Ferentz complains about Referines (link)

When stuff like that happens, maybe the opposing coach just should pull the plug and take his team off of the field to make a point. Nothing is going to change as long you play the lamb being led to the slaughter. I often thought that Paterno should have done that when it was really bad in the early 2000s.

Considering Ferentz's tenure as a Big 10 head coach and the fact that the calls in that game were so egregious regarding his team, maybe he should have pulled his team instead of playing along with this garbage. I know that that's unrealistic, so it's probably never going to change.
Any coach that does so will be immediately fired. No matter who it is.

So some coach that has decided to retire would be the only one to do so. Would be an incredible way to end a career and would make said coach a legend for his fan base that would last for decades.