People on the spectrum do not simply will themselves into having better emotional control any more than one could will oneself into not having a broken leg.All this talk about spectrum this and spectrum that, I think does a disservice to the folks who clearly have "spectrum" related issues. If every guy that is a little hot headed, can throw down the gloves easier than you may, and doesn't take sh!t from people is on the spectrum....well we better get more Drs because millions of people are missing a diagnosis.
Online Drs like we have on the interwebs are just so silly by handing out labels to justify actions that are just wrong. You don't need to be on the "spectrum" to know that what ADs has in his carry on baggage is/was wrong. It also shouldn't help or excuse his actions past or future should he really be on the "spectrum".
Watch his video a couple matches ago where he clearly states he knows what he did is wrong and needs to get control of his emotions. Jeez not the first athlete to acknowledge that. Participation in a combat sport almost by definition means you run a little hotter than the average human, doesnt it?????
How about that is the diagnosis internet Drs....He just needs to control his emotions more no less...and we all move on.
This kid will have a career after wrestling and all this BS does him no favors. The sooner he and TnT get control of the situation the more distance he can put between that stuff and a meeting with a future employer where he has to explain it all.
It is an explanation, not a justification. It also has corollary implications, including that placing responsibility for managing the person in the hands of two coaches who all-too-frequently come across as cymbal-banging monkey toys is probably not a long term solution.