Yeah, I was wondering about Thorn. Guessing CP has intel that he's going 149? But would Short go 157? I got a lot to learn about Minny's 2016 lineup.
I dug CP's written defense of Gulibon at 1: "essentially Jimmy was a better guy at a better weight than these guys were. Mayes best wins all year were over Dean Heil, Mecate and Dziewa. Fine wins, but compared to Jimmy's over Clark, Beckman (twice), Taylor, Bruno, Richards and JDJ." Until you see them all lined up next to each other you kind of forget how many big wins he had.
Some other 141 thoughts I had:
- I know Abidin's got one more year, but
what happened to Hayden Tuma, no longer on Nebby's roster (
- this thing is pretty wide open. If Dean Heil, Kevin Jack & Chris Mecate, heck, even Ashnault, can't follow up their great 2015 tourneys, the youngsters are gonna knock em off the podium.
- McKenna, Bannister, now Chishko, Zacherl at Clarion, Zac Hall at Michigan (I'm listening to bloodround & am going with him beating out George Fisher) and definitely Thorn if he ends up here, are all gonna make real noise this year.
- this is also stacked with grizzled vets who will challenge in their last go-round: Abidin, Horan & Durso, Lock Haven's Dan Neff is coming back down.
- CP's got Joey Ward ranked here, so guessing he has intel that Evan Henderson will go 149?
Gonna be a VERY interesting weight. And, like Flo, I'm really diggin our chances by sending Gulibon out into it. Can't wait to see how big he looks!