fc ot okay guys Julie Bowen is available.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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She is totes totes adorbs......

Her show with Sophia Vergara reminds me of the old Ginger/Mary Ann conundrum from Gilligan's Island. One is super hot, but high maintenance. The other is less hot, but probably lower maintenance.

I normally go for brown eyed brunettes, but in the case of Sophia/Julie, I will go with....

Julie Bowen. FTW.
I was completely head over heels for her when she was the cute sidekick and star crossed love interested to the main character of the TV show ED from the early 2000's. She was to me then, what Elizabeth Shue was to me in the late 80's and early 90's.


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I was completely head over heels for her when she was the cute sidekick and star crossed love interested to the main character of the TV show ED from the early 2000's. She was to me then, what Elizabeth Shue was to me in the late 80's and early 90's.


I agree. Two of the most beautiful women. Bowen Went to Brown, Shue went to Harvard. They are brilliant and stunning. Someone wrote that Julie is a little thin, but that is the world she has to operate in.
When she is mine.... we’ll eat burgers together.
That must be it then since haven’t looked at this site on anything other than my phone in a LONG time.

Player, on my i6, I have to turn my phone to the side - landscape - and then I am able to see Ro's sigs. If I look at them holding my phone the traditional way, I do not see the sig pics.
Give it a try. I really truly hope you can get the one currently up. Could be in his top 3 all time IMO.

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Player, on my i6, I have to turn my phone to the side - landscape - and then I am able to see Ro's sigs. If I look at them holding my phone the traditional way, I do not see the sig pics.
Give it a try. I really truly hope you can get the one currently up. Could be in his top 3 all time IMO.

[sigh]. Alas, landscaping the screen doesn’t work. Too bad because while perusing RO’s typical stuff, I’m quite used to quick wrist adjustments (one hand at a time mind you). :cool:
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