Franklin statement on current events...

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It is so sad that we are such a divided nation right now. Half sees things broken and tries to fix them. And half sees things broken and tries to break more things. Does anyone understand why?

I am confused which side is which. Not sure both sides who are protesting don't actually agree with each other.
They are both anti-government and both anti-authority. two sides of the same coin
PSU is blessed to have James Franklin. Everyone wants to win games. James wins more than his share. But like JVP, he sees the big picture.

So what you’re saying is his in-game coaching is most important. Got it.

WIN. :eek:
And who would have thought comments by Coach Franklin would get moved to the cesspool board, where over half of the enlightened wallow with our friend from deadwood, "with the pigs"
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What a great statement. Franklin really gets it. I am sure the moderator who has a bug up his ass and takes my posts down will erase this one too, but I am very optimistic for the future of this country. I had a Zoom interview with a bunch of HS seniors the other night and they really impressed me with their insight. Their comments were both thoughtful and thought provoking. I think they see through the attempts to divide them and really see one another as human beings and not simply classes or groups to stereotype and unduly judge. We talked a lot about listening and not applying unconscious bias. It made me feel a lot better about things after taking a class at Penn State this fall. Those kid were self-absorbed douches and the professors. Ugh. Maybe we need less kids going to college and more of them taking blue collar jobs?
What a great statement. Franklin really gets it. I am sure the moderator who has a bug up his ass and takes my posts down will erase this one too, but I am very optimistic for the future of this country. I had a Zoom interview with a bunch of HS seniors the other night and they really impressed me with their insight. Their comments were both thoughtful and thought provoking. I think they see through the attempts to divide them and really see one another as human beings and not simply classes or groups to stereotype and unduly judge. We talked a lot about listening and not applying unconscious bias. It made me feel a lot better about things after taking a class at Penn State this fall. Those kid were self-absorbed douches and the professors. Ugh. Maybe we need less kids going to college and more of them taking blue collar jobs?
Thanks, Todd. Have a good evening.
It is so sad that we are such a divided nation right now. Half sees things broken and tries to fix them. And half sees things broken and tries to break more things. Does anyone understand why?
I don’t think we’re such a divided country. I think the vast majority see what happened to George Floyd and see injustice. I think the vast majority see thieves looting as having nothing to do with George Floyd. The vast majority. Yet the fools on each end of the spectrum make the news and get the attention and the media feeds into it because it makes us watch. In my everyday life, I don’t find us to be so divided.
I don’t think we’re such a divided country. I think the vast majority see what happened to George Floyd and see injustice. I think the vast majority see thieves looting as having nothing to do with George Floyd. The vast majority. Yet the fools on each end of the spectrum make the news and get the attention and the media feeds into it because it makes us watch. In my everyday life, I don’t find us to be so divided.

Agreed. My fear, though, is that those opposite ends of the spectrum are widening as people retreat into their own echo chambers and self-select information (and even friends) based on their views.

But when it comes right down to it, our problems aren't problems that can't be solved.

I do wish we all would exercise more empathy. If you're white and you don't quite understand why black people are so emotional about such an event, that's fine. But try to adopt their perspective for a moment. And if you're a city liberal who can't understand why rural conservatives feel left behind? Try out their perspective for a bit.

Doesn't mean you have to agree with it. But make an attempt to understand it.

That doesn't seem to be happening much these days.
I don’t think we’re such a divided country. I think the vast majority see what happened to George Floyd and see injustice. I think the vast majority see thieves looting as having nothing to do with George Floyd. The vast majority. Yet the fools on each end of the spectrum make the news and get the attention and the media feeds into it because it makes us watch. In my everyday life, I don’t find us to be so divided.
Hey man...from my view, we are pretty divided. But perhaps to your point, not divided on what’s right or wrong. But definitely divided where if injustices don’t impact you, injustices become an afterthought. Those without injustices can’t And frankly make little attempt to understand why someone may feel oppressed. You know...don’t kneel during the anthem but at the same time don’t care to learn why someone would kneel. Then if there is rioting, “don’t riot And destroy personal property or be violent”.

