“No other need to freak out - I knew he was going to his back”
Watching that match never gets old
Watching that match never gets old
The big guy in the green shirt is the best. Ends up right before the pin with his arms folded and frowning. Just 4 seconds before he had been pumping his fistThat match will never leave my DVR. To watch the tOSU fans in the background all go from elation to utter dismay in one second is priceless!
Let’s get thisDefinitely one of the all time greatest finals matches ever. Anyone who was there that night will never forget it.
Can anyone post a video link that still works? The powers that be have taken most of them down.
I am so thankful that exchange happened so quickly. I didn't have time to comprehend how if Bo didn't execute that move perfectly, he's likely down 6-0 or even pinned. All I remember was Myles was in on Bo's leg and before I could blink, Bo was on top with the chin and I was just losing it. Looking at the (fantastic btw) video analysis above, it's insane to think about the amount of moving parts Bo had to consider to hit that move and how it wasn't there at first but he still found it (on his back)
For his personal and the team title, Bo had a choice, play it safe and concede the 2, escape and go down 2-1 or hit the ultimate funk move and take it all home ....
For Bo Nickal, it wasn't even a question and as he said "No need to freak out or anything ... I knew he was going to his back.
Slacker.12-13 seconds from start of MM shot to pin.