Here’s a bold prediction I could see taking place in the not-so-distant future:It would cause a huge stir especially here in Pittsburgh where we remain their # 1 rival.
Pitt athletics have improved but are not on our level and the know that. Admit them and we open the door for improvement and legitimacy.
Nothing personal to their athletes but their fan base can piss off. I have no time for them. Pitt burned their bridge with Paterno and I have no sympathy whatsoever. Let them find their own way, PSU should not help and support them.
Disney has about $10B in liquid assets but $94B in debt. Let’s say they spin off ESPN and even ABC. Does the new owner of the “Worldwide Leader” have the cash or even wish to fulfill obligations for the contracts with the SEC, ACC, etc.? If not, the Big Ten suddenly has a huge financial advantage over the SEC.
In that case, would the SEC’s “elite” schools come to the table to form the speculated ‘super league?’ I can see a scenario where 24-30 schools form a Premier League-esque football conference while the other athletic programs return to regional conferences. For example, Penn State could play the likes of Alabama, Texas, and Notre Dame in football while playing Pitt, Syracuse, Villanova, and WVU in other sports.
It ensures everyone doesn’t get left behind while giving the biggest football programs what they desire: more money. No longer would they have to share it with the Rutgers (no offense, Al) and Vanderbilts of the world.