Or to put it closer to home, “Lamont should stick to football and worry about the slot receiver blowing by him, stay off Twitter “.

SO, I do believe there is a divide.
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Who has their knee on the neck of the statue of liberty, whose knee is on the football field, whose knee is on a black man's neck. And what are the differences. And what is "taking a knee". Those are the questions Coach is asking.
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If you’re talking to me, I was referring to people kneeling for the national anthem.
Yes I am talking to you. You asked if I know how offensive it was. I asked you if you know how offensive it is for you to dismiss or try not to understand why someone would kneel during the anthem. Also, how offensive it is to try to tell someone how to protest. Protesting is not supposed to make people comfortable. So you object to kneeling during the anthem and you object to protesting in the streets. Please take the time right now to tell people what type of protest would make you comfortable. Also, please provide how offended you are with how the Minneapolis cop killed an American. Please discuss how this offends you. I seemed to miss that during your rant on kneeling for the anthem.
If your talking to me; I have never condemned anyone for kneeling or what for. Unless it results in the death of someone or something I hold dear. That's where this .... nevermind youngun
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Yes I am talking to you. You asked if I know how offensive it was. I asked you if you know how offensive it is for you to dismiss or try not to understand why someone would kneel during the anthem. Also, how offensive it is to try to tell someone how to protest. Protesting is not supposed to make people comfortable. So you object to kneeling during the anthem and you object to protesting in the streets. Please take the time right now to tell people what type of protest would make you comfortable. Also, please provide how offended you are with how the Minneapolis cop killed an American. Please discuss how this offends you. I seemed to miss that during your rant on kneeling for the anthem.
I never said anything against anyone kneeling or protesting....I asked if the people kneeling ever took the time to learn why people found it offensive...that’s the same as you asking if people took the time to learn why they were kneeling. Shouldn’t we all learn about the other side of every discussion? And I never said protesting was wrong, I said looting and rioting are wrong. Do you find those as acceptable means of protest? Because if you do you’re an idiot.

And lastly, I am offended as is the whole country by what the police officer in MN did...I have not seen one person anywhere try to defend what he did. I have, however, seen people defend the looting and rioting, which is equally abhorrent.
PSU is blessed to have James Franklin. Everyone wants to win games. James wins more than his share. But like JVP, he sees the big picture.
Amen buddy. In CJF we have a winner. And I will take that kind of winner every day of the week.
I never said anything against anyone kneeling or protesting....I asked if the people kneeling ever took the time to learn why people found it offensive...that’s the same as you asking if people took the time to learn why they were kneeling. Shouldn’t we all learn about the other side of every discussion? And I never said protesting was wrong, I said looting and rioting are wrong. Do you find those as acceptable means of protest? Because if you do you’re an idiot.

And lastly, I am offended as is the whole country by what the police officer in MN did...I have not seen one person anywhere try to defend what he did. I have, however, seen people defend the looting and rioting, which is equally abhorrent.
So here’s the divide I am talking about. You made no mention to my post regarding the why. You only commented on the protest (kneeling or rioting). It wasn’t until I specifically had to ask you your thoughts on the why you actually mentioned your thoughts. But your first instinct was to criticize the protest...because kneeling offended you. Let me be clear. Every game at beaver stadium me and my family stand for the anthem in section NB and sing our anthem. Just because I understand and support why someone would kneel doesn’t make me less patriotic and you more. (Another divide). It makes me realize that things are so effed up right now that someone would literally throw their livelihoods away to make a statement. Also, I don’t think anyone should loot. How about you comment that many of the rioters and looters I have seen ARE NOT The residents of these areas or the ones who are justifiably outraged.
I did not criticize the kneeling and it doesn’t offend me. It does offend some people. I just pointed out that your expectation of one group should also be an expectation of the other group if we want our society to not be divided. And I’m sure some of the rioters and looters aren’t from the area, but what did the mayor do, take a census? Of course the Minneapolis officials are going to point their fingers elsewhere....that doesn’t make it true. Bottom line is every time something like this happens in a city, that city gets burned down and looted. Then the media blames everyone other than the people that are doing the looting and rioting....gee, I wonder why the country is divided.
Hey man...from my view, we are pretty divided. But perhaps to your point, not divided on what’s right or wrong. But definitely divided where if injustices don’t impact you, injustices become an afterthought. Those without injustices can’t And frankly make little attempt to understand why someone may feel oppressed. You know...don’t kneel during the anthem but at the same time don’t care to learn why someone would kneel. Then if there is rioting, “don’t riot And destroy personal property or be violent”.

