what say you?
Forget about pace of play rules in baseball, how about adding more excitement?
Apparently the MLB is kicking around ideas to completely change the way the ninth inning is played.
Rich Eisen, on his radio show Wednesday, said an MLB executive told him of an idea about allowing the manager of the trailing team to bat whomever he chooses in the ninth inning in an effort to ramp up more excitement.
“Baseball is the only sport by mere randomness and happenstance, the best players are not out on the field with the game on the line,” Eisen said. “Potentially down by two, ninth inning, you got 7-8-9 up. You can pinch-hit but sometimes your best hitters are not coming off the bench. In the ninth inning, the ninth inning only. Not eighth inning, not the seventh, not extras -- ninth inning only, you are allowed to send up to the plate as your first three hitters whoever you want. … If 3-4-5 hitter goes out in order in the eighth inning, ninth inning the manager sends 3-4-5 right back out there.”
Eisen prefaced the idea by saying this rule is being “whispered” and that he does not know how close it is to being realistic. He also added that there are other wrinkles that would need to be ironed out in order to implement this rule, such as where things would pick up should the game go into extra innings.
It also seems to penalize the team with the lead for simply having a lead.
One of Eisen’s producers pointed that out and used the argument that if the other team has a no-hitter or perfect game going you are “penalized for having such a great performance through eight innings by having to get out the 1-2-3 or 2-3-4 or whatever. That’s preposterous.”
Eisen said the crux of the argument is to get the best players on the field with the game on the line and read a message off his phone from an MLB executive.
“Best argument is that no other sport has its best players sitting on the bench in the final minutes of the game,” he said. “Imagine LeBron, Tom Brady, or Sidney Crosby or Ronaldo watching on the sideline.”
Most of MLB’s focus has been on trying to make the game faster by changing rules for pace of play.
Last year they eliminated throwing the four pitches for an intentional walk and earlier this week added a limit to the amount of mound visits permitted throughout the game as well as cutting down the time between innings and pitching changes.