl money obtained under false pretenses just a few short years ago. Conference patsy - kick us again please!

Is Wiscy notewrothy? If so the big bad Big Ten made them play the G5 team 3 or 4 years ago.
who is it a no win situation for? You think the players won't celebrate on the field with the trophy after winning this game?
well, if it were just about 'the players' there wouldn't be a bowl, TV or tons of money involved. last season, they apparently didn't value celebrating a bowl victory against KY.
If MI loses to AL in the last minute, that will be a better brand lift than if we beat memphis by 11

Still bitching about the bowl game. Didn't Theo Johnson pick PSU over Michigan after the bowl announcements? How is that possible after all the damage that occurred to our "brand" after being selected to the lowly, NY6 Cotton Bowl?
then don't shocks me how much time people that hate penn state football spend on a penn state football message board.
maybe we should just give them crowns and participation medals?

its a competition. A lot of the competition is based on whom you play. Sorry, I feel much less excited when we play Ga.St. then Michigan or Iowa. We are playing Memphis who is clearly NOT a Power Five Power in addition to not having a head coach.

There is more complexity than "I am so excited that I think I am going to orgasm" and "I am so bored that I am going to kill ourselves". It is OK that people are different and have different opinions.
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Stop the madness. What is wrong with you people?! It's like you have the emotional/intellectual maturity of prepubescent kids. For some people, they (wanting expanded playoffs and "watch[ing] your favorite team in a bowl game") have nothing to do with each other. That may be you. Congrats. You get to have that opinion. I'm not going to attack you for not being the correct kind of fan, or not being a fan at all (as I'm being attacked here).

For me, they DO have something to do with each other, as I've explained. It's a different way of thinking.

I haven't criticized anyone's way of thinking, in terms of their opinions on the merits of this bowl, PSU's opponent, the playoff system, the bowl system, or anything substantive ... yet you kids think it's cool to sit here judging the quality of someone's fandom, simply because they think differently, and I've been criticized about my way of thinking. Why are you guys so insecure? Accept that people think differently than you do. Grow up.

Oh, and I watched the Idaho game ... it was a relevant game ... we were still in the hunt for a playoff game (obviously), or to otherwise have a great season. The outcome was basically predetermined, but it was an early season game to watch who was going to play, and get a feeling for how they may play the rest of the year.

You are so full of yourself, you must weigh two frickin' TONS!!! GFY and find another team to root for! Pitt needs fans (but you don't show up for games and that is what they need)!!!
then don't shocks me how much time people that hate penn state football spend on a penn state football message board.
Don’t judge people as “haters” of Penn State Football just because a lot of us don’t swallow hook, line, and sinker all the BS sent our way by the Big10. Some of us skipped the first day of Buck Season to go to Beaver Stadium and stand the entire game in the freezing cold and watch an horrendous effort against the worst Power 5 team in CF (Rutgers). And we were still standing and singing the alma mater at the end of the game to celebrate the victory.
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Name calling is the key sign that you have lost the argument.

Neither program is worth discussing. Neither have a history, any signature wins, or have done anything noteworthy in College football - EVER. Memphis is certainly no powerhouse and is no where near Iowa as a program or a team. They both play in nothing conferences. Memphis would be a below middling team in the Big10 - heck even in the ACC. They have played no one and have virtually no fan base or following (around the level of Pitt). Both Buffalo and Memphis played Temple this year. Buffalo beat Temple by three scores and Memphis lost to Temple.

Mac, you've made the same point over...and over.

Listen, we know the Big-10 sucks in terms of the treatment Penn State has gotten.

But it is what it is, and none of it will be better if we lose to Memphis.

Memphis is an excellent team. The Cotton Bowl is a select game in the system we have. Winning it is very important. An 11-win year would be fantastic. A top-10 final ranking would be great.

All this seems clear and beyond dispute.
Mac, you've made the same point over...and over.

Listen, we know the Big-10 sucks in terms of the treatment Penn State has gotten.

But it is what it is, and none of it will be better if we lose to Memphis.

Memphis is an excellent team. The Cotton Bowl is a select game in the system we have. Winning it is very important. An 11-win year would be fantastic. A top-10 final ranking would be great.

All this seems clear and beyond dispute.
I'd like to define "Memphis is an excellent team." My question is "for what?" They've had a fine 2019 for their program. I don't believe they've played a single team who was ranked higher than them. They lost to Temple. My point is that a win over memphis doesn't elevate our program. Indeed it is expected. Memphis is ranked #17. A NYD6 games leads one to believe that they are going to play within a group of teams ranked 5 ~ 10. That means Georgia, Oregon, Baylor, Wisconsin, Florida and PSU. Not only are we NOT playing one of those premium teams, we are also not playing 11 - 16; Utah, Auburn, Alabama, Michigan, ND, or Iowa.

Of the other NYD6 teams, we are playing (by far and away) the worst team possible.
I guess I should apologize for being different. I could care less who they are playing....even if I wasn't I said before I have 13 or 14 days a year that each and every one of them is like XMas to us. Doesn't matter if it is Idaho or Ohio State.