Or to put it closer to home, “Lamont should stick to football and worry about the slot receiver blowing by him, stay off Twitter “.

SO, I do believe there is a divide.
Well, sure there are different sides of things and different opinions on everything. In that sense, I believe their is a divide. And there are different life experiences that create different points of view. I just think the vast majority can generally see things for what they are with some disagreements on the details. I don’t know, I may not be right. It’s just my sense of things.
I did not criticize the kneeling and it doesn’t offend me. It does offend some people. I just pointed out that your expectation of one group should also be an expectation of the other group if we want our society to not be divided. And I’m sure some of the rioters and looters aren’t from the area, but what did the mayor do, take a census? Of course the Minneapolis officials are going to point their fingers elsewhere....that doesn’t make it true. Bottom line is every time something like this happens in a city, that city gets burned down and looted. Then the media blames everyone other than the people that are doing the looting and rioting....gee, I wonder why the country is divided.
In large part because people like you need to open up their minds to two facts 1) the black community in this country are not being heard and are getting increasingly desperate, and 2) there live under a different law enforcement and judicial system than you and me and it ain’t right.
In large part because people like you need to open up their minds to two facts 1) the black community in this country are not being heard and are getting increasingly desperate, and 2) there live under a different law enforcement and judicial system than you and me and it ain’t right.
Whatever you say....I’m not going to debate you because it will just get deleted by the mods anyway. Maybe they’re not being heard because they’re going about it the wrong way....MLK is rolling over in his grave right now.
Anyone see Walnut Street in Philly? It looks totally destroyed tonight.
I don’t think we’re such a divided country. I think the vast majority see what happened to George Floyd and see injustice. I think the vast majority see thieves looting as having nothing to do with George Floyd. The vast majority. Yet the fools on each end of the spectrum make the news and get the attention and the media feeds into it because it makes us watch. In my everyday life, I don’t find us to be so divided.
Great observation and post. I agree 100%. All the attention is on the far right and the far left, but the vast majority of our nation identifies as neither.
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Great observation and post. I agree 100%. All the attention is on the far right and the far left, but the vast majority of our nation identifies as neither.

And I'd go as far as to say the people involved with these things over the past few weeks are not even "far left or far right". They are simply terrible human beings, "far right and far left" does not have to have anything to do with being a terrible person ... how about you are a terrible person because you are a terrible person.

> It reminds me of an old Chris Rock bit in which he talks about "just fu*#ing crazy". Chris Rock has this bit where he says how we all want to call people certain names, but when he grew up we all just called that person "fu*#ing crazy... what happened to just plane old fu*#king crazy" .... Of coarse you have to imagine Chris Rock and his voice inflections.

But anyhow. Those two guys who killed the kid in GA, that horrible person who was hitting the old guy up in MI, this low life cop in MN.... IMO, I don't see political affiliations with these people. I don't see them as "far right or far left", I see them as criminal thugs who do not represent 99% of society. As Chris Rock would say "what about just horrible fu*#ing human beings".
I don’t think we’re such a divided country. I think the vast majority see what happened to George Floyd and see injustice. I think the vast majority see thieves looting as having nothing to do with George Floyd. The vast majority. Yet the fools on each end of the spectrum make the news and get the attention and the media feeds into it because it makes us watch. In my everyday life, I don’t find us to be so divided.
The media and some on both sides of the issue like to promote these issues to polarize and basically create news that's not really there. Sure there is racism and it rears its ugly head and it should be addressed, but this fuelling fires is wrong and not beneficial to anyone but the haters and clickbait media.
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Ubiquitous video ability has exposed the sad fact that there are more aberrant LEO's than most every suspected. Since moving to OH We've discovered a whole new level of aberrant LEO's. Bad attitudes, arrogance, etc. that leads to bad outcomes if not nipped in the bud. It's a given that there is a brotherhood within this community who cover for their fellow LEO's and have for all time. I despise it but it is there and active. It is extremely rare to have one LEO expose the bad behavior of another. Until this is corrected there will continue to be incidents. I recognize this correction is unlikely as the mentality is deep seated but it certainly can be improved or reduced. The light of day exposing video evidence is a great start, now prosecutions following with appropriate penalties would/will lead to a better situation all around. We will never eliminate bias, racism or hate but we can do far better. Let this horrific incident be the genesis of a new day where LEO's are the people of trust, authority and excellence we always hoped they would be. A tall order but we have to start the upswing somewhere, where better than today?
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Today, imo, policing should be treated like the military in that service should be of a limited time and not orientated toward a career of 20 years or more as in days past. Feel free to offer your own formula but here's mine off the top of my head; no more than 3 years in uniform in high crime areas. Finish those 3 years with 2 years in an administrative capacity or as a detective if aptitude is shown. At the end of 5 years, a prorated pension of sorts could be offered, similar to what our military receives (tuition assistance, health care?). Police career tracks for those wanting to continue more than 5 years would be available to some, but not in nose-to-nose, radio car policing. Also, pay cops enough to make a living. Moonlighting after working a tour of duty just adds additional stress to an already stressful situation.

PS: Does anyone know the backstory about both the involved cop and George Floyd working as security guards at a local strip club? What the heck??
And the peaceful protests were applauded like Kapernik’s? Looting and criminal offenses are awful but there is a portion of this nation that still is targeted and oppressed. It’s uncomfortable for some people to admit that but they are the first ones to preach about what is right and wrong. Idiots are taking this over for no good reason and I hope they are prosecuted as most of it is on tape.
I agree with your post, some segments of our society are targeted and oppressed. However, I believe that the real issues are much deeper than most people think with enough blame to go around on both sides.
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I'll pose a question- why should black people still have to try to be "heard"?
If they were given equal treatment they wouldn't have a particular need to be heard anymore than white people do.

It's amazing how far we haven't come since 1865.
Today, imo, policing should be treated like the military in that service should be of a limited time and not orientated toward a career of 20 years or more as in days past. Feel free to offer your own formula but here's mine off the top of my head; no more than 3 years in uniform in high crime areas. Finish those 3 years with 2 years in an administrative capacity or as a detective if aptitude is shown. At the end of 5 years, a prorated pension of sorts could be offered, similar to what our military receives (tuition assistance, health care?). Police career tracks for those wanting to continue more than 5 years would be available to some, but not in nose-to-nose, radio car policing. Also, pay cops enough to make a living. Moonlighting after working a tour of duty just adds additional stress to an already stressful situation.

PS: Does anyone know the backstory about both the involved cop and George Floyd working as security guards at a local strip club? What the heck??
IIRC from a brief article about the owner of the club. It was a large club. The cop worked the outside detail. George worked the inside detail. Seemed like ten or more bouncers inside. She was not sure if they knew each other, but it would be entirely possible given the operational set up.
I'll pose a question- why should black people still have to try to be "heard"?
If they were given equal treatment they wouldn't have a particular need to be heard anymore than white people do.

It's amazing how far we haven't come since 1865.
Define "equal treatment". No--I'm not joking, but let me explain.

One of the divides is "equal opportunity" vs "equal outcome". Both are forms of "equal treatment".The first is where everyone gets an equal chance. But some people will fail. Why? Everyone has different gifts and talents and some have more in some areas. And some people will fail big time. So some people get hurt. And some get rich.

But a lot of folks see "income inequity" (which is in itself a loaded term) and want equal outcome. That's been tried. And failed. Again, people are not equal in their abilities or efforts--so some folks wonder why they should work any harder (the old Russian joke: "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us"). Some decide "why work". And again, people get hurt. And again it doesn't work as planned. A group of people takes over. As noted socialist Orwell noted about these systems "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". And if equal outcome is the goal, why am I not a PSU football player?

For me, I prefer the former system--but with a reasonable safety net for the less fortunate. But, we're human. Which ever one you choose will be flawed.